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North Korea Attacks South Korea - Latest Update

That really confuses me. I thought the conflict was mostly an ideological/political one and ordinary Koreans had affection and empathy both ways across the border. Kind of like East/West Germany.

koreans are crazy and heavily ideological. they had no problems butchering each other during the korean war. the south koreans massacred 60,000 of their own citizens overnight for the crime of being suspected communists.

Jeju Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the north koreans are almost as bad.

korean soldiers were animal like in any war they participated in. the most feared of the imperial japanese army were the koreans, not the japanese themselves. in Vietnam, US used koreans as "police" which are just legalized terrorists.

what's worse is how big their ego is compared to their actual strength. south korea's military has never won a war in its entire existence. it has no independent defense industry. yet they have the guts to talk about being a major military power, as if they were on the level of even Israel which is ranked at least #10. if war breaks out, i wonder what their reaction will be when the PLA occupies the shelled out ruins of Seoul?
Yes, we're the only ones in the whole world who have a right to self-defence. :rolleyes:

How dare you say that! Don't you know that in this world of 'democracy and human rights' only the US allies have the right to assert their right to defend themselves? Look at israel, how nicely it asserts its right to defend itself by simply erecting a 'big wall' inside the Palestinian territory. Perhaps South Korea should be given the same right by the North and then peace will flourish, like it flourishes in paradise.
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koreans are crazy and heavily ideological. they had no problems butchering each other during the korean war. the south koreans massacred 60,000 of their own citizens overnight for the crime of being suspected communists.
And how many of their own did the Chinese butchered for being suspected noncommunists?
And how many of their own did the Chinese butchered for being suspected noncommunists?

zero. it was in fact the nationalists who massacred suspected communists in the 1920's. not one person died for not being a communist in china. there were various other reasons. also note that the communist party is banned in taiwan (in fact, banned in the republic of china since 1920), but the nationalist party is NOT banned in the mainland. they still have offices on the mainland to this day and even kept them during the cultural revolution.
i have no problem with a piiiiig ,disregard is a compliment compared to your love and afection ,tim,e to flush usa down the toilet used and abused :lol:
North KOREA's response is legal

As they tried to curb their nuclear program only to get backstabbed

While South Korea gets trade and economy , North Korea is put under sanctions to weaken it every decade its weapons get older

Same things used against japan pre WW2 until Japan reacted against US navy

I think agression is on South Korea's part to hold such demonstration of agression so close to volitile region can't they take this practice drill into some place close to Australia or something
US, South Korea Begin Military Exercises

The United States and South Korea have begun four days of joint military exercises in the waters off the Korean coast, in an effort to deter North Korea from launching further attacks across its border with the South.

An American nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the USS George Washington, is leading the drill, which comes just days after North Korean forces shelled the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong, killing two marines and two civilians.

North Korea's state-run media has criticized the drills, warning the two Koreas are on "the brink of war."

Earlier Saturday, China launched a flurry of diplomatic activity to ease tensions on the Korean peninsula after North Korea's shelling of the island.

China has warned it opposes any "unilateral military act" in the area without its permission, referring to the U.S.-South Korean drills.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, told CNN (in an interview due to air Sunday) that, as North Korea's closest ally, China has as much at stake as anyone if the region is destabilized.

North Korea leveled new accusations at South Korea Saturday, charging Seoul was using the civilians on the island of Yeonpyeong as a human shields.

The North's official Korean Central News Agency also said if there were civilian deaths, they were "very regrettable."

During a funeral Saturday for the two marines killed in Tuesday's attack, South Korean Marine commander Lieutenant General Yoo Nak-joon vowed a "thousand-fold" retaliation against the North. The comments to hundreds of high-ranking politicians, generals, religious leaders and civilians were also broadcast nation-wide.
North KOREA's response is legal

As they tried to curb their nuclear program only to get backstabbed

While South Korea gets trade and economy , North Korea is put under sanctions to weaken it every decade its weapons get older

Same things used against japan pre WW2 until Japan reacted against US navy

I think agression is on South Korea's part to hold such demonstration of agression so close to volitile region can't they take this practice drill into some place close to Australia or something

The South Korean military exercise to intimidate the North resulted in the retaliation by the North, so I agree that DPRK's response was legal. Now the great satan has brought one of its carriers into the scene and I say the North should join the exercise by test firing some of its cruise missiles or ballistic missiles on it as a sign of 'good will'.
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