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Old Laptop Advice and suggestions

Feb 13, 2013
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I have an old Dell laptop that is getting overheating problems. I replaced the fan and cleaned out the heat sink. Now it also giving power adapter error. The problem may be the motherboard itself, which is expensive and hard to find. Is it worth to repair this old laptop (five years old) or to try getting a new one?
Dell do a trade in plan but they offer very little I was thinking of doing it but my laptop even though it's got issues is worth more than what they were prepared to give me.
Dell do a trade in plan but they offer very little I was thinking of doing it but my laptop even though it's got issues is worth more than what they were prepared to give me.

Any link to the trade in plan?
I think I need a trade-in or replacement deal for laptop. Time to go out and hunt a deal I think. :(

You know when you call dell direct they can give u a better deal than u see online, I spoke to one dell agent and said that I want 3 years free warranty and free wireless mouse and also a cheaper price. These guys work on commission so he will want to win yr business and if he can't do it call another dell agent till one does it that's what I did.
You know when you call dell direct they can give u a better deal than u see online, I spoke to one dell agent and said that I want 3 years free warranty and free wireless mouse and also a cheaper price. These guys work on commission so he will want to win yr business and if he can't do it call another dell agent till one does it that's what I did.

Dell now are not good in quality. What about Lenovo or other brands for replacement?
I thought you had Apple's Macbook pro?

Come on, when you can afford expensive cameras... Not a bad idea to buy one Apple Macbook Pro or the new sleek designs from Samsung...
I have an old Dell laptop that is getting overheating problems. I replaced the fan and cleaned out the heat sink. Now it also giving power adapter error. The problem may be the motherboard itself, which is expensive and hard to find. Is it worth to repair this old laptop (five years old) or to try getting a new one?
never replace the motherboard. it's not worth it .... take it from a pro

anyways if u need suggestions for a new laptop, i'm ur man .....
Get a new laptop. Preferably a Yoga 13, its $1200 for an i7. The i3 one costs like $800 with discount vouchers from some site.
Trading in/selling will give you nothing. Power Adapter issues are easy to solve - since you know how to service your laptop. I don't think its a motherboard issue. 5 years old is a factor though. But then you can use for a number of ways. Check out instructables.com for some cool ideas for re-using old laptops. Lifehacker.com is also a good place to check things out. :)
I have an old Dell laptop that is getting overheating problems. I replaced the fan and cleaned out the heat sink. Now it also giving power adapter error. The problem may be the motherboard itself, which is expensive and hard to find. Is it worth to repair this old laptop (five years old) or to try getting a new one?
Yeah... but Macbooks also have hardware issues and not worth the cost. Have been using a lenovo for the last 3.5 years, still works as good as new. Just the battery been replaced.
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