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Newsweek targets Pakistan



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Feb 12, 2007
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To, October 29, 2007

The Editor,

Your article on Pakistan reeks of political complicity, sprinkled with innuendoes, hyperbole and inaccurate and unsubstantiated drivel. You took one incident and blew it out of proportion. The catholic terrorists of the I.R.A regularly bomb London. Mortality and morbidity in the USA from pollutants homicide and stress would make any other nation a paradise by comparison and yet you have the gall to label Pakistan as “The most dangerous place on earth”.

In your article you lament about AK-47 rifles and a $750 sniper rifle in a pakistani gunshop while in your own backyard rednecks hunt ducks and rabbits with assault rifles and .50 cal sniper rifles. The inner city youth glorify drive by shootings and “COP KILLERS” in rap songs.

In your article you deliberately and systematically perpetuate the myth that fundamentalist jihadis could seize Pakistan’s nuclear assets and that every one of them is a potential WERNER VON BRAUN with the ability and technical expertise to launch that arsenal and start a nuclear war. In doing so you you make the Pakistani military and it’s generals incompetent and impotent.

I do concede that your target audience the American people are not very knowledgeable about the rest of the planet and do take the word of television, Hollywood and the print media as gospel truth.

Perhaps your readers may be genuinely relieved if I were to illuminate that Pakistan’s military with traditions older than the US and a proven track record of HONOUR,FIDELITY and VALOUR ranks amongst the world’s finest,disciplined and competent fighting forces. It would be a folly to compare Pakistan’s generals ( The majority of whom can be generals in the US army) with banana republic bandito generalissimo types that your readers are more familiar with.

Last time I checked it was the US that tested it’s weapons of mass destructions on a non Caucasian island people. Moreover certain nations that openly tout their “FINAL OPTION” are very much against the “ISLAMIC BOMB” and they do possess the money and resources to stir animosity against Pakistan.

Finally I think most people would feel safer in Pakistan than in a country where USAF jets fly over major cities with live nuclear warheads and where a “REACTOR INCIDENT” could perhaps kill millions.



106-A, PLANTATION, FL 33324

954- 249-9345
link to the article?

Musharraf Frees Taliban Militants | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com

While Pakistan Burns
If you think Musharraf's wrong to free jailed Taliban members while he busts dissidents, wait until you hear who's back on the loose.

By Sami Yousafzai and Ron Moreau | Newsweek Web Exclusive
Nov 9, 2007 | Updated: 11:27 p.m. ET Nov 9, 2007

Pakistani lawyers, human-rights activists and opposition-party members can scarcely ignore the irony of their situation: while thousands of them are being beaten and locked up under President Pervez Musharraf's newly declared state of emergency, his government has just let more than two dozen militant Islamists out of jail. Protesters might be even angrier if Musharraf disclosed the names of some of those freed militants. Taliban sources tell NEWSWEEK that the top man on the list was Mullah Obaidullah Akhund—the highest-ranking Taliban official ever captured by the Pakistanis. As one of Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar's closest confidants and his defense minister until the post 9-11 invasion of Afghanistan, Obaidullah was No. 3 in the group's hierarchy and a member of its ruling 10-man shura (council).
His arrest on Feb. 26 seems to have been anything but a coincidence. That was the very day that Vice President Dick Cheney arrived in Islamabad on an unannounced visit to demand a crackdown on Taliban operations in Pakistan. Washington was out of patience with Taliban commanders not only roaming free in Pakistan's tribal lands but even being allowed to hide in plain sight in cities like Quetta--the provincial capital near the Afghan border where Obaidullah was captured, along with the Taliban's senior Zabul province commander, Amir Khan Haqqani. Obaidullah, Haqqani and the others might still be in jail if not for a Pakistani military convoy that encountered a rockslide on a highway in South Waziristan in late August. The vehicles were quickly surrounded by fighters loyal to the notorious Pakistani tribal warlord Baitullah Mehsud, a veteran Taliban supporter who operates training camps for suicide bombers in his territory. More than 250 government troops were in the convoy, and they all surrendered without a shot being fired. Mehsud later beheaded several of his captives before Musharraf agreed to a prisoner swap.

Mehsud finally released the last 211 surviving hostages on Nov. 4, the day after Musharraf declared a state of emergency and began rounding up dissidents in the name of confronting "extremism and terrorism." In exchange for the freed troops, the tribal warlord got the men he wanted out of jail. Besides Obaidullah and Haqqani, they included two brothers of another senior Taliban leader, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Osmani. He and his two brothers had shared a house in Quetta until his death last December. U.S. forces, reportedly tipped off by Pakistani intelligence, killed him as he was crossing into Afghanistan. His brothers were arrested at his house in Quetta at the same time. Also released was Mehsud's cousin, who was the first suicide bomber captured with his suicide vest intact.

Intelligence reports of Obaidullah's release have raised concern among American officials. At the moment they're still checking whether it was in fact the senior Taliban official who was freed and not someone else by the same name. A Pakistani military source denied to NEWSWEEK that Obaidullah had been released—but in the next breath claimed to be unaware that Obaidullah had ever been captured. At least two important Taliban commanders have confirmed to NEWSWEEK that Mullah Omar's third in command is back on the loose. Another Taliban operative says Obaidullah spoke to one of his fellow fighters on the phone several days ago.

In any case the prisoner swap is a severe setback for U.S. efforts in the region. The Taliban and their Pakistani tribal allies have learned that hostage taking can yield big rewards. And these days they have all the potential trading chips they could ask for in the borderlands, where Pakistan's out-maneuvered and increasingly demoralized troops are almost routinely surrendering to the militants. For now, the people of Pakistan will have to take any comfort they can from knowing that Musharraf is protecting them from lawyers and human rights activists.

With Mark Hosenball in Washington
If the Newsweek article is true it makes a mockery of what Gen M said on TV while declaring Emergency and Martial Law. I wait to see the comments of the Pro Gen M supporters here.


Ps : Dabong1 would also like your comments as you are one person here who stands upto his convictions but at the sametimes believe in resolutions of problems thru peaceful talks.
My opinion is that this is the final attempt to give dialog and "deals" a chance. Once again Baitullah has agreed to expel all foreigners and stop cross border activity. I don't believe he will have any credibility left, with the other Tribes (some of whom have already opposed him and driven militants and foreignors out of their areas despite his opposition), if he breaks the agreement again. The other tribes will not appreciate violence and fighting in their neighborhood because he once again refused to uphold his end of the bargain, despite getting his men back etc.

I think that it might work as part of a long term policy to isolate militants like him from the rest of the Tribal's - which is the ONLY way sustainable peace is going to be achieved.

The other issue associated with this could also be the government wanting to focus more on the threat in the "settled areas" (Swat etc.), and not wanting the conflict there to expand into one all across the Tribal belt because of Mehsud taking advantage of the situation. This effectively neutralizes his overt involvement in Swat. Any involvement that does occur will probably be in the shape of men and materials to Mullah FM, but even then the conflict can at least be kept localized (in Swat) from an operational standpoint.

I think this was a bitter pill that had to be swallowed in the interest of long term stability and mounting an effective campaign in Swat (which is yet to materialize, so I may be proved wrong).
Dear AM,

You maybe right but what about the the other guy mentioned below. He is not Pakistani ?


"Taliban sources tell NEWSWEEK that the top man on the list was Mullah Obaidullah Akhund—the highest-ranking Taliban official ever captured by the Pakistanis. As one of Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar's closest confidants and his defense minister until the post 9-11 invasion of Afghanistan, Obaidullah was No. 3 in the group's hierarchy and a member of its ruling 10-man shura (council)."
guderian that is a fantastic response. I am in USA also. New Jersey actually. Well very good response.:pakistan:
The person who wrote the article on Newsweek clearly had an agenda. This is what American so called "free media" has come to. Moral values, truth and non biased articles are not a main priority for them, but to promote their own agenda, which is almost always pro Zionist or/and anti Islamic.

Your letter was amazing, but I am afraid it might be ignored as they simply dont care. Money is all that matters. India with its "worlds biggest democracy" will take direct orders from the American media. No problem, their image is boosted out of proportion, but if a country doesnt respect the American agenda, it becomes a terrorist nation. It really is that simple.

Many people think a Democratic Pakistan with Nukes and a powerful army will be accepted by the west. I dont think they will ever accept Muslim countries without a puppet Gov controlled by them.
If the Newsweek article is true it makes a mockery of what Gen M said on TV while declaring Emergency and Martial Law. I wait to see the comments of the Pro Gen M supporters here.


Ps : Dabong1 would also like your comments as you are one person here who stands upto his convictions but at the sametimes believe in resolutions of problems thru peaceful talks.

You're anything but neutral dude. You're obviously someone of Indian ancestry living in the UK but too afraid to admit it for some reason (perhaps you think you'll get more credibility this way?). But on the subject of what's been mentioned..Musharraf swapped some Taliban for some captured personnel. Doesn't it just prove what Musharraf has been doing all along....to minimize deaths to Pakistani citizens by whichever means possible? You can take the view of the author in the article, but he's American and obviously couldnt care less if millions die in Pakistan. He favours a severe crackdown on the tribals, Musharraf obviously wants to avoid this, but keep to the goal of getting rid of Al Q. This is the balancing act. It's a very sensible thing to do. How you come to the conclusion that it makes a mockery of what Musharraff says or said, must come from your evident want to twist what he said on TV to suit your evidently "neutral" point of view.

It's not a question of backbone either. If any one of us here had any backbone we'd be taking our respective sides in the real fights. So quit being such a drama queen to try and stir up some emotional sentiment that is obviously generated from youe extremely neutral stance. :crazy:
You're anything but neutral dude. You're obviously someone of Indian ancestry living in the UK but too afraid to admit it for some reason (perhaps you think you'll get more credibility this way?). But on the subject of what's been mentioned..Musharraf swapped some Taliban for some captured personnel. Doesn't it just prove what Musharraf has been doing all along....to minimize deaths to Pakistani citizens by whichever means possible? You can take the view of the author in the article, but he's American and obviously couldnt care less if millions die in Pakistan. He favours a severe crackdown on the tribals, Musharraf obviously wants to avoid this, but keep to the goal of getting rid of Al Q. This is the balancing act. It's a very sensible thing to do. How you come to the conclusion that it makes a mockery of what Musharraff says or said, must come from your evident want to twist what he said on TV to suit your evidently "neutral" point of view.

It's not a question of backbone either. If any one of us here had any backbone we'd be taking our respective sides in the real fights. So quit being such a drama queen to try and stir up some emotional sentiment that is obviously generated from youe extremely neutral stance. :crazy:

Dear RR,

Firstly get a life and then tell other people who they are and how they should live. Secondly get rid of hippocracy something you seem to thrive on. What has my or Newsweeks views got to do with India ? BTW way even Salim and Malaymishra don't like my views so does that make me someone of Pakistani origin ? It seems you don't like my screen name but I can't help that.

Care to explain to me the following ?

1. Why did you arrest those guys on the eve of Cheney's arrival in the first place? Why not stand up and tell what you are telling me now to Mr Cheney when he visited you ?

2. While releasing Pakistani citizens is ok why arrest and then quietly release no 3 of Taliban but at the sametime take USD 150 million / month to capture Mullah Omar and OBL ?

3. Who brought USA alongwith the western media into Pakistan, not AN (me) but Gen M and now that they are not praising him are they all are Indian origin too ?

Why is the Pakistani Govt ready to pay USD 1.5 million to lobby in USA if the US is such a bad guy ?

Dear RR,

Firstly get a life and then tell other people who they are and how they should live. Secondly get rid of hippocracy something you seem to thrive on. What has my or Newsweeks views got to do with India ? BTW way even Salim and Malaymishra don't like my views so does that make me someone of Pakistani origin ? It seems you don't like my screen name but I can't help that.

Care to explain to me the following ?

1. Why did you arrest those guys on the eve of Rumsfeld's arrival in the first place? Why not stand up and tell what you are telling me now to Mr Rumsfeld when he visited you ?

Because they were caught doing something they shouldn't have been?

2. While releasing Pakistani citizens is ok why arrest and then quietly release no 3 of Taliban but at the sametime take USD 150 million / month to capture Mullah Omar and OBL ?

You're obviously amazing being so neutral, yet always managing to capture an anti_pakistan viewpoint. Anyhow, enough gibberish. Two points.

1) On the quiet release of Taliban's "no. 3"
February 26-28, 2007:
Taliban Leader Apparently Falsely Reported as Captured
In early March 2007, the Pakistani government announces that a top Taliban official has been captured. Mullah Obaidullah Akhund, the Taliban’s former defense minister, was supposedly captured on February 26, 2007, the same day that Vice President Cheney visited Pakistan, which the Associated Press says “has been under growing international pressure to crack down on Taliban militants believed to seek sanctuary on its soil.” If so, he would be the most senior Taliban leader ever captured since 9/11. However, the Swiss weekly SonntagsBlick claims that one of its reporters interviewed him in Quetta, Pakistan on February 28, just two days after his supposed capture. SonntagsBlick writes, “The world press reported: top-Taliban imprisoned. At the same time he was sitting with a SonntagsBlick reporter having coffee.”
[Associated Press, 3/2/2007; Associated Press, 3/11/2007] He was also reportedly captured by the Northern Alliance in early 2002 and then released with US approval (see Early January 2002).
Entity Tags: Mullah Obaidullah Akhund, Taliban
Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline

Context of 'February 26-28, 2007: Taliban Leader Apparently Falsely Reported as Captured'

2) On Pakistan getting 150 million dollars a month to capture OBL and Mullah Omar.

It's not 150 million, but the aid being paid is either in the form of military hardware OR loans with very little free aid. Much of the money won't arrive. The military hardware that arrives will not be able to be used as corruption material for the politicians, so it is not pocketed by the government. So what actually the government sees of money for itself to spend on the economy, is absolutely minute.

3. Who brought USA alongwith the western media into Pakistan, not AN (me) but Gen M and now that they are not praising him are the all are Indian origin too ?

Look, it's not the fact that anyone who does not praise Pakistan = Indian. It's a combination of things that suggest you are. Anyhow, don't get so defensive, I know it's true, you deny it, and that's the end of it.

The Western media has always been anti-Pak, anti-China and so on. That's nothing new. The USA I don't believe is in Pakistan, are they?

Why is the Pakistani Govt ready to pay USD 1.5 million to lobby in USA if the US is such a bad guy ?

US are just looking after their interests, just as Pakistan is looking after its by putting the squeeze on the Lal Masjid types (who you were giving some support to). That's the way things work. Paying 1.5 million is not very much for the political benefits Pakistan could gain from such a lobby, just like India is paying towards its US lobby. The US is after all, the most powerful country in the world currently.
Dear Guderian, PP and RR,

I know by writing these comments I will be termed of Indian origin but what the heck hippocracy has never been my forte. So my observations as follows


To, October 29, 2007

The Editor,

Your article on Pakistan reeks of political complicity, sprinkled with innuendoes, hyperbole and inaccurate and unsubstantiated drivel. You took one incident and blew it out of proportion. The catholic terrorists of the I.R.A regularly bomb London.

Sorry Sirs we have not had Irish or IRA bombs on our streets for a longtime. Yes we had a few bombings from terrorists who unfortunately also did it for religious purpose but in our books there are no muslim or christian terrorist BUT JUST TERRORIST who don't care for human lives. Yes what alarms us is that most of them when caught are found to have travelled to PAKashmir or the Afghan border to get their training.

Mortality and morbidity in the USA from pollutants homicide and stress would make any other nation a paradise by comparison and yet you have the gall to label Pakistan as “The most dangerous place on earth”.

Then why do you not allow the western media to travel where ever they wish and photograph whatever they want ?

Why did the Govt stop Mrs BB's rally saying that 5 suicide bombers had entered the city to target her rally ?

Why did Gen M in a public broadcast to the world state that if HE HAD NOT IMPOSED EMERGENCY PAKISTAN WOULD BE PERMANENTLY DE-STABLISED ? Since I am from India care to translate his English for me ?

In your article you lament about AK-47 rifles and a $750 sniper rifle in a pakistani gunshop while in your own backyard rednecks hunt ducks and rabbits with assault rifles and .50 cal sniper rifles. The inner city youth glorify drive by shootings and “COP KILLERS” in rap songs.

Yes for once you talk some sense. The gun laws in USA are crap but why emulate USA in crappy areas ? What about their democracy and independant judiciary ? Why not emulate them in that area too ?

In your article you deliberately and systematically perpetuate the myth that fundamentalist jihadis could seize Pakistan’s nuclear assets and that every one of them is a potential WERNER VON BRAUN with the ability and technical expertise to launch that arsenal and start a nuclear war. In doing so you you make the Pakistani military and it’s generals incompetent and impotent.

Is not the military to busy running Pakistan now to concentrate on the SWAT area ?

I do concede that your target audience the American people are not very knowledgeable about the rest of the planet and do take the word of television, Hollywood and the print media as gospel truth.

If US people are not very knowledgable as you say (and since U live there too) care to explain why they are presently the only super power in the world ?

While you are it care to explain what wisemen like you are doing in a nation of stupid people ?

Perhaps your readers may be genuinely relieved if I were to illuminate that Pakistan’s military with traditions older than the US and a proven track record of HONOUR,FIDELITY and VALOUR ranks amongst the world’s finest,disciplined and competent fighting forces.

No one is doubting that.

It would be a folly to compare Pakistan’s generals ( The majority of whom can be generals in the US army) with banana republic bandito generalissimo types that your readers are more familiar with.

Care to let us know what legacy Gen A Khan, Y Khan or Gen Z Huq have left you to be so proud about ? infact many Pakistani members blame Gen Haq in the same terms as generals from banana republics.

Last time I checked it was the US that tested it’s weapons of mass destructions on a non Caucasian island people.

You are right in this aspect.

Moreover certain nations that openly tout their “FINAL OPTION” are very much against the “ISLAMIC BOMB” and they do possess the money and resources to stir animosity against Pakistan.

The word Islamic Bomb was coined by Gen Haq and USA giveth and USA taketh. Please remember that.

Finally I think most people would feel safer in Pakistan than in a country where USAF jets fly over major cities with live nuclear warheads and where a “REACTOR INCIDENT” could perhaps kill millions.

Its like the pot calling the kettle black.




106-A, PLANTATION, FL 33324

954- 249-9345
I know by writing these comments I will be termed of Indian origin but what the heck hippocracy has never been my forte. So my observations as follows

Indeed, that was blatant HIPPOcracy :cheers:

PS Your points are silly. Perhaps I'll answer them if i got time to waste later.
Because they were caught doing something they shouldn't have been?

Then why catch him and release him ? Who runs Pakistan ? Care to explain ? If pointing out what amazes and confounds the west makes it anti Pakistan care to stop and think what is Newsweek whose subscription is larger outside the USA and the western media getting from reporting bad things about Pakistan ? There is no mountain of oil in question

The Western media has always been anti-Pak, anti-China and so on. That's nothing new. The USA I don't believe is in Pakistan, are they?

Well USA is not in Pakistan ! Then why would Mr Bush tell the world media "that I told Gen M to restore democracy and step down as Army Chief. I won't insult your IQ by posting links.

The US is after all, the most powerful country in the world currently.

Well as per guerdian they are the most stupid people.

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