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Obama demands halt to South China Sea island building


Feb 20, 2013
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MANILA: US President Barack Obama on Wednesday demanded China end artificial island building in the hotly contested South China Sea, upping the pressure on Beijing at a regional leaders' summit. The annual Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) gathering is meant to forge unity on trade among 21 Pacific rim economies that group three billion people.

But the territorial row over the strategically vital South China Sea, as well as terrorism concerns following last week's deadly Paris rampage, have dominated the build-up to this year's meeting in the Philippines.
China has repeatedly insisted its disputes with its Asian neighbours over the sea, home to some of the world's most important shipping routes, should not be on the APEC agenda.

But just hours before the two-day summit started, Obama voiced concerns over giant land reclamation works by China that have created new islands close to the Philippines.

"We discussed the impact of China's land reclamation and construction activities on regional stability," Obama told reporters after meeting Philippine President Benigno Aquino.

"We agree on the need for bold steps to lower tensions, including pledging to halt further reclamation, new construction, and militarisation of disputed areas in the South China Sea."

On Tuesday, Obama also announced more than $250 million in maritime aid to its Southeast Asian allies -- including a warship for the Philippines.

China claims nearly all of the South China Sea, even waters approaching the coasts of its Asian neighbors.

APEC members the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan have rival claims to parts of the sea, which is believed to sit atop vast oil and gas resources.

Chinese state media hit out Wednesday at what it described as US meddling over the sea.
"Washington's recent provocative moves have infringed upon Beijing's maritime sovereignty and security in the South China Sea," the China Daily wrote in a commentary.

"But China is not one to give in when it comes to its territorial, maritime and security interests, and the US is unlikely to succeed in its designs by instigating ASEAN countries to challenge China's maritime rights in the South China Sea."

In a speech at a business forum ahead of the summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping did not directly mention of the South China Sea.

But he did call on Pacific nations to "resolve our differences through dialogue and consultation".
"We must focus on development and spare no effort to foster an environment of peace conducive to development and never allow anything to disrupt the development process," he said.

Obama's speech to the business forum focused mostly on the need for the world to tackle global warming, insisting fighting climate change would not hurt the economy.

"We have to break out of the mindset that when we are doing something about climate change, we slow growth," Obama said.

While in Manila, Obama is also trying to promote a giant free trade pact signed last month that groups 12 Pacific nations but excludes China.

Obama was due to meet with the leaders of the other Trade-Pacific Partnership nations on the sidelines of APEC on Wednesday. But in his speech, Xi urged Asian economies to sign up to its own free trade agreement, warning rival pacts risked hurting the regional economies.

"With various new regional free trade arrangements cropping up there have been worries about the potential of fragmentation," Xi said.

"We therefore need to accelerate the realisation of FTAAP and take regional economic integration forward."
The FTAAP is the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, which China launched as APEC host last year. However it is only in the preliminary planning stage. Obama's trip to Asia is the ninth of his presidency so far, and he had hoped it would showcase US focus on the region and not just on the Middle East or Europe.
But once again his pivot has been blunted by events elsewhere, with Paris mourning the loss of at least 129 people in a rampage claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group.

A draft of the APEC declaration due to be released on Thursday and seen by AFP condemned the Paris attacks, describing them as "atrocities that demand a united voice from the global community".

Philippine authorities, which had already deployed more than 20,000 security forces for the summit, said security had been ratcheted up even higher because of the Paris attacks.
I do think that Barack Obama should have done so ,when the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia were all carried out island-building and China was busy protesting those island-building .

that would show that Obama was not so double-standard and hypercritic, and i do think that China would be happy to accept such suggestion and have not started its massive island-building as the response to the Philippines and Vietnam.

Now, it is too late,while China has poured billions of dollars on island-building.

to Vietnam and the phillipines,you guys lighted the flame in SCS by building island first,
you should put out it yourselves.
But China is not one to give in when it comes to its territorial, maritime and security interests
That is one funny sentence, others will not give in, too.

China claims nearly all of the South China Sea, even waters approaching the coasts of its Asian neighbors.
This will get worse in long term, I believe
We all know President US Obama is a weak leader. His time is over. Donald Trump is anti-China and he's leading the election. He's the real concern for China.
We all know President US Obama is a weak leader. His time is over. Donald Trump is anti-China and he's leading the election. He's the real concern for China.

Trump also have no zero political experience. While Hilary's perpetual PMS (can she even get that at her age?) isn't exactly a better choice for Americans either, Trump's inexperience and tendency for dramatics is a concern for everyone around the world, especially the Americans. (Not that Ben Carson is any better)

To put it into perspective, Obama has one of the weaker resumes among US president and he was at least a senator before going into the office. Or in other words, Obama has better political experience than Trump or Carson. (I don't care much for Hilary, but at least she is also a senator, though considering her rather advanced age, we may be looking at a Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko situation and we all know where that one leads to.)

I am surprised. I thought India has free expression. Anyways, we tolerate that pic here in USA along with the gore, violence, and explosions in American movies and video games. Hehehe. You should check out the Women's magazine in America.

US is founded by Puritans. It is only considered sexually open when comparing to the Chinese culture, which is one of the most conservative on the planet. Comparing to the Europeans, Indians and Japanese, the Chinese and Americans are positively prudes.

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