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Officials: Israel launches airstrike into Syria


Mar 21, 2013
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Officials: Israel launches airstrike into Syria


WASHINGTON (AP) — Israel launched an airstrike into Syria, apparently targeting a suspected weapons site, U.S. officials said Friday night.

The strike occurred overnight Thursday into Friday, the officials told The Associated Press. It did not appear that a chemical weapons site was targeted, they said, and one official said the strike appeared to have hit a warehouse.

The U.S. officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

Israel has targeted weapons in the past that it believes are being delivered to the Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah. Earlier this week, Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said his group would assist Syrian President Bashar Assad if needed in the effort to put down a 2-year-old uprising.

Israeli Embassy spokesman Aaron Sagui would not comment Friday night specifically on the report of an Israeli strike into Syria.

"What we can say is that Israel is determined to prevent the transfer of chemical weapons or other game-changing weaponry by the Syrian regime to terrorists, specially to Hezbollah in Lebanon," Sagui said in an email to the AP.

In 2007, Israeli jets bombed a suspected nuclear reactor site along the Euphrates River in northeastern Syria, an attack that embarrassed and jolted the Assad regime and led to a buildup of the Syrian air defense system. Russia provided the hardware for the defense systems upgrade and continues to be a reliable supplier of military equipment to the Assad regime.

The airstrike, first reported by CNN, came hours before President Barack Obama told reporters at a news conference in Costa Rica on Friday that he didn't foresee a scenario in which the U.S. would send troops to Syria. More than 70,000 peoples have died and hundreds of thousands have fled the country as the Assad regime has battled rebels.

The Israeli strike also follows days of renewed concerns that Syria might be using chemical weapons against opposition forces. Obama has characterized evidence of the use of chemical weapons as a "game-changer" that would have "enormous consequences."

While the U.S. has been providing nonlethal aide to opposition forces in Syria, even stepping up that form of support in recent days, the Obama administration has resisted calls from some American lawmakers to arm the rebels or to work to establish a no-fly zone to aid the insurgency.

On Thursday, however, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the administration is rethinking its opposition to providing arms to the rebels. He said it was one of several options as the U.S.
consults with allies about steps to be taken to drive Assad from power. Officials in the administration who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss strategy said earlier this week that arming the opposition forces was seen as more likely than any other military option.

Obama followed Hagel's comments by saying options will continue to be evaluated, though he did not cite providing arms specifically. Concerns that U.S. weapons could end up in the hands of al-Qaida-linked groups helping the Syrian opposition or other extremists, including Hezbollah, have stood in the way of that change in strategy.

"We want to make sure that we look before we leap and that what we're doing is actually helpful to the situation as opposed to making it more deadly or more complex," Obama said Thursday at a news conference in Mexico.
The Zionist entity must be destroyed for world peace.

One official said the United States had limited information so far and could not yet confirm those are the specific warplanes that conducted a strike. Based on initial indications, the U.S. does not believe Israeli warplanes entered Syrian airspace to conduct the strikes.

Both officials said there is no reason to believe Israel struck at a chemical weapons storage facilities. The Israelis have long said they would strike at any targets that prove to be the transfer of any kinds of weapons to Hezbollah or other terrorist groups, as well as at any effort to smuggle Syrian weapons into Lebanon that could threaten Israel.

The Lebanese army website listed 16 flights by Israeli warplanes penetrating Lebanon's airspace from Thursday evening through Friday afternoon local time.
Sources: U.S. believes Israel has conducted an airstrike into Syria - CNN.com
i wonder what will do when they will get f35. Damn good. India should learn from israel

Learn what? I thought you believed in your country but you keep telling us you want to learn from your master.
It could be an anti-aircraft missile system or advanced rockets. Anyway, the Israelis might have thought about Assad providing chemical weapons to Hezbollah ,which is unacceptable from their side. I wonder what they are going to do with Hezbollah these days, I think they will have to handle them very well ,if they want to take a military action against Iran.
Israeli airstrike into Syria targeted 'game-changing weapons' bound for Lebanese militant group Hezbollah - Middle East - World - The Independent

Israel has confirmed that it launched an airstrike into Syria on Friday, saying it targeted a "game-changing" shipment of advanced missiles bound for the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

It was the second Israeli strike in Syria this year.


What are these 'game changing missles? How are they so advanced? Guided?
aggressive posture.... when it come to national security....

And you tell me does Israel gain from aggression? No they don't. Maybe for a little while, and in the long run it is ineffective. Do you think if India adopted Israel's policy you would be in good? They are two different situations.
It could be an anti-aircraft missile system or advanced rockets. Anyway, the Israelis might have thought about Assad providing chemical weapons to Hezbollah ,which is unacceptable from their side. I wonder what they are going to do with Hezbollah these days, I think they will have to handle them very well ,if they want to take a military action against Iran.

I'm not sure, they are trying to be more aggressive but this time maybe Hezbollah can do damage to them. I think what's pulling them back is maybe that Hezbollah could damage their infrastructure this time. And Israeli leaders know their people could breakdown and they don't want to deal with havoc right now. Of course they do not care what so ever about the Lebanese population and infrastructure so they would deserve it if they initiated the conflict. Meaning if they started it. But the worst part is I bet Israel would get away with it in the world. They're the only country besides the USA that are free to invade whomever they'd like to. And their excuse for a unprovoked invasion would be saying they're just targeting 'terrorists' and the American people would be the first people to fall for it.
And you tell me does Israel gain from aggression? No they don't. Maybe for a little while, and in the long run it is ineffective. Do you think if India adopted Israel's policy you would be in good? They are two different situations.

Yea we should not compro with national security.... But then its good only for short time... Just show your hardware and move out.... Anything too much is bad. Cold or aggressive....
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