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No issue is unresolvable, including Kashmir issue | PM Imran Khan media talk with Indian journalists

Imran Khan says forget the past, let's start new relationship on mutual interest for the future.
Indian presstitutes: Hafiz Saeed bla bla, Dawood Ibrahim bla bla

@GHALIB @third eye @ranjeet
I like his approach.

He seems to have some form of pragmatism which was missing in previous PMs. But that is probably because Gen. Bajwa is also not a hawk and wouldn't mind mending fences.

How long is the service term for your army chief again?
Forget the past? Why? Has anything changed in the way how people who have planned/executed terror attacks in India being treated in Pakistan? Hand over the terrorists and we might think about talks. It's as simple as that, if you can't then please stop this nonsense it's getting quite desperate and makes Imran Khan looks like more of a creep then a leader.
Very weak answers. Its seems the same non sense from Musharraf era is continuing.

Indian media continuously asking some old crap toeing Indian establishment script. If I was IK, I would told them, listen you all b|tches, you call yourself free media, yet you don't ask your establishment why the hell people like Kulbashan Yadev are getting caught on Pakistani soil?
Disappointed with how he handled the Indian media. No mention of Kulbushan, Indian consulates in Afghanistan, BLA with its proven funding from Indian lobbies ...

The fat sack of bharti ****heads sitting in front of him asking for Pakistan to "Compromise" on "Terror" when they themselves are neck deep in terrorizing our state day in and day out? Why wasn't this mentioned that nobody on our side of Kashmir is being buried wrapped in Indian flags? Or the fact that we're not carrying out any military operations on the people of Azad Kashmir? Why wasn't Indian media's constant war-mongering and racial/religious hate not brought up?

Why wasn't our PM able to emphasize that India needs to DO MORE in curbing terrorism, NOT US? Very alarming tone, there's a fine line between decency and setting the record straight. The record MUST be set straight! Appeasement baraye appeasement will tie our hands once again, this was a fine moment for us to build our narrative and reach out to the indian masses via their media representatives by calling out India's dual-faced dirty politics. WASTED OPPORTUNITY
Forget the past? Why? Has anything changed in the way how people who have planned/executed terror attacks in India being treated in Pakistan? Hand over the terrorists and we might think about talks. It's as simple as that, if you can't then please stop this nonsense it's getting quite desperate and makes Imran Khan looks like more of a creep then a leader.
same goes for indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan. indian RAW have accepted doing bomb blasts in Pakistan in the past.
Forget the past? Why? Has anything changed in the way how people who have planned/executed terror attacks in India being treated in Pakistan? Hand over the terrorists and we might think about talks. It's as simple as that, if you can't then please stop this nonsense it's getting quite desperate and makes Imran Khan looks like more of a creep then a leader.
Yes forget the past. We can't continue being stuck in what happened in 1947, 1965, 1971, 1984, 1999, 2008 etc

Indian media continuously asking some old crap toeing Indian establishment script
Exactly same old Dawood Ibrahim, Hafiz Saeed crap.

Disappointed with how he handled the Indian media. No mention of Kulbushan, Indian consulates in Afghanistan, BLA with its proven funding from Indian lobbies ...
Why don't you get it? Pakistani mentality has changed. We need to forget what happened in the past. Make a new start.

Why wasn't our PM able to emphasize that India needs to DO MORE in curbing terrorism, NOT US? Very alarming tone, there's a fine line between decency and setting the record straight. The record MUST be set straight! Appeasement baraye appeasement will tie our hands once again, this was a fine moment for us to build our narrative and reach out to the indian masses via their media representatives by calling out India's dual-faced dirty politics
And what did we achieve with that in the past?

same goes for indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan. indian RAW have accepted doing bomb blasts in Pakistan in the past.
So what? How can we achieve peace by pointing fingers at each other?
But we are not the ones almost begging for talks. We are fine with the status quo.
Exactly. It's same as Israeli policy regarding Palestinians. Happy and content with state of conflict, rather work for peace and normalization of relations.
I like his approach.

He seems to have some form of pragmatism which was missing in previous PMs. But that is probably because Gen. Bajwa is also not a hawk and wouldn't mind mending fences.

How long is the service term for your army chief again?

Gen Bajwa made it clear when he was appointed COAS that he supports talks with India on all issues.

Forget the past? Why? Has anything changed in the way how people who have planned/executed terror attacks in India being treated in Pakistan? Hand over the terrorists and we might think about talks. It's as simple as that, if you can't then please stop this nonsense it's getting quite desperate and makes Imran Khan looks like more of a creep then a leader.

Doesn't hurt just to talk. Not expecting problems to be solved in one meeting. Of course, the fulcrum of bad relations between India and Pakistan is Kashmir. The question: how much is each side willing to compromise on Kashmir? If the answer is little then there's no point in holding talks.
Doesn't hurt just to talk. Not expecting problems to be solved in one meeting. Of course, the fulcrum of bad relations between India and Pakistan is Kashmir. The question: how much is each side willing to compromise on Kashmir? If the answer is little then there's no point in holding talks.
Problem is India refuse to talk. Same as Israel refuse to talk before terror issues are addressed. They set pre conditions because they don't want peace. They want status quo and business as usual. As peace doesn't generate money and power for military and political establishment. War drums does.
...same as Israeli policy regarding Palestinians. Happy and content with state of conflict, rather work for peace and normalization of relations.


....There are cranes over Tel Aviv, over Jerusalem, over Sderot — where they’re putting up houses at a rate that must tempt the odd Hamas rocket technician to throw in the towel...The construction industry may be hyperactive but the Bibi era is one marked by political inertia. Of course, we all know why this is so. Israel’s every overture is rebuffed, its ‘partners for peace’ nurture their children on hatred, and the best-paying gig in the Palestinian labour market is killing Israelis.

Israelis stopped talking about peace because they have no one to talk to. They keep building their homeland hoping that one day the Palestinians will decide to do the same.

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