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Nuclear Triad In Place: India Gets K-4 SLBM Out Of The Closet


Are running out of answers for a lot military threats ITS COMPLETELY lopsided in indian favour.

272 SU30 MKI Pakistans answer 73 F16 both new & Used

2 CARRIERS WITH 48 MIG29K paks answer we are working on it

22 Frigates and destroyers including Shilvaik Kokatta Talwar class PAKS answer 4 F22 from china

Akula & Arihant nukes wit sagrika K4 SLBM paks answer extended range cruise missle

Where do you get these "insights" from and how on earth are you so sure?

Do these folks here in this forum even have a degree in aerospace to comment like that? Do they even understand the inherent complexities associated with SLBM development?I am asking so because a couple of my friends are working on scramjet research and have worked on Indian SLBM in past.The academia here in my college IITM (particularly propulsion group) are just brilliant and have filed patents in some of the very fundamental issues plaguing turbofan engines- combustion instability

I've been following pdf since I was in 12th and now I'm a research scholar in aerospace engineering and yet I find a vast overwhelming majority of Pakistanis making claims that will leave you totally flabbergasted, it given you an impression that the level of technical education in Pakistan is very weak
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I've been following pdf since I was in 12th and now I'm a research scholar in aerospace engineering and yet I find a vast overwhelming majority of Pakistanis making claims that will leave you totally flabbergasted, it given you an impression that the level of technical education in Pakistan is very weak
That my friend is just your speculation.Even i can present a fairly long list of ur countrymen at PDF who doesnt jack s*** about defence(and its related things) and yet make hilarious statements and that too with utter surety.Now can we call the level of whole of the Indian technical education as weak......If NO.Then the same goes for Pakistan.
Even i can present a fairly long list of ur countrymen at PDF who doesnt jack s*** about defence(and its related things) and yet make hilarious statements and that too with utter surety.Now can we call the level of whole of the Indian technical education as weak......If NO.Then the same goes for Pakistan.

I know there are a lot of Indians who make tall and fancy claims but I'm sure their number vis a vis Pakistanis is less.or in other words if you take 10 random Indians and 10 random Pakistanis, I'm sure you'd find 7 Pakistanis talking trash based on gloated,blind nationalistic feelings as against maybe 2-3 Indians

NOW You can surely call our technical education system weak, but I'm afraid the quantitative and qualitative proofs available to the contrary are way too many.
perhaps you should pay a visit to IIT bombay or IISC Bangalore
I know there are a lot of Indians who make tall and fancy claims but I'm their number vis a vis Pakistanis is less.or in other words if you take 10 random Indians and 10 random Pakistanis, I'm sure you'd find 7 Pakistanis talking trash based on gloated,blind nationalistic feelings as against 2-3 Indians
Again just speculation
NOW You can surely call our technical education system weak, but I'm afraid the quantitative and qualitative proofs available to the contrary are way too many.
perhaps you should pay a visit to IIT bombay or IISC Bangalore
What kind of qualitative and quantitative ``proofs`` are we talking about?What kind of new technologies have been presented by Indian researchers at universities level?And I know some little projects here must be going on but nothing really big.Same goes for Pakistan.Although Pakistani students have made a few substantial contributions to research related to avionics,energy generation,software,etc.But they just doesnt get the attraction of sponsors unlike India where sponsors are abundant.Finance is the only field in which Pakistans lacking.......
What kind of qualitative and quantitative ``proofs`` are we talking about?What kind of new technologies have been presented by Indian researchers at universities level?And I know some little projects here must be going on but nothing really big.Same goes for Pakistan.

Yes,exactly both india and Pakistan are on the same page when-
1)IITs alone produce more than 2000Phds and 600patents
2)when HAL file 780 patents annually
3)when BHEL files 400patents annually
4)when companies like qualcom,broadcom, Intel, general electric, Microsoft, Texas instrument have their research and development centres in India and hire research engineers from IITs who go on to file patents in these companies.
5)when Texas instrument in collaboration with IITs filed more than 700patents out of their Bangalore r&d centre!
6) when Texas instrument have MS program at IITM and conduct some really good research!
7)when nearly 50000 patents are filed in Indian patent office by Indian academia and industry
8)when LRDE holds the patent of their own TR module used in Indian designed AESA radars-

Quad channel design- a single IC with 8 distinct TR modules embedded in it!

the young engineers who patented it are the product of our technical education system(compare that to Pakistan that hasn't even designed basic radar)

So,yes, India and Pakistan are indeed at very same page in research
Oh and btw,do these companies that I've mentioned above visit Pakistani engineering universities for recruitment and research programs? Please be honest
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and that is how an educated indian makes sense LOL

He He why are you trying to make the mockery of yourself. Does the result of Nasr more and astonishing than the Mangalyaan are you pointing out which makes you celebrate you smartness. Indeed this is not the first reason for the celebration and congratulation and hale for your Madarsa University.
Has this missile been produced, tested and inducted. If not, how is this missile already make Indian strategic triad in place.
I've been following pdf since I was in 12th and now I'm a research scholar in aerospace engineering and yet I find a vast overwhelming majority of Pakistanis making claims that will leave you totally flabbergasted, it given you an impression that the level of technical education in Pakistan is very weak

Pakistani engineers and researchers worth their salt won't be found on a public forum like PDF. Are you really that naive?
Pakistani engineers and researchers worth their salt won't be found on a public forum like PDF. Are you really that naive?

No I'm not naive at all, of course they won't share anything here,I wasn't even alluding to that.I was merely casting some light upon the poor technical education of many Pakistani folks here who make so tall and fancy claims that'll make you scratch your heads!

On a serious note, one SHOULD BE able to find the research efforts of pakistani researchers in the form of research papers and patent? right? So where are the research papers and patents pertaining to defence industry in general and aerospace IN particular.
How does local industry of Pakistan take part in such an endeavor?what about academia? My friend do u have any idea how research is conducted ?
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