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If thats true, then it means our judicial system is really ...ked up!!!I wouldnt be surprised if that secret witness gets a premature release
Lol what judical system are you talking about dont put the blame over there! The one behind all this is obviously erdogan if you dont understand that simple fact u have to be either really dumb or just another traitor.

Who's putting blames now?

easy boy, you just came out of ban
Lol what judical system are you talking about dont put the blame over there! The one behind all this is obviously erdogan if you dont understand that simple fact u have to be either really dumb or just another traitor.

Such ignorance but its not a surprise especially coming from you who constantly gets banned and has nothing to contribute but only personal insults ..May be you should also care to explain these questions:
1- Which institution asked Sakık to be a secret witness and accepted his accusations?
2- Which institution did base its decision on some technical reports which are fake, breeched or manipulated to this case?
3- These false reports presented to the court by prosecutors..Which institution do these prosecutors belong to?
4-When lawyers for the accused attempted to object and question the evidence, they were barred from hearings, and the court came to the final stage of making its decision without a proper defense stage..Which institution did prevent right of defence for the accused ones?
5- Which institution is heavily under political manipulation from Erdogan Government?

Yeah sure, we shouldn`t put the blame over Turkey`s judicial system, everything is fine there..I must be a dumb or even a traitor to think otherwise..
The judicial amendments introduced by AKP isn't really superb. Instead of appointing, a city/town court, provincial court, regional court etc. and then supreme court. they restructured the courts by appointing more judges... which wasn't necessary. Everytime I ask my cousin (agir suclar hakimi) about the judiciary I can see how tired he is. I just want to know, but I can see how much the AKP's changes are weighing on him. Of course he appreciates that cases are being handled and solved, but I think that AKP took a system that works and dropped it on the ground.
The Judicial system in Turkey isnt superb indeed, But then again which one really is superb. Here in the Netherlands we dont have the best one neither. Fact is that my older brother got sued ones for nearly beaten a man to death (Yeah he really gets pissed of easely) He got free because they spelled his name wrong.... I loled so hard when i heared it :)
This is a farce of the highest order.
Bir tanik yok orada, "Deniz", tankilarindan bir tanesi..
neyi değiştirirki?

The fact that our soldiers are being judged by terrorists' testimonies can't be described with any word lighter than trachery..

We imprison those who serve this country, let's say we accept that. But how can anyone explain me the value this court has given to the words of a terrorist. This is outrageous!

"nobody is above the law" bullsh*t. those MP sons of b.tches have immunity because they fooled enough people to vote for them. But our soldiers who fought and took bullets for this country are lower than terrorists as far as courts are concerned. F*ck this corrupt system, fvck the law, fvck this country. I don't remember when was the last time i was this angry :hitwall:

let the army to another coup d'etat, turn that parliament into a blood bath, then i will call it justice!

now tayyip says: "People want capital punishment"

People want capital punishment for those who murder their sons, tayyip has a different agenda.
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