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Outgunned By Pak F-16s, IAF Plans To Re-Arm Its Sukhois With Israeli Missiles

Some people stated that su35 is best choice for PAF
Time ans agaun eveyone has mentioned the draw backs in russian AAM and electronic ..even the Chinese dont want it
Meteor has 3 times the range of AIM120C and it can engage targets 300 km away.

Not at All.
All mughals were at least 75% turkic and mongol
Pakistan is succesor to British West Punjab and Sindh and NWFP and British Balochistan as said by Lord Mountbatten himself.


Mountbatten never said anything like that. Provide source?

Secondly, Mughals like Aurangzeb were NOT 75% Turkic. It’s clear that you are now speechless and can’t really counter the fact that Pakistan is indeed the successor of Islamic rule in subcontinent as envisioned by Shah Wali Ullah and even Tipu Sultan (both called for an Islamic state in North-Western india as successor to Mughals).

Your own indian scholars admit that. Want me to give you a source? :D
Take Chinese and Russian claims, about their weapons systems with a bucket of salt. While American and Europeans understate the performance of their systems the Chinese and Russians like to exaggerate the same.

Regardless, it won't change the fact that PAF humiliated inferior iaf YET AGAIN even after all the hoopla woopla we heard over the years on this very forum. Pak has no match to Su-30s, Pak F-16s would be "scared" of iaf, network centric c4ISR of iaf has no match in the region, and I can go on and on and on.

And when the real confrontation came, PAF not only bombed indian army's brigade HQ---it shot down indian jets, got iaf's wing commander captured, and caused so much panic that indians started shooting their own assets :lol:

Go online and read every single aviation forum (Flightglobal, warroom, acesmeet etc etc)----all of these forums unanimously were calling the whole fiasco "surprisingly humiliating" for indians...

It's okay....for next ten years, we will now hear "Rafaels!!! METEORRRR!!! PAF is scared now!!!" from indians as usual. Just hope for your own sake that you don't have to face PAF in real life. We all know how it ends for your inferior air force almost every time :)

Mountbatten never said anything like that. Provide source?

Secondly, Mughals like Aurangzeb were NOT 75% Turkic. It’s clear that you are now speechless and can’t really counter the fact that Pakistan is indeed the successor of Islamic rule in subcontinent as envisioned by Shah Wali Ullah and even Tipu Sultan (both called for an Islamic state in North-Western india as successor to Mughals).

Your own indian scholars admit that. Want me to give you a source? :D
Aurangzeb was 75% Turkic whereas his predecessors were even higher.
Anywats mpuntabatten saud that Pakistan is succesor of British North West India which is why Pakistan did not get most Mughal properties
Morons in here is jumping because of evaluation of IAF.
Any professional AF will evaluate each conflict and took counter measures.

Rafale with meteors and Suk wuth Derby .
Good combination.
Astra still need some time to mature but still good though .

At the end all these will become practical of GoI approves.
Anyway that incident helped some people in MoD.
Now all those border will covered by SAM system also
Morons in here is jumping because of evaluation of IAF.
Any professional AF will evaluate each conflict and took counter measures.

Rafale with meteors and Suk wuth Derby .
Good combination.
Astra still need some time to mature but still good though .

At the end all these will become practical of GoI approves.
Anyway that incident helped some people in MoD.
Now all those border will covered by SAM system also
So u agree that govt accepts PAF was better during skirmish....
You also then agree that PAF after kargil also re evaluated it self and covered its shortcomings....
And you also agree that IAF has done the analysis just the way it did aftee kargil and still didnt improve upon it....
As i remember the sams and all u mentioned were highlightef even after kargil by IAF
Regardless, it won't change the fact that PAF humiliated inferior iaf YET AGAIN even after all the hoopla woopla we heard over the years on this very forum. Pak has no match to Su-30s, Pak F-16s would be "scared" of iaf, network centric c4ISR of iaf has no match in the region, and I can go on and on and on.

And when the real confrontation came, PAF not only bombed indian army's brigade HQ---it shot down indian jets, got iaf's wing commander captured, and caused so much panic that indians started shooting their own assets :lol:

Go online and read every single aviation forum (Flightglobal, warroom, acesmeet etc etc)----all of these forums unanimously were calling the whole fiasco "surprisingly humiliating" for indians...

It's okay....for next ten years, we will now hear "Rafaels!!! METEORRRR!!! PAF is scared now!!!" from indians as usual. Just hope for your own sake that you don't have to face PAF in real life. We all know how it ends for your inferior air force almost every time :)

Lol..you people are eating your own press.

The facts are -

On 27th, 24 PAF fighters, fought against 8 IAF fighter, in that confrontation a single IAF MIG 21 was shot down, besides that, not a single target was hit, and there wasn't a single casualty on ground.

Su 30 is still a better air dominance fighter than F-16 any day, all needs is an equivalent missile to AMARAAM C5.
Lol..you people are eating your own press.

The facts are -

On 27th, 24 PAF fighters, fought against 8 IAF fighter, in that confrontation a single IAF MIG 21 was shot down, besides that, not a single target was hit, and there wasn't a single casualty on ground.

Su 30 is still a better air dominance fighter than F-16 any day, all needs is a longer range missile than R 77.
Targets were hit
No, they haven't. Read again.
stop this bickering. there is a lot we will never learn. there is a lot of hyper venting in indian media which is fueling the proxy internal drives to feed on massive kickbacks from the french.
who knows what happened with the sukhois etc but fact is they failed to perform; not fault of the machine.
Lol..you people are eating your own press.

The facts are -

On 27th, 24 PAF fighters, fought against 8 IAF fighter, in that confrontation a single IAF MIG 21 was shot down, besides that, not a single target was hit, and there wasn't a single casualty on ground.

Su 30 is still a better air dominance fighter than F-16 any day, all needs is an equivalent missile to AMARAAM C5.

Lol, the number of 24 and 8 comes from your side (pathetically embarrassing media of yours)...and we already know how shamefully ur media has been lying to protect india’s humiliated and defeated arse.

Secondly, if you are being honest, you and me both know that PAF never wanted to hit and cause casualties. Our DG ISPR said so from the get go. PAF strikes were a message and that’s why open areas were intentionally bombed. Had iaf hit anything and caused causalities inside our land, we would have done the same (or are you THAT gullible to think we wouldn’t have or we didn’t have the capability?)

In all fiasco, the ONLY confirmed casualties happened all on indian side.

Whether it was jets going down, pilots getting captured, or military personnel dying during skirmish (Helicopter getting shot down in panic). The entire world saw images and news of ONLY indian side losing...whether pilots, jets, helicopter going down etc. That’s why even NY Times called the whole fiasco “humiliating episode” for India (direct quotes :) )

PAF came out on top as extremely capable and iaf came out as incompetent and weak, once again.

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