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Pak Army one of the best in world: Gen Norton


Apr 27, 2010
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ISLAMABAD(Online)-The Chief of Staff of the US Air Force General Norton A Schwartz has visited General Headquarters (GHQ) and called on COAS Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

Military sources told both of them exchanged views on matters of professional interest besides discussing to bolster close cooperation and forge contacts between the air force of the two countries.

Sources told Army chief thanked US Air Force for providing F-16 combat aircraft for enhancement of the capabilities of Pakistan Air Force.

Applauding Pakistan Armed Forces professional capabilities, Gen Norton said Pakistan Army was one of the best armies in the world and ‘we will further consolidate our relations and cooperation with Pakistan Armed Forces on the basis of strategic partnership’.

He also appreciated the sacrifices rendered by Pakistan Army in war against terrorism saying cooperation between both the countries which would be further enhanced in future.

Pak Army one of the best in world: Gen Norton | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Ofcourse they will recognize Pak Army one of the best because they gave so many sacrifices against evil powers within its territories and failed their plans........:pakistan::pdf:
Have you guys noticed that every guy thinks the world of his own country's army, his own kids but other guy's wives?

Thinking out aloud here.....sorry in advance.
Assalam-o-Alaikum-Warahmat-ULLAH ALL,

Looking for self-praise ? Is that what people in Pak Army are doing all day in this era/age ?

Our Army has a past that is filled with crimes and more crimes, and treason and more treason, against this nation, against millions of people of this nation, against many generations of people of this nation.

I do not see our Army as worthy of this praise. I see, I visualize they have a lot of work to do in order to earn what they have lost i.e., the trust/confidence of millions people of this nation, and by that token the trust, the confidence of over 1.6 billion Muslims of this world.

I am highly dissatisfied with our Army's role thus far. I am at a loss. I do not see our Army functioning as the Army of ALLAH ALMIGHTY, an Army that represents ALLAH ALMIGHTY's will, ALLAH ALMIGHTY's word.

I see them disobeying the will, the word of ALLAH ALMIGHTY. If this is how Army wants to function, I will not to even call them our! Army.

We! are Muslims!. We LIVE and DIE!! for ALLAH ALMIGHTY's will, ALLAH ALMIGHTY's word, without! asking for anything in return, other than ALLAH ALMIGHTY's "Razaa".

P.S. That doesn't mean people in Army will be denied what is theirs to have, as per standards of justice of Islam.
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ISLAMABAD(Online)-The Chief of Staff of the US Air Force General Norton A Schwartz has visited General Headquarters (GHQ) and called on COAS Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

Military sources told both of them exchanged views on matters of professional interest besides discussing to bolster close cooperation and forge contacts between the air force of the two countries.

Sources told Army chief thanked US Air Force for providing F-16 combat aircraft for enhancement of the capabilities of Pakistan Air Force.

Applauding Pakistan Armed Forces professional capabilities, Gen Norton said Pakistan Army was one of the best armies in the world and ‘we will further consolidate our relations and cooperation with Pakistan Armed Forces on the basis of strategic partnership’.

He also appreciated the sacrifices rendered by Pakistan Army in war against terrorism saying cooperation between both the countries which would be further enhanced in future.

Pak Army one of the best in world: Gen Norton | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

It was one of the best army of the world!

Just wanted to make a point.
I am highly dissatisfied with our Army's role thus far. I am at a loss. I do not see our Army functioning as the Army of ALLAH ALMIGHTY, an Army that represents ALLAH ALMIGHTY's will, ALLAH ALMIGHTY's word.

P.S. That doesn't mean people in Army will be denied what is theirs to have, as per standards of justice of Islam.

Pakistan Army is paid by the people of Pakistan and Pakistan Army serves the people of Pakistan. Who is going to decide what the true will of Allah is ? Allah did not appoint you as his ambassador.
Mistehbab, well i am so far unable to understand on what basis you claimed above mentioned things, please elaborate a bit more so that we can properly answer you..
Gen Norton said Pakistan Army was one of the best armies in the world

Only gullible people would believe that. Another snake oil salesman making his pitch.

Its a compliment by a visiting official. No different when we go and visit others and others come over here. Its part of diplomatic niceties to compliment each other. Simple as that. We do not need to be told by others how good we are, we get to assess that on our own.

As far as the talk of Army of Allah is concerned, first turn yourselves into a nation worthy of being God conscious and then only can you have an Army that is for Allah. These high and mighty pronouncements and denouncements about the Army being of Allah or not of are really out of place here.
We are one of the best forsure like it or not for the haterz GOD bless Pak armed forces.

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