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Nigerian Army trains 223 officers in Bangladesh


Jun 3, 2014
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The Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Tukur Buratai has disclosed that the Nigerian Army has trained over 223 of its officers in various military institutions in Bangladesh.

Buratai made this known while receiving the Bangladeshi High Commissioner to Nigeria, Mr Shameen Ashan, on Tuesday in Abuja.

He said that his training experience and requisite knowledge garnered in Bangladesh had helped him to prosecute the war against insurgency and several other military operations in Nigeria.

Buratai was sad that the Nigerian army had a lot to gain from their Bangladesh counterpart, adding that the Army authorities would continue to train Nigerian soldiers and officers in such institutions.

“Bangladesh is a great country and it is moving very fast in term of development and the country had continued to progress in terms of infrastructure, economy and military.

“The armed forces of Bangladesh are doing very well and we are very happy to associate with you.

“Space is still very wide, we still have more to gain from Bangladesh armed forces and so far, the Nigerian armed forces has trained over 223 officers in the various schools and military institutions of Bangladesh.

“As a sort of exposing our officers to international military education, we shall continue to send our officers to Bangladesh to retrain in tactic, staff duties,’’ he said.

Buratai also called on the government of Bangladesh to take advantage of the numerous armed forces training institutions in Nigeria to send their officers aside the Nigerian National Defence College (NDC).

He disclosed that at the last NDC Course 27 graduation in Abuja, the participants from Bangladesh got the award of the Chief of Defence Staff and also came top among international participants.

“Bangladesh has been a great partner in terms of diplomacy and your effort here is quite commendable. We have a lot to gain from Bangladesh in terms of trade and commerce and military relations,’’ he said.

Earlier, Bangladeshi High Commissioner, Ashan, said that Nigeria and Bangladesh had maintained cordial bilateral relations in many areas, adding that the two countries shared a lot of similarities.

Ashan said that his visit to the army chief was part of his efforts geared towards strengthening the bilateral relations between the two countries.

He said that Bangladesh was currently working in closer cooperation with Nigeria in the areas of agriculture, education and increased military cooperation.

“My meeting with the Chief of Army Staff today and interaction with the senior officers will mark a watershed in taking our relations in military cum military cooperation forward.

“You know that Nigeria has been hosting Bangladesh senior officers at the National Defence College and happy to announce that some of you may be allowed to attend some training in Bangladesh which is a big opportunity.

“I am working towards that to ensure that we explore more opportunities because apart from NDC, there are other institutes where Nigerians can have the opportunity.

“Both Nigeria and Bangladesh strongly believe that they can contribute to global peace process beyond their borders in an era of growing violence, intolerance and conflicts,’’ he said.


The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) to strengthen ties with Bangladesh for capacity building


The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) is set to strengthen already existing ties with the People's’ Republic of Bangladesh to enhance its capacity building drive.
Air Commodore Ibikunle Daramola, NAF Director of Public Relations and Information, disclosed this in a statement on Thursday in Abuja.

Daramola said the Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar, revealed this on Thursday when the Bangladesh Ambassador to Nigeria, Shameem Ahsan, visited his office at the Headquarters NAF, Abuja.

The air chief, who expressed delight to receive the Ambassador in his office, noted that Bangladesh had always been a friend of the NAF.

He said Bangladesh has been providing training opportunities for selected NAF personnel for Junior and Senior Staff Courses as well as the National Defence Course.

The air chief added that the NAF was willing to take the collaboration further so as to learn from Bangladesh’s experience in other areas including pilot training and Research and Development ( R&D).

He equally observed that the NAF was willing to embark on Faculty exchange programmes between the Air Force War College, Makurdi, and her counterparts in Bangladesh.

The CAS noted that the ongoing rapid expansion of the NAF Medical Services was aimed at providing better healthcare services for its personnel, their families and host communities.

He said the Service would, therefore, like to take advantage of opportunities in Bangladesh to bolster the capacity of its medical personnel to enable them more effectively man these facilities.

Responding, the Bangladesh Ambassador expressed his country’s readiness to further deepen the already existing cordial relationship between Nigeria and Bangladesh.

He assured the CAS of the Bangladesh Government’s commitment to continue to collaborate with the NAF in all the areas of mutual interest.

The areas of collaboration to be explored include basic fighter pilot training, helicopter pilot training, research and development (R&D), and training of Aviation Medicine personnel as well as other relevant fields that would enhance service delivery.

The NAF had established a Reference Hospital in Bauchi and upgraded the NAF Hospitals in Port Harcourt and Lagos to Reference Hospitals, and was on the verge of inaugurating a new Reference Hospital in Daura.

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