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'No smoking, no shaving': Taliban restore old rules in newly seized Afghan territory


It would take some time after the west is out of Afghanistan and the Taliban are fully in control to see what is going on.

At this point, propaganda war is going on and you can't fully tell the difference between truth, falsehood and a mixture of both (more dangerous).

Remember, Pakistan has also been accused of having child soldiers.

The US may be leaving but that doesn't mean they are happy about their loss or that they'd stop their usual propaganda.

It may well turn out that they are terrible and we'd learn of it sooner or later. At this point they are more of a fighting force than a government.

Let's see what they are once their political leadership starts to emerge.

It would take some time after the west is out of Afghanistan and the Taliban are fully in control to see what is going on.

At this point, propaganda war is going on and you can't fully tell the difference between truth, falsehood and a mixture of both (more dangerous).

Remember, Pakistan has also been accused of having child soldiers.

The US may be leaving but that doesn't mean they are happy about their loss or that they'd stop their usual propaganda.

Yes because it isn't like we have Taliban-controlled areas to see what rules they're enforcing, or numerous interviews with Taliban commanders and leaders to know what their "government" will be like.

For a bunch of people who boast about Taliban holding 80% of the territory and having better representation, you guys sure do know how to cover your ears and eyes when it comes to the cold facts and suddenly talk about "dust settling."
“Their commanders told us that nobody is allowed to leave home at night,” Nazir Mohammad, 32, told AFP.

“And no person — especially the youths — can wear red and green clothes,” he said, referring to the colours of the Afghan flag.

“Everybody should wear a turban and no man can shave,” said Mohammad.

“Girls attending schools beyond sixth grade were barred from classes.”

I feel for the unfortunate woman born in such hell.
When will humanity purge the fanatism devised almost thousand years ago by some primitive people,that's still oppressing fellow human for being born in a specific gender?
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Turkish dramas and accuracy. You're delusional.

Go back 20 years to Taliban rule and see how they were. Now come back to the present and see how the areas under their control are ruled. They haven't changed. They're the same extremist group.

Their own commanders, and leaders, in interview have clearly said they haven't changed, and that they will stop at nothing but Sharia law in Afghanistan.
Sharia Law is not a bad thing! Why are you so afraid of it? Or quote something horribly wrong from their areas in comparison with the occupation forces' treatment of Afghans.
No worries Pakistanies also lived in a denial mode regarding TTP for several years

Man, it's crazy how Pakistanis try to justify the Taliban. Sure, you want there to be peace but atleast don't act blind and deaf when it comes to the extremist nature of the Taliban.

What's the difference between TTP and Taliban? Their mantra is the same. Both want no foreign boots, and both want Sharia Law. TTP is more of a terrorist organization because they target civilians and the use suicide bombings. But you get the point.

There was a TCM (Pakistani media) interview with a Taliban representative, who when asked about the Pakistani Taliban said that they're Pakistani citizens and that he hopes the conflicts can be solved by negotiations rather than violence. This was 1 week ago.
I hope not.

There is a lot of fake news floating around regarding the Afghan Taliban right now by the bitter West. I'm gonna wait and see.

Can the Taliban Leopard change its spots?... I'm not too sure they can. Let's see.
it will be worse than the last time. then it was one fiqh (wahabi rule), this time it's more than one (how long are they gonna get along). this time they are also in areas that were not under their rule ever before.

how long before deobandi element starts to persecute Ismaili (and other) Muslims like they do in Pakistan (and did in Afghanistan last time)?

something very strange is going on
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Sharia Law is not a bad thing! Why are you so afraid of it? Or quote something horribly wrong from their areas in comparison with the occupation forces' treatment of Afghans.

Are you this delusional or oblivious to ground reality of Afghanistan? What do you think Taliban rule brings?
Here's an iconic reminder.


Please go watch videos on Life under Taliban Rule so you can see clearly, by video evidence life under Taliban control. There are a bunch in between the time frame of two years.

Women are not getting equivalent education. When asked about human rights, they always deflect that they will provide the human rights in light of the Islamic law. What does this mean? They never elaborate, but one can see what they mean when they visit their areas.
Taliban said that they're Pakistani citizens and that he hopes the conflicts can be solved by negotiations rather than violence. This was 1 week ago.

They have a soft corner for TTP its obvious
Sharia Law is not a bad thing! Why are you so afraid of it? Or quote something horribly wrong from their areas in comparison with the occupation forces' treatment of Afghans.

if its such a good thing why didn't Pakistanies let TTP apply it all over the country?
They have denied it. Why would they deny it when they know they can do whatever they want unchallenged?

From the OP :
But people in areas recently taken by the insurgents insist there is truth to the social media buzz.

In Yawan district on the Tajikistan border, the Taliban gathered residents at a local mosque after taking over.
“Their commanders told us that nobody is allowed to leave home at night,” Nazir Mohammad, 32, told AFP.

“And no person — especially the youths — can wear red and green clothes,” he said, referring to the colours of the Afghan flag.

Their orders didn't stop there.

“Everybody should wear a turban and no man can shave,” said Mohammad.

“Girls attending schools beyond sixth grade were barred from classes.”

The Taliban insist they will protect human rights — particularly those of women — but only according to “Islamic values”, which are interpreted differently across the Muslim world.

For Sajeda on the Tajikistan border, just a few days of Taliban rule was enough — and she fled south to the nearby city of Kunduz.

“We will never be able to work in areas under the Taliban,” she said, “So, we left”.

From my thread from November last year :
In recent months, the Taliban have said they will respect women's rights under Sharia law but many educated women say they have doubts.
What kind of Sharia law are they talking about ? It will be their distorted interpretation of course.

And what was my thread about ?
KABUL: The last thing 33-year-old Khatera saw were the three men on a motorcycle who attacked her just after she left her job at a police station in Afghanistan's central Ghazni province, shooting at her and stabbing her with a knife in the eyes.

Waking up in hospital, everything was dark.

"I asked the doctors, why I can't see anything? They told me that my eyes are still bandaged because of the wounds. But at that moment, I knew my eyes had been taken from me," she said.

She and local authorities blame the attack on Taliban militants - who deny involvement – and say the assailants acted on a tip-off from her father who vehemently opposed her working outside the home.

For Khatera, the attack caused not just the loss of her sight but the loss of a dream she had battled to achieve - to have an independent career. She joined the Ghazni police as an officer in its crime branch a few months ago.

"I wish I had served in police at least a year. If this had happened to me after that, it would have been less painful. It happened too soon ... I only got to work and live my dream for three months," she told Reuters.

The attack on Khatera, who only uses one name, is indicative of a growing trend, human rights activists say, of an intense and often violent backlash against women taking jobs, especially in public roles. In Khatera's case, being a police officer could have also angered the Taliban.

The rights activists believe a mix of Afghanistan's conservative social norms and an emboldened Taliban gaining influence while the United States withdraws its troops from the country is driving the escalation.

The whole of christendom tried to defeat them and left with their tail between their legs.

It was actually the Western Christendom that supported the Taliban in inception, just like how Israel did for Hamas in Palestine.

As long as there is a pro Pakistani govt in kabul, we don't care whether afghan women are ordered to remain in burka or allowed to wear bikinis.

That sir is quite a non-empathetic statement.

and that they will stop at nothing but Sharia law in Afghanistan.

Their own distorted variant of Sharia.
What kind of Sharia law are they talking about ? It will be their distorted interpretation of course.

Every dog has their own interpretation. what is new here ? you should see it coming (EDIT: you saw it coming)
Every dog has their own interpretation. what is new here ? you should see it coming (EDIT: you saw it coming)

But there will be one interpretation, or two, that will be sensible. Sensible as derived from true logic and rationality.
Sharia Law is not a bad thing! Why are you so afraid of it? Or quote something horribly wrong from their areas in comparison with the occupation forces' treatment of Afghans.

Going by your profile picture you better start growing your beard :lol:

Pakistan has been taken over by terrorist apologists, our core is now rotten thanks to a weak pathetic state ideology that goes where the wind blows.
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