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North Korea directs missiles towards Australia


Oct 21, 2009
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NORTH KOREA'S forthcoming missile launch will be aimed towards South-East Asia and Australia for the first time, the US has warned.

The warning was delivered in person yesterday to the Foreign Affairs Minister, Bob Carr, by a senior official in the Obama Administration, Kurt Campbell, during a visit to Sydney.

North Korea, which claimed to have successfully tested a nuclear weapon in 2009, has for years worked to improve its long-range ballistic missile capability. Previous missile tests have been launched east, over Japan. But US intelligence suggests the launch announced for mid-April will be aimed south for the first time.

"If the missile test proceeds as North Korea has indicated, our judgment is that it will impact in an area roughly between Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines," Dr Campbell, the assistant secretary of state for East Asia and the Pacific, said yesterday.

"We have never seen this trajectory before. We have weighed into each of these countries and asked them to make clear that such a test is provocative and this plan should be discontinued."

After the meeting Mr Carr told the Herald: "The North Korean nuclear and long-range missile plans represent a real and credible threat to the security of the region and to Australia."

The launch would be "in clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions."

Mr Carr said he and Dr Campbell had "shared views on how both the US and Australia could engage our regional partners and allies to encourage North Korea to abandon its plans".

The US President, Barack Obama, will be among some 50 leaders, including Australia's Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, to meet in a summit in the South Korean capital of Seoul on Monday to discuss nuclear disarmament. North Korea's abrupt announcement last week of its missile test is expected to dominate discussion.

The announcement from Pyongyang startled observers because it came less than three weeks after it had sealed a new agreement with the US in return for food aid.

South Korea has called the move a "grave provocation". Its president, Lee Myung-bak, has said he will ask Mr Obama to revise an alliance agreement that limits his country to missiles with a 300-kilometre range.

Japan's Defence Minister, Naoki Tanaka, said yesterday Tokyo was prepared to shoot down the North Korean long-range rocket if it threatened the country.

North Korea directs missiles towards Australia
indeed it will be a very strange trajectory ,if they had the capabilities ,I'd said it looks like putting a GPS sat in the orbit .
Well... That is interesting.

However Kim Jung Un seems to be more open to act as the leader of the people that is the impression I got when NK said it accepted the Nuclear Talks in exchange for food. So I don't know why the US is accusing it of pointing missiles on Australia really. And if it is true why would NK target Australia anyways?? xdrive is there any bad blood between you two?

It is really a quite sad set of affairs if you ask me.
Well... That is interesting.

However Kim Jung Un seems to be more open to act as the leader of the people that is the impression I got when NK said it accepted the Nuclear Talks in exchange for food. So I don't know why the US is accusing it of pointing missiles on Australia really. And if it is true why would NK target Australia anyways?? xdrive is there any bad blood between you two?

It is really a quite sad set of affairs if you ask me.

The missile isn't pointed at our land per say, it's trajectory towards space makes it travel over Australia.

The story is referring to the planned "satellite" launch by North Korea that is actually a cover for North Korea to test an ICBM capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.

This missile test path goes directly over Australia. What happens if something goes wrong and the missile falls from the sky and hits a town? This is why there is so much concern.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Australian Defence Force decided to shoot it down, that's if Japan doesn't do it first.
Yeh they probably decided that they would send it over us instead. It will be met with the same response.
Australia needs ABM to shoot it down,do they have one ready ???

And when are N.Koreans going to test their "satellite" launch??
Time to give these annoying Koreans some real lesson.
The North Korean people are dying of hunger and starvation. There is not enough food grain in the country.

...and these idiots have so much free time on their hands to play with their toys.
Australia needs ABM to shoot it down,do they have one ready ???

And when are N.Koreans going to test their "satellite" launch??

Australia do have ABM and also has a ballistic missile defence system.

Anyway, if anything happens to australia, USA will bomb the crap otta North korea.

The North Korean people are dying of hunger and starvation. There is not enough food grain in the country.

...and these idiots have so much free time on their hands to play with their toys.

LOL it sounds like our leaders, to a lesser extent :angel:

Consider it a warning to Australia from China

Warning for what? Australia has a huge chinese population, plus china invested a lot in the australian mines.
Australia needs ABM to shoot it down,do they have one ready ???

And when are N.Koreans going to test their "satellite" launch??

Austrlia has Hobart class destroyers which have Aegis Combat systems, which are effective ABM system.
Finally our F18s will be put to use :D Shoot em down

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