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Organisers of terrorist attacks still exist in Pakistan: Afghan president

The Soviet Union trying to take a chunk of your country is a hilarious piece of fiction taught to Pakistanis. It allows them to take solace after the 1971 humiliation, to pretend that they thwarted and defeated a superpower. It is a broken nation's fairytale to regain some self respect. If the Soviet Union really wanted to invade and annex Pakistan, they would have done so. Nothing short of America fighting for you with all their might, could have prevented that.
This is not about invasion or annexation but about subversion. That's what the Soviet Union specialized in. Check out the Mitrokhin Archives to understand how deadset the Soviet Union was on breaking up any pro-American states in the subcontinent.
The tit-for-tat can be played all day. If the Afghan army tried and failed to take Pashtunistan from Pakistan, then the fitting reply would have been to wage an assault into their territory. Not propping up the most immoral regimes on earth, right next door. Besides, this new take on the matter is...rather new. Until 2001, Pakistanis adored and respected the Taliban, and considered them ideological soulmates. Only when the USA went to war against them, did some Pakistanis reluctantly start disassociating from them. Back in those days, Pakistan supported Taliban because Pakistanis liked the Taliban. It's that simple. It wasn't considered as a means of punishing Afghans for what happened in the 70s. Pakistan wanted strategic depth and leverage, and the best way to get that was by propping up a regime that is bound to be friendly, due to mutual affinity.

Assaulting them and perhaps even annexing them would take time and money, which Pakistan didn't have. In the '90s, we were facing heavy sanctions for nuclear testing. You're becoming pretty emotional about this, whining about "immoral regimes". Truth is, countries like China, Russia, Iran and India supported the same people. What Indians on this forum seem to forget is, that the alternative to the Taliban at that point in time was a group of warlords, drug smugglers and pedophiles (known as the Northern Alliance) who had been dividing and looting the country after the Soviet Union had left. Amazing how Indians will admonish Pakistan for backing up the Taliban, but will have no shame in supporting former Mujahideen who fought to establish an Islamic State (just like the Taliban), warlords involved in raping young boys, cutting off women's breasts andclearing away entire tribes based on ethnic or religious differences and drug traffickers who have ensured that the country will never see an ounce of progress. Once again, Indian selective bias astounds me. When the Taliban sprung up in Kandahar, declaring that they sought to unite the country, bring back the original ruler Zahir Shah and get rid of the warlords, they were a breath of fresh air for everyone. There was no such ideological connection you are suggesting (on baseless grounds). We saw a group which was capable of uniting the country and at the same time, being able to link Pakistan with Central Asian States.[/QUOTE]

Hilarious how much you know about the proxy wars of 1970's that Afghanistan waged in Pakistan and communist history of Balochistan who were getting help from then soviet union as well as marxist and pashtoonistan elements who were being helped by afghanis and later on by the puppet regime of Soviet union in Afghanistan.

Instead of calling us the broken nation and the hard facts as fairy tale, if you have some self respect remaining, then do an indepth reading on 1970's history b/w PAkistan and Afghanistan

What many Indians don't understand is how far the the tentacles of the KGB extended across the subcontinent. Wherever there was a leftist separatist, there was bound to be a Soviet handler not far behind him. The KGB considered all leftists as weapons. This former KGB agent explains this all quite nicely.
I don't blame Indians for not understanding. During the Cold War, the KGB had free reign in India (they were buying off members of the Indian government) and spread all sorts of conspiracy theories attacking the US and it's allies, while making itself look like an innocent lamb.
Lol , from when shelling Pakistan to hunt down terrorists sent by it became meaningless ??
I think it's more of a legendary denial at exhibition by pakistan. :lol:

No it is typical bharati habit of Indians masturbating on anything remotely anti Pakistan even though it doesn't have great impact practically.
No it is typical bharati habit of Indians masturbating on anything remotely anti Pakistan even though it doesn't have great impact practically.

Lol , I know your nation has been seen as proponent of spreading terrorism to neighbours now for so long that , new evidences produced by new neighbours at being receiving end just doesn't make any difference to your mindset.

And I guess it has already made the political difference. Just a couple of days after that P5+1 deal with Iran, they issued a statements regarding India. Go check that. :lol:
Lol , I know your nation has been seen as proponent of spreading terrorism to neighbours now for so long that , new evidences produced by new neighbours at being receiving end just doesn't make any difference to your mindset.

And I guess it has already made the political difference. Just a couple of days after that P5+1 deal with Iran, they issued a statements regarding India. Go check that. :lol:

Yeah yeah. Nobody here cares what P5+1 or 2 have said about India. If it doesn't affect us.
Yeah yeah. Nobody here cares what P5+1 or 2 have said about India. If it doesn't affect us.

Iran issued that statement.

Does that politically matter ?? And yes Pakistanies on this forum went ape shit about that. :lol:
Iran issued that statement.

Does that politically matter ?? And yes Pakistanies on this forum went ape shit about that. :lol:

Members of this forum are not government or state of Pakistan. Come up with something else.
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Stop going back and forth , when I gave you example of practical step like shelling then you asked for political one than again you back to asking for practical one.

Lol a few shells are nothing. Would be resolved on the border by the local commanders.


Read the comments of Pakistanis in the news. They are all happy with it.
Lol a few shells are nothing. Would be resolved on the border by the local commanders.
Hahaha , those threads about shelling runs upto more than 50 pages and in meanwhile , Pakistanies nuke Iran many a times on Forum . I know you will brush it off as not your government's stand but posters who cry river are very Pakistani.

Read the comments of Pakistanis in the news. They are all happy with it.

But your government's stand is entirely different. They are haggling desperately for few more dole outs.

Now here you are in fix , either you choose to go with your government's stand , as you would like to go in first quote or choose to go with normal public sentiment. You are busted in both.
Hahaha , those threads about shelling runs upto more than 50 pages and in meanwhile , Pakistanies nuke Iran many a times on Forum . I know you will brush it off as not your government's stand but posters who cry river are very Pakistani.

Threads with 50 pages don't represent Pakistani state.

But your government's stand is entirely different. They are haggling desperately for few more dole outs.

Really? Where is the official Pakistani government response to this particular news?

Now here you are in fix , either you choose to go with your government's stand , as you would like to go in first quote or choose to go with normal public sentiment. You are busted in both.

Lol Getting excited kid? :lol:

Anyways I know my government they know how to deal with Americans. Even if this CSF continues then it doesn't harm my country and if doesn't even then they we Pakistanis as a nation are happy. It is not a huge loss for us as you are dreaming to be.
Threads with 50 pages don't represent Pakistani state.
Yep, they are false flaggers. :rofl:

Really? Where is the official Pakistani government response to this particular news?

Did you even bother to read the news ?? Since if you must have then known about.Defence Consultative Group Meeting (DCG)-Interim Progress Review (IPR) and known they were asking for status upgraded SSF ,only to get more dole outs. :rofl:
Lol Getting excited kid? :lol:

Anyways I know my government they know how to deal with Americans. Even if this CSF continues then it doesn't harm my country and if doesn't even then they we Pakistanis as a nation are happy. It is not a huge loss for us as you are dreaming to be.

Lol but your government thinks otherwise and I read the comments too, they seem dejected. :lol:

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