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Oxford Imam:Young muslims taught that white girls are cheap

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Why is Muslims always in denial mode , why they cannot integrate with other societies , when ever some thing comes us about people misusing their religion or do harm to others in the name of religion - Muslims come out justifying or deniying it

This mental attitude is the fodder for all these ignorant mullas who does not know anything about real religion but their own perverted minds

Only Muslims themselves can stop this agony ,every where you go , people are scared and against them why?

Buddhist in Srilanka or Mynmar
Hindus in India
Christians & jews worldwide

the common eney always is one -- Why think first - do not justify and support



There is something common in the above pictures, other than they being Muslims, they are all Pakistanis.

Atleast the justice minister of the UK has got it right.

Pakistani community must tackle grooming gangs, justice minister insists - Telegraph

Just days after seven Asian men were convicted of carrying out crimes of “medieval” depravity against girls as young as 11, in Oxford, Mr Green said it was time to dismiss any vestiges of political correctness around the issue.

The Oxford scandal was the fifth such case since 2010 with gangs of Pakistani men being convicted of similar grooming outrages in Rochdale, Derby, Rotherham and Shropshire.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Mr Green, who is the minister for police and criminal justice, said he was setting up a Home Office led group to help tackle the problem of sexual violence against children. But he said it was also up to Pakistani community leaders to make it absolutely clear that such behaviour was “100 per cent unacceptable”.

In the Oxford case, six girls were targeted by a gang mainly of Pakistani heritage who showered them with gifts and attention before subjecting them to acts of appalling sexual violence.
Since you asked so nicely about other Asians, India has one third of the world's child marriages and one of the worst cases of child trafficking and prostitution. So Indians beating their chests sanctimoniously about this issue is ironic, to say the least.

And in the US it is Latinos, blacks and Russians doing it. Does it now become a Christian phenomenon?

If you look at the broader pattern across the globe, the common thread is that these are gangs. Gangs include people from all religions, cultures and ethnicities.

I don't know how much people know about gang culture, but underage girls are a mainstay of gangs. Many of these girls -- from rather well to do families -- voluntarily go to these gangs to escape their comfortable lifestyle and to be with "bad boys". This is not to excuse the men's behavior but to explain the connection between gangs and underage girls.

No one is denying the existence of Peadophilia in other communities and, where found, such crimes are equally condemnable. Social evils such as child marriage or trafficking for sexual exploitation are rampant in many parts of the world but in most cases, apart from a few notable exceptions in the Middle East, they are outlawed and those found guilty usually face the full force of the law.

I agree that prostitution is big business globally and although most victims are drawn from vulnerable backgrounds, they tend to hail from a cross section of society. No prostitution racket seeks to recruit victims exclusively from a certain ethnic backgrounds and profiteering, rather than sexual exploitation, is often the main motivation for their crimes.

More importantly, all of Spring Onion's trolling efforts earlier in the thread relate to instances where individuals acting in isolation had engaged in sexual crimes but were successfully prosecuted. As with the recent spate of rapes in India, such incidents are met with outrage from all sections of society and no one offers to explain away their crimes by drawing analogies with similar criminal behaviour elsewhere in the world.

In your post, you are seeking to draw a comparison between actions of individual criminals or international criminal syndicates and a persistent pattern of systematic abuse in several parts of the UK- almost half a dozen cases have been brought to court in the past year or two but we are told its only the tip of the iceberg due to the political sensitivities around investigating such cases- by individuals mostly from Pakistani muslim backgrounds operating in a brazen fashion, grooming vulnerable children as young as 10, who are subsequently subjected to horrific abuse by possibly hundreds of men over a number of years. In some cases, victims are said to have totaled over a 100 although only a few could be persuaded to give evidence in court.

If, as you claim, actions of these groups are no different to those of Russian or Latino gangs operating prostitution rings in the US, one would have expected CPS to have brought additional gang related charges against them-however, most of those involved were charged with child rape and other sexual offences (although some were admittedly accused of offences relating to 'transporting a child for illegal sexual activity' or some such but I believe these were in instances were there might have been insufficient evidence for more substantial charges)

Based on the interview with one of the victim's mothers on the Nihal show (see my earlier post), it is blatantly obvious that in the case of the Oxford gang, the Muslim community were well aware of the abuse for years but failed to shop those involved to the police. For instance, the mother cites her numerous trips to Cowley Road over the years on occasions when her child went missing or had been seen getting into cars with the abusers and recalls showing her photograph to residents on the street. Although many recognised her daughter, none followed her subsequent advice to notify the police if they came across her again. It was also revealed in court that the abusers were frequently seen openly roaming Cowley Road in the company of their victims but no one from the community saw the need to question what these grown up married men in their 20s and 30s were doing with drunk 11-12 year old white girls or confront them about their actions.

Please do not try to defend the indefensible...
many mosques in Oxford preach that white women are immoral and true examples of kuffars in the way that they dress (mini skirts etc).

On one level, this is no different from the usual sermon in any religion about staying true to moral righteousness and avoiding the temptations of a permissive culture, but if it gains a racial angle then it becomes problematic. The preachers should be instructed to avoid racial overtones in their sermons.
Now what's your point.

The point is that Indians acting sanctimonious over this issue and saying other Asians don't do these things i patently false.

The rest of your post simply tries to sidestep this basic fact.

There is something common in the above pictures, other than they being Muslims, they are all Pakistanis.

So, if I post picture of Latino gang members, this will become a "latino-only" problem?

No one is denying the existence of Peadophilia in other communities

But the Indians are. That's the whole point!

One third of the world's child marriages; rampant child exploitation in India and they dare to claim that this is a predominantly Muslim problem!

usually face the full force of the law.

No, they don't. Sexual crimes are notoriously under-reported in developing countries precisely because they get no attention.

If, as you claim, actions of these groups are no different to those of Russian or Latino gangs operating prostitution rings in the US, one would have expected CPS to have brought additional gang related charges against them

My point was to point out that these are gangs, and there are several levels of gang activity. I suggest people learn more about gangs in Britain. London street gangs include Christian blacks, Tamil Hindus, and Bangladeshis along with Pakistanis. To claim that this kind of activity is unique to Pakistanis is ridiculous.

Please do not try to defend the indefensible...

I am NOT defending the activity -- I already explained the connection between street gangs and underage girls is widespread and goes beyond any one specific gang.
So, if I post picture of Latino gang members, this will become a "latino-only" problem?

I posted an article too and highlighted the issue. Not my problem if you chose to ignore it.

The Oxford scandal was the fifth such case since 2010 with gangs of Pakistani men being convicted of similar grooming outrages in Rochdale, Derby, Rotherham and Shropshire.

Source: Pakistani community must tackle grooming gangs, justice minister insists - Telegraph
In these cases, no. All the girls are from working class families, vulnerable already. Its easy to be their 'mate' and gain trust. These gangs we are talking about are not 'gangs' in normal sense, they dont commit street crimes. They dont sell drugs as such. Those asian gangs are different lot, like african and white chav gangs.
Some of the 'gang' members are respectable old people (40, 50 year olds). One might call it 'ring' than gang.

Not true..not all of them were from working class backgrounds, for instance, 'Girl C' though adopted was from what would be regarded as a middle class background. Some of the Rochdale and Oldham victims also belonged to loving,caring families but were successfully recruited by the gangs. I cannot reveal too much but I am working on a similar case where both parents have fairly decent jobs and I wouldn`t describe the child's upbringing as grossly neglectful.

However, you are right in that all children involved in such incidents are highly vulnerable and the vast majority are likely to have experienced neglect or institutional care at one point or the other.

I think the standard modus operandi- its disturbing how surprisingly consistent it is across the gangs that have been apprehended till date-involves scouting for truants, befriending them, offering food/gifts followed by drugs over a period of 12 months preceding the actual abuse.

Given most victims are initially targeted towards the end of primary or 1st year of secondary school, the school system is partly to blame since pupil numbers often exceed 2k in big secondaries and staff just do not have time to keep track of truants. Attendance records only relate to absences at registration and post lunch so children can often be missing mid session without parents being notified of it.
The point is that Indians acting sanctimonious over this issue and saying other Asians don't do these things i patently false.

The rest of your post simply tries to sidestep this basic fact.

What basic facts,Give me another example Asian sexual Grooming gang based on race and religious line from a different community.Then we can move this discussion forward.There were five such gangs so far,all of them were British Pakistani gangs.
I posted an article too and highlighted the issue. Not my problem if you chose to ignore it.

Not a question if ignoring it. Your sensational report claims they found 100 girls groomed. There are an estimated 5000 child prostitutes in Britain. Where are the other 4900 coming from? Is this whole thing a Pakistani run operation?

Actual statistics please!

Give me another example Asian sexual Grooming gang based on race and religious line from a different community.Then we can move this discussion forward.

Vulnerable Children - Child Trafficking India

Thousands of girls are trafficked from Bangladesh and Nepal. 200,000 Nepalese girls under 16 years are in prostitution in India.

There were five such gangs so far,all of them were British Pakistani gangs.

How many of the estimated 5000 child prostitutes in Britain were groomed by Pakistani gangs?
The point is that Indians acting sanctimonious over this issue and saying other Asians don't do these things i patently false.

The rest of your post simply tries to sidestep this basic fact.

So, if I post picture of Latino gang members, this will become a "latino-only" problem?

But the Indians are. That's the whole point!

One third of the world's child marriages; rampant child exploitation in India and they dare to claim that this is a predominantly Muslim problem!

No, they don't. Sexual crimes are notoriously under-reported in developing countries precisely because they get no attention.

My point was to point out that these are gangs, and there are several levels of gang activity. I suggest people learn more about gangs in Britain. London street gangs include Christian blacks, Tamil Hindus, and Bangladeshis along with Pakistanis. To claim that this kind of activity is unique to Pakistanis is ridiculous.

Having read the entire thread, I am yet to come across any post by Indians which claims paedophilia is an exclusively Pakistani problem. Child rapes do happen all over the world including India, a fact which Windjammer is always at pains to remind us, but systematic grooming and abuse on this scale is pretty rare, especially in the West where one would assume systems are in place for detection and prevention of such crimes.

Any Forensic textbook will tell you there is a well recognised pattern in paedophilic abuse in that stranger abuse is relatively rare i.e. most victims know their abusers who are usually family members or friends and where stranger abuse does occur they are either be opportunistic in nature, committed by individuals who have a history of violent offending or, in cases of predatory paedophilia, by individuals who have previous histories of both contact and non contact sexual offending and are likely to have been sexually abused themselves. These individuals have difficulties with social adjustment, display callous-unemotional traits along with cognitive distortions that predispose them to developing sexual interest in children, and may seek vocations that offer access to victims. There are obviously exceptions to this rule but the majority of paedophiles fit this profile.

With the sex rings in question, most men had no previous criminal record, were married and had children of their own and were well regarded in their communities-in fact, one of the members of the Oldham gang (bearded chap in the pic posted by Roybot) was actually an Imam and Quran teacher. Having worked with sexual offenders in various setting over the years, I would say that beyond the actual crimes they committed, none of them fit the typical personality, social and environmental profile of a predatory paedophile.

As to your comment on the ethnic origins of London street gangs, you are once again trying to offer a false analogy between the petty criminality and drug trafficking such gangs engage in (this is coming from someone who has worked with members of a high profile South London gang and gave evidence against a member in the highest court of the land) and the systematic grooming and abuse of hundreds of vulnerable children by groups of Pakistani men.

Suffice to say I am yet to come across any Tamil or Indian Punjabi London street gang that has been known to groom dozens of 11 year old white children for sexual exploitation.
Since you asked so nicely about other Asians, India has one third of the world's child marriages and one of the worst cases of child trafficking and prostitution. So Indians beating their chests sanctimoniously about this issue is ironic, to say the least.

And in the US it is Latinos, blacks and Russians doing it. Does it now become a Christian phenomenon?

If you look at the broader pattern across the globe, the common thread is that these are gangs. Gangs include people from all religions, cultures and ethnicities.

I don't know how much people know about gang culture, but underage girls are a mainstay of gangs. Many of these girls -- from rather well to do families -- voluntarily go to these gangs to escape their comfortable lifestyle and to be with "bad boys". This is not to excuse the men's behavior but to explain the connection between gangs and underage girls.

Except that Latinos, blacks and Russians wouldn't mind trafficking their own kind. So they are just criminals not religious hypocrites.
systematic grooming and abuse on this scale is pretty rare, especially in the West

Uh, no it isn't.
5000 child prostitutes in Britain alone, thousands more across the West.
How do you suppose these girls get into prostitution? Pakistanis at work all over the place?

Suffice to say I am yet to come across any Tamil or Indian Punjabi London street gang that has been known to groom dozens of 11 year old white children for sexual exploitation.

So I ask again. Where are the other 4900 child prostitutes in Britain coming from?

Except that Latinos, blacks and Russians wouldn't mind trafficking their own kind. So they are just criminals not religious hypocrites.

The Muslim criminals will do likewise. You need to learn more about how gangs operate.
It is a fact that mosques in england feed all kind of bigoted propaganda to young un-employed people.You can find several videos on youtube.

Another fact is that British Pakistanis(and Bangladeshis) are some of the poorest ethnic group in Britain whereas Indians are richer.

.The income poverty rate varies substantially between ethnic groups: Bangladeshis (65%), Pakistanis (55%) and black Africans (45%) have the highest rates; black Caribbeans (30%), Indians (25%), white Other (25%) and white British (20%) have the lowest rates.

Poverty rates among ethnic groups in Great Britain | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

How Immigration Has Impoverished Britain: 75% of Pakistani and Bangladeshi Children “Live in Poverty”

According to the report, among fathers, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis had the highest unemployment rate (15 percent) – well above the UK average of 6 per cent. Unemployment among black fathers was also high (11 percent) but Indians were less likely to be unemployed (4 percent) than whites (5.5 percent).

Almost two-thirds (64 percent) of white and Indian mothers had jobs, compared with half (52 percent) of black mothers and only 17 per cent of Pakistani and Bangladeshi mothers.

British National Party
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