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Nokia joins Apple to secure injunction against Samsung


Jan 10, 2013
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In a surprising move, Nokia will be supporting its
market rival Apple to secure injunctions on
several Samsung's product. The Finnish
manufacturer will remain the only alien company
to support the Cupertino giant in its appeal.
Nokia in its filling at the US Court of Appeals for
the Federal Circuit in Washington argued that the
court was wrong in denying the Apple's plead
for the injunction. Interestingly, Nokia had instituted legal proceedings against Apple three years ago, but now, the companies have joined hands to fight
against the current market leaders. Meanwhile, Apple had requested the Federal
Circuit to speed up its appeal and schedule a
hearing immediately. The court however has
rejected Apple's plea and has a referred the case
to a three member judge panel.

East or West nokia is the best.....:smitten:

The most reliable mobile i ever used....
Nice one Nokia, all the Samsung and windows pc fanboys will be crying now.
this case fits well with the world scenario.(if you know what i mean).
Nice one Nokia, all the Samsung and windows pc fanboys will be crying now.

Nope, nobody would cry, Samsung is there for Years to come and to Rule Android devices. Samsung can throw money in the face but why should it throw so soon, If you read late steve jobs thief and stealing statement you'll realize Apple is biggest stealer.

PS. I kept a nice News for you old but today the Apple you see Alive is because of Microsoft, had Microsoft not saved Apple. Apple would have been a worthless closed down company.

Don't believe me here...be grateful and thankful to Microsoft the savior of Apple as it stands today.
Aug. 6, 1997: Apple Rescued

Apple CEO Steve Jobs: We Steal Great Ideas Shamelessly | Skuggen.com

PS. Samsung and Nokia are my only choice and the latest are ZTE/Huewei against insignificant iphone.
Bittch move Nokia, bittch move.
Nokia is a little bich for this lol. It doesn't matter though as Samsung will eventually overtake both of these overrated companies in the next few years or so.
Nope, nobody would cry, Samsung is there for Years to come and to Rule Android devices. Samsung can throw money in the face but why should it throw so soon, If you read late steve jobs thief and stealing statement you'll realize Apple is biggest stealer.

PS. I kept a nice News for you old but today the Apple you see Alive is because of Microsoft, had Microsoft not saved Apple. Apple would have been a worthless closed down company.

Don't believe me here...be grateful and thankful to Microsoft the savior of Apple as it stands today.
Aug. 6, 1997: Apple Rescued

Apple CEO Steve Jobs: We Steal Great Ideas Shamelessly | Skuggen.com

PS. Samsung and Nokia are my only choice and the latest are ZTE/Huewei against insignificant iphone.

Gates invested in Apple at that time to settle some IP related issues with Jobs.

Read the Jobs biography. It has the details.
Gates invested in Apple at that time to settle some IP related issues with Jobs.

Read the Jobs biography. It has the details.

Gates saved Apple read the details it was not about IP it was a company really in Trouble. See the videos.
Gates saved Apple read the details it was not about IP it was a company really in Trouble. See the videos.

In a remarkable feat of negotiating legerdemain, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs got needed cash — in return for non-voting shares — and an assurance that Microsoft would support Office for the Mac for five years. Apple agreed to drop a long-running lawsuit in which they alleged Microsoft copied the look and feel of the Mac OS for Windows and to make Internet Explorer the default browser on its computers — but not the only choice.

Aug. 6, 1997: Apple Rescued

Microsoft's $150 stock investment was the result of a settlement of a lawsuit. In fact, the investment was just an initial payment for other "substantial balancing payments" that would be spread out over then next few years, then Apple CFO Fred Anderson said at the time.

The exact amount of the settlement is still unknown as far as I am aware. I've seen estimates from $500 million to more than $1 billion.

Stop the lies! The day that Microsoft 'saved' Apple | ZDNet

Also read Steve Job's biography by Walter Isaacson. It has details on this.
Nokia once dominated the smartphone industry with its leading OS of the time: Symbian.
But the miserable Finns chose to stop significant development of the OS and the hardware, became lazy and failed to keep up with iOS and Android when they the hit the market.

Now Apple seems to be going the same way with its similar design and OS year after year after year. Changing numbers doesn't count for much but I guess they didn't learn from Nokia's mistakes at all.

Their laziness is the cause of their decline so stop taking it out on Samsung. It was nice of Android and Samsung to grant something new to the consumers and shake things up for the lazy giants.
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