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No comparison with Indian econmy !

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India's IT & BPO export alone is about $68 Billion, which is 2.5 times that of the entire export of Pakistan? Nothing else included? I didnt know it. And then some people across the border talk about India's economy collapse!!:lol:

I read somewhere that it will cross $250 bn by 2020.
Thats the only thing keeping India afloat and benefits only a handful of people like you. Without that you would still be rearing cows in some remote Andhra or WB village.

The only thing that keeps Bangladesh afloat is the garments trade. Take it away and you guys will be wiping tears with your lungis.

Didn't mean to be that mean but I had to write this in the above line. You Banglas don't seem to see that the original report (posted by the OP) was from a Pakistani portal.
Comparison shouldn't me made for dick-measuring contest. And these type of threads should be avoided for healthy discussion.
i hope that the gap continues to widen,even though the population gap continues to shrink.
If we concentrate on Pharma, Engineering, Automobile, electronic, It and Textile, We can make India Hub of all. I foresee a giant stride once Modi becomes PM.
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