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Mar 21, 2022
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Russian Federation
Russian Federation
A futurist engineer from Yemen and Hashim al-Ghaili developed a project for a flying plane-hotel Sky Cruise. The flying nuclear-powered hotel Sky Cruise is capable of carrying up to 5,000 people. The giant plane will fly without pilots. The artificial intelligence system will be in charge of this, but a human will be able to take control at any time. According to the author's idea, the artificial intelligence-controlled Sky Cruise will take to the skies thanks to 20 nuclear-powered engines. According to the creator, this will solve the issue of carbon dioxide emissions. The liner will not need to land on the ground for maintenance, it will be able to fly for years. Everything necessary for a normal life of people will be delivered by electric aircraft. So far, mankind does not have the opportunity to implement such a project. On the other hand, not so long ago, tourist flights into space were also considered science fiction.

The Chinese company Xiaomi has introduced a humanoid robot CyberOne. The new robot was developed by the Xiaomi Robotics Lab division. The robot is 177 cm tall, weighs 52 kg, and has an average movement speed of 3.6 km/h. With the help of sensors, he orients himself in space, recognizes people and can react to their actions. The company reports that the robot is able to answer questions, maintain a conversation and recognize 45 human emotions.

Footage of China's first solar-powered Qimingxing 50 UAV has been released. The large-sized twin-fuselage UAV was developed by the First Aircraft Building Institute AVIC. The UAV took off from Yulin Airport and stayed in the air for 26 minutes before landing on the same runway. The Qimingxing 50 UAV is equipped with six solar-powered electric motors. He can observe forest fires, conduct geodetic surveys, perform high-altitude reconnaissance and other tasks that require a long stay in the air.

The assembly in Earth orbit of China's first space station Tiangong has been completed. Currently, the Tiangong space station is located in low Earth orbit, consisting of Tianhe, Wentian and Mengtian modules connected in a T-shaped structure. “The relocation of the Mengtian laboratory module was successfully completed on November 3rd. The Chinese station "Heavenly Palace" is located at an altitude of about 400 km and should last more than 10 years.

The electrification of vehicles has reached the conservative niche of mining dump trucks. The American company Caterpillar has introduced a prototype of the world's first all-electric mining truck Caterpillar 793 with a capacity of 2650 hp. With. Caterpillar has not yet disclosed the characteristics of its dump truck. The Caterpillar 793 looks like the company's standard mining truck. During a test run at the company's test site in Arizona, a dump truck transported a load weighing 265 tons over a distance of 7 km. The dump truck sometimes accelerated to a maximum speed of 60 km / h.

Biotechnologist Hashem Al-Ghaili showed how childbirth could look like in a short time. The scientist created the concept of a plant for artificially growing babies called Ecolife. It is assumed that one such installation will be able to "grow" up to 30,000 babies a year, while future parents will be able to assess the condition of their child using a special mobile application. The founder of the project, Hashem al-Ghaili, is confident that the Ec to Life concept can one day replace traditional childbirth and help those who are trying to get pregnant. Startup Ecolife is designed to fight the problem of falling birth rates and, according to optimistic experts, can earn money over the next ten years.

Roboticists at the Korea Institute of KAIST, together with colleagues from the University of Illinois in the United States, have developed a Marvel robot that can climb walls and ceilings. With the help of the robot, they plan to check oil tanks, bridges, water towers and other metal structures. The limbs of the MARVEL robot are equipped with magnetic elastomer components and traditional electromagnets. The electronic control system allows you to magnetize each of the limbs of the robot at the right time. Before climbing the wall, the robot, like a cat, checks the surface. Tests have shown that the MARVEL robot is capable of carrying a payload of up to 3 kilograms and moving along a horizontal surface at a speed of up to 0.7 m/s.

The Russian helicopter-type UAV BAS-200 received a certificate of airworthiness. This is the first UAV certified in Russia according to airworthiness standards. So far, according to the certificate, the UAV cannot carry cargo, but certification work will continue. The developer and manufacturer of the BASE-200 is the Mil and Kamov National Helicopter Building Center of the Russian Helicopters holding. The UAV will be used in the Arctic for geophysical exploration, searching for oil and gas fields, as well as for delivering cargo to hard-to-reach places in Russia. BAS-200 is equipped with a 54 hp engine. The flight range in automatic mode with a load of up to 50 kg is 430 km. The drone can fly up to 3,500 meters at a speed of up to 160 km/h. Flight duration up to 4 hours.

Google developed the Bard chat bot, a direct competitor to the ChatGPT chat bot, which has become incredibly popular. Let's briefly explain what it is. Chatbot Bard and ChatGPT is essentially a regular chat in the messenger. In it, you can ask any questions and receive answers to them in text form. The ChatGPT neural network is a project of the OpenAI team, answering user questions, the ChatGPT neural network is based on its information base. ChatGPT answers can be confused with the answers of a real person, the neural network can write poems, articles, essays, pieces of program code, and so on are already being written with it. The emergence of these networks has been compared to the discovery of electricity, and it has been suggested that these neural networks may soon put some people out of work. According to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, the Bard chatbot is an experimental AI conversational service based on the LaMDA platform. For detailed responses to queries, Google's Bard neural network will use information from the Internet.

Robots Optimus Tesla began to collect themselves. Tesla specializes not only in the production of electric vehicles, but also in the development of humanoid robots. At a meeting for investors, Elon Musk demonstrated how two Optimus Tesla humanoid robots "assemble" a third robot. As you can see, the predictions of science fiction writers sooner or later become a reality. The current prototypes of Optimus robots can move at a speed of 8 km / h, lift up to 68 kg, carry up to 20 kg of cargo from place to place. At the same time, the Tesla robot weighs about 57 kg. Tesla plans to use thousands of Optimus robots in its factories, which will likely lead to job cuts. In the future, the company is going to sell robots, their cost will be about $20,000.


How AI could upend the world even more than electricity or the internet


SAN FRANCISCO: The rise of artificial general intelligence – now seen as inevitable in Silicon Valley – will bring change that is “orders of magnitude” greater than anything the world has yet seen, observers say. But are we ready?

AGI – defined as artificial intelligence with human cognitive abilities, as opposed to more narrow artificial intelligence, such as the headline-grabbing ChatGPT – could free people from menial tasks and usher in a new era of creativity.

But such a historic paradigm shift could also threaten jobs and raise insurmountable social issues, experts warn.

Previous technological advances from electricity to the internet ignited powerful social change, says Siqi Chen, chief executive of San Francisco startup Runway.

“But what we’re looking at now is intelligence itself… This is the first time we’re able to create intelligence itself and increase its amount in the universe,” he told AFP.

Change, as a result, will be “orders of magnitude greater than every other technological change we’ve ever had in history.”

And such an exciting, frightening shift is a “double-edged sword,” Chen said, envisioning using AGI to tackle climate change, for example, but also warning that it is a tool that we want to be as “steerable as possible.”

It was the release of ChatGPT late last year that brought the long dreamt of idea of AGI one giant leap closer to reality.

OpenAI, the company behind the generative software that churns out essays, poems and computing code on command, this week released an even more powerful version of the tech that operates it – GPT-4.

It says the technology will not only be able to process text but also images, and produce more complex content such as legal complaints or video games.
As such it “exhibits human-level performance” on some benchmarks, the company said.

Goodbye to ‘drudgery’

The success of OpenAI, backed by Microsoft, has ignited an arms race of sorts in Silicon Valley as tech giants seek to push their generative AI tools to the next level – though they remain wary of chatbots going off the rails.

Already, AI-infused digital assistants from Microsoft and Google can summarize meetings, draft emails, create websites, craft ad campaigns and more – giving us a glimpse of what AGI will be capable of in the future.

“We spend too much time consumed by the drudgery,” said Jared Spataro, Microsoft corporate vice president.

With artificial intelligence Spataro wants to “rediscover the soul of work,” he said during a Microsoft presentation on Thursday.

Artificial intelligence can also cut costs, some suggest.

British landscape architect Joe Perkins tweeted that he used GPT-4 for a coding project, which a “very good” developer had told him would cost 5,000 pounds ($6,000) and take two weeks.

“GPT-4 delivered the same in 3 hours, for $0.11,” he tweeted. “Genuinely mind boggling.”

But that raises the question of the threat to human jobs, with entrepreneur Chen acknowledging that the technology could one day build a startup like his – or an even better version.

“How am I going to make a living and not be homeless?” he asked, adding that he was counting on solutions to emerge.

Existential questions

Ubiquitous artificial intelligence also puts a question mark over creative authenticity as songs, images, art and more are cranked out by software instead of people.

Will humans shun education, relying instead on software to do the thinking for them?

And, who is to be trusted to make the AI unbiased, accurate, and adaptable to different countries and cultures?

AGI is “probably coming at us faster than we can process,” says Sharon Zhou, co-founder of a generative AI company. The technology raises an existential question for humanity, she told AFP.

“If there is going to be something more powerful than us and more intelligent than us, what does that mean for us?” Zhou asked.

“And do we harness it? Or does it harness us?”

OpenAI says it plans to build AGI gradually with the aim of benefitting all of humanity, but it has conceded that the software has safety flaws.

Safety is a “process,” OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever said in an interview with the MIT Technology Review, adding that it would be “highly desirable” for companies to “come up with some kind of process that allows for slower releases of models with these completely unprecedented capabilities.”

But for now, says Zhou, slowing down is just not part of the ethos.

“The power is concentrated around those who can build this stuff. And they make the decisions around this, and they are inclined to move fast,” she says.

The international order itself could be at stake, she suggests.

“The pressure between US and China has been immense,” Zhou says, adding that the artificial intelligence race invokes the Cold War era.

“There is definitely the risk with AGI that if one country figures that out faster, will they dominate?” she asks.

“And so I think the fear is, don’t stop because we can’t lose.”
Airbus showed the project of the space station LOOP.

The service life of the ISS is coming to an end and it is already necessary to create a replacement for it. Against the backdrop of what is happening in the world, humanity will either be able to create a new version of the space station accessible to all, or will build its own stations in near-Earth orbit. Airbus unveiled the concept of the new space station LOOP. The new project is a universal three-story station for life and work in space. The station can be delivered into orbit in a single launch of SpaceX's super-heavy launch vehicle. Each floor is 8 meters in diameter and can be converted into living quarters, laboratories and docking stations. The decks are connected at the center of the structure by a so-called "tunnel", which is surrounded by greenhouse modules. The LOOP station is designed for a crew of four, but can be adapted to accommodate up to eight people.

Elon Musk's Tesla Bot robots have learned to walk slowly. Tesla reported to shareholders on how the development of the universal android Tesla Optimus is progressing, which should become an assistant to a person in everyday life and at work. Also, the engineers of the Elon Musk Corporation taught the Optimus robots to collect things. In the video, anthropomorphic machines shift small items and arrange them in containers. According to Tesla experts, the learning of machines is based on the repetition of certain actions for a person. It is assumed that by the time of release, the Tesla Optimus robot will cost no more than $100,000. In the long term, Tesla Bot robots will bring the company the main income, according to Elon Musk, the demand for them will be up to 10 billion units.

Spherical building-screen "Sphere" opened in Las Vegas. The world's largest futuristic building in the form of a sphere covered with LED panels is open in Las Vegas. The screen of the unusual building "MSG Sphere" is made of 1.2 million LED panels, the display area is 54,000 sq.m. it is now the largest LED display in the world. There is also a spherical screen inside the building of the sphere, its resolution is 19,000 by 13,500 pixels, 164,000 speakers are installed inside the hemisphere. Thanks to such a large number of LEDs, at night the building is very brightly lit from the outside, and it can be seen even during the day for several kilometers. The MSG Sphere building has a capacity of 17,600 seats or 20,000 standing places and will host major concerts and sporting events. MSG Sphere will officially open on September 29th. The project of an unusual building cost 2.3 billion dollars, and is now considered the most expensive entertainment venue in Las Vegas.


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