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PAF could have downed more Indian planes in Pulwama crisis: ex-air chief

As long as we have supply lines with Iran, China, Turkey and other friendly nations Pakistan will be safe.
if anything present day Iran would have been supplying india, Turks can do nothing without amreeki consent

Keep lying like the Indians, as per usual.
looks like he was being sarcastic, mr. shonar deshi.
It was never the Army Chief's call to shoot down Balakot strike package. Defence of Pak air space is primarily the responsibility of PAF, not the PA AD which otherwise didnt have the assets to shoot them.
PAFs radars were either jammed or not working.
IAF still today has the option of responding in the form of bombing multiple level HQs we have in AK (unit, brigade, division, dumps etc), just like we hammered theirs in IOK. But they havent done anything yet. Talk about effects.....
Yeah right instead they fired a Brahmos in the broad day light into Pakistan.

That's not what he's implying, he's implying orders weren't given to take fire at the ingressing aircraft otherwise they were capable of doing so

Why the orders were given next day to fire then, mood ban gaya hoga naswar lga kar? Mazak chal raha hai yahan?

I don't trust any one in establishment or the government anymore after whatever has happened in past 4-5 months.
IAF still today has the option of responding in the form of bombing multiple level HQs we have in AK (unit, brigade, division, dumps etc), just like we hammered theirs in IOK. But they havent done anything yet. Talk about effects.....
What is your opinion of some suggesting lowering the % of national defence budget to focus on the economy and counterinsurgency capabilities?

Right now perhaps an effective counterinsurgency force is quite important 🤔

This could be viable if the nuclear threshold is raised to control Indian aggression perhaps?
Yeah right instead they fired a Brahmos in the broad day light into Pakistan.

the government anymore after whatever has happened in past 4-5 months.

Current government was not at the helm. The then Pakistani government was led by Imran Niazi who claimed that he would never forget love and affection he received from Indians and India and claimed to know Indians than anyone in Pakistan.

The utter silence of the lambs on the then governments role in all things related to India baffles me.
China and Iran will not come near you in the event of war; you can ask any senior here. Turkey..I don't know whether it would like to get directly involved in a conflict.

GCC, Turkiye, Indonesia and Malaysia will always support Pakistan over India.
Thank God Air Chief followed IK orders.

Bajwas was concentrating on his life after retirement, he had no interest in Pakistan.
except for the fact that imam e ahzam demanded to be sent to UNSC to make an anti-india speech instead of retaliation when advised to go to the parliament to announce a response
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Thank God Air Chief followed IK orders.

Bajwas was concentrating on his life after retirement, he had no interest in Pakistan.

Why don't you go through parliamentary proceedings archived on the matter? Niazi straight up said "What do you want me to do, declare war on India?".

For someone hell bent on declaring war on anyone or anything, he did not even wait for war to be declared to follow Geneva convention on return of the captured Indian pilot.
GCC, Turkiye, Indonesia and Malaysia will always support Pakistan over India.

You would be surprised when push comes to shove now

i mean they have everything to do so....aircraft (much in number), pilots, military and political will, casus belli.....everything.

Unless they are really weak in all these aspects, i mean they keep on saying they are big, they are technologically advanced, big economy, big industrial base, military base....imagine what keeps on stopping them from overwhelming us.
I would quote Sun Tzu but that would be redundant. However, conflicts are not just kinetic in nature and on those fronts they have Pakistan on the ground with their foot at the jugular.

You can be a street fighter/MMA with an a punch and indomitable spirit but if you have a terminal disease eating you from the inside and your opponent has overwhelming influence on everything from the hospital to those that provide you your earnings then they are fighting a higher plane of conflict.
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Dude, shut up. You're speaking out of that loose rectum; show a doctor to get it stitched again, as that day still haunts you guys to come here and make up fantasies.
Indians can live in their own deluded shit
EVERY world press including the heavyweights BBC CNN etc GUARDIAN , New York Times , daily mail published stories of Indians taking one hell of a beating that day & I heard remarks from westerners “ wow Pakistan boxed India in its face “ & “ weak Indians “ etc etc

Only the circus clown networks in India pushed propaganda to fool their deluded brainwashed fanboys .

I’m still in awe at the way Pakistan battered the Indians in that skirmish & even the Kashmiris joined in and punched up the Indian pilot who’s life was saved by Pakistani forces .

But when you reside in a shit slum you sure are fed shit to eat to read to watch to see .
Dumb fucks celebrating a defeat .

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