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Now 82 cases against Imran Khan


May 21, 2006
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Soon cross 100 cases. It is fact not humanly possible to attend 82 court hearing.
Its a way to keep him locked up and involved in court case after court case to stop him from doing any kind of political rallying. This is really a low blow but expected from the likes of PDM and those who support them.
I hear papa Nawj is super upset... throwing fits of rage for khan not being arrested...
Overseas Pakistanis can pitch in and start taking down government websites.
Even 0.1% of Pakistan’s population can make these police officers go back...
Case #1 : Why is Imran Khan not corrupt like rest of the Mafia ?
Case #2 : Why is he Sadiq and Ameen ?
Case #3 : Why did he spoke against Islamophobia at UN?
Case #4 : Why he invited OIC to Pakistan ?
Case #5 : Why did he ask for investigation against Torture in Police Custody ?
Case #6 : Why did he spoke against role of Judge who did not review Police Torture?
Case #7 : Why did Imran Khan hold rally to protest kidnapping of Senetor Swati?
Case #8 : Why did Imran Khan hold rally to protest illegal wire taping of Senetor Swati?
Case #9 : Why was Imran Khan critical of role of Islamabad Torture Police and Judge?
Case #10: Why did Imran Khan raise concern against rising torture in Country?
Case #11 : Why did Imran Khan spoke against changing NAB law which favors corrupt?
Case #12 : Why did Imran Khan spoke against war ?
Case #13: Why did Imran Khan not take bribe like rest of Shaitani Forces?
Case #14 : Why did Imran Khan open food stall for low income Pakistani ?
Case #15 : Why did Imran Khan open sleeping shelters for low income workers?
Case #16: Why did Imran Khan gave health card to Low income citizen of Pakistan ?
Case #17 : Why did Imran Khan was critical of failure system to protect the weak ?
Case #18 : Why did Imran Khan not just live life of luxury like rest of the Shaitani Forces?
Case #19 : Why was Imran Khan critical sale of Member of Parliament votes ?
Case #20 : Why was Imran Khan was critical of failure to act against rigging in elections?
Case #21 : Why was Imran Khan critical of torture and photo imaging of victims ?
Case #22 : Why was Imran Khan critical of speaking against people kidnapping to unknown locations ?
Case #23 : Why is Imran Khan not afraid like rest of the lambs?
Case #24 : Why did Imran Khan held a protest rally in support of rising Torture?
Case #25: Why did Imran Khn held a protect on killing of Mentally Disabled political worker beaten and killed by 40 police ?
Case #26 : Why did Imran Khan expose the people involved in his assassination ?
Case #27: Why did Imran Khan tried to open a Police Report against these people using legal
mechanism ?
Case #28 : Why did Imran Khan publicly stated , his police report is not being filed.
Case #29 : Why did Imran Khan was critical on role of Islamabad police on beating of Women and Children on Women's Day
Case #30 : Why did Imran Khan took his case to world media and exposed the Police torture?
Case #31 : Why did Imran Khan stated he will ensure justice is equal for rich and poor?
Case #32 : Why did Imran Khan stated he will open the closed centers providing food to poor?
Case #33 : Why did Imran Khan , raise issue of freedom of Press?
Case #34 : Why did Imran Khan raise issue of torture against Reporters writing in favor of him?
Case #35 : Why did Imran Khan talk to Foreign Media ?
Case #36 :Why does Imran Khan want to do political rally before election ?
Case #37: Why did Imran Khan's assassination Police report not filed on Time in Punjab?
Case #38: Why did Imran Khan assassination report report not filed a day later?
Case #39 : Why did Imran Khan ask Judges in Pakistan to Take note of this injustice?
Case #40 : Why did Imran Khan raised issue of Invasion of Privacy , with secret phone tappings?
Case #41 : Why did Imran Khan ask question about why people's private videos being leaked
in intimate moments with their wives ?
Case #42 : Why did Imran Khan exposed the Torturer cell in Police ?

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in 1789 french people had balls to take on king and his armies and guards. King ended in 2 pieces !
We can actually have current kings end up in > 3 pieces by chopping their balls off as well. Create a national monument where the balls are in jars so everyone can see them.
100% of Cases against Imran Khan are

"Why did he spoke against either corruption or system which favors Rich"


"Why is Torture being committed and kidnappings being done by Police"

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