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Constable beaten up

NEW DELHI: A 28-year-old Constable was allegedly beaten up in a moving blueline bus in west Delhi after he caught a man who allegedly tried to
pick pocket him.

The incident took place in Paschim Vihar last night. The policeman's teeth were found smashed by the assailant.

Dharam Chand, posted with the PCR of New Delhi range, had boarded the blueline bus from Punjabi Bagh and was on his way to his residence in Sultanpuri.

One Gopi (25) also got in from the same stop and was on his way home to Raghubir Nagar.

Chand alleged that Gopi tried to pick his pocket and he started beating him up. Gopi retaliated and then allegedly punched him several times on his face, smashing his teeth, police claimed.

The driver of the bus called police which rushed both of them to Sanjay Gandhi hospital, where they are recuperating. Police said that the statements of both Gopi and Chand were recorded.

A case will be registered after the eyewitness accounts of the bus driver and conductor, they said.

In another incident, a 54-year-old Assistant Sub Inspector Rajender Singh was beaten up when he objected to four youth consuming alcohol outside a juice shop in Sonia Vihar of north-east Delhi last night.

Source: Constable beaten up - Delhi - Cities - The Times of India
9 polluting hospitals served closure notice

BANGALORE: Persons showing symptoms of the pandemic H1N1 flu are currently being quarantined at the SDS TB Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest
Diseases on Hosur Road. But this government hospital could well be closed in 15 days' time. It's one of the nine hospitals served closure notices by the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) on Thursday for their failure to set up effluent treatment plants to handle biomedical waste.

The hospitals were served a 15-day deadline to close down and directed not to admit any new patients. The KSPCB said the hospitals had not even initiated work on treatment plants despite reminders. The Lok Adalat headed by Justice K L Manjunath on Thursday turned down the government's plea seeking more time.

When the government sought eight more months, Justice Manjunath said: "We don't accept this. We had ordered closure in January. Five months have elapsed. You have not even initiated any steps. We want action. It is the officials at the helm of affairs who have to be taken to task. If you have any plan that these would be set up within two months, we are ready to listen. Otherwise, close these hospitals which release pollutants till arrangements are completed to treat the liquid, biomedical waste."

D Nagaraj, counsel for KSPCB, said: "We've asked them to stop all activities within 15 days and directed BWSSB and Bescom to cut water and power supply."

BBMP commissioner Bharat Lal Meena said of the 29 maternity hospitals run by the corporation, 11 have ETPs and in the others civil works have been completed for setting up of these plants.

Source: 9 polluting hospitals served closure notice - Bangalore - Cities - The Times of India
Mother, baby vanish from Birbhum hospital

SURI: A woman went missing with her newborn girl within hours of delivery at Birbhum district hospital in Suri on Tuesday morning. Hours later,
the newborn was found near a pond, 3 km from the hospital. Till Thursday evening, the mother was untraced.

Though the hospital lodged a police complaint on Tuesday, Birbhum's chief medical officer health denied the incident even on Wednesday evening. But on Thursday, he backtracked, admitted the incident had indeed happened and formed a three-member committee to probe the matter after an order from the state health services directorate.

Hospital sources said a pregnant woman admitted to the hospital on Monday identifying herself as Alema Bibi, wife of Sheikh Habib, a resident of Sirsa village. She gave birth to a girl the next morning. Soon after, hospital staff found both missing. Authorities lodged a missing person diary at Suri police station at 6.45 pm.

Just over two hours later, a Hasnabad village resident spotted the abandoned baby crying near a pond. Dalui said, "We were chatting on returning from work when a neighbour heard the baby's crying. I went near the pond and found the baby with the metallic hospital tag (No 6) on her. I brought her home and took her to the hospital the next morning. They treated her and handed her over to me." Though Dalui has children, he wants to keep the baby girl. But another villager too has expressed a similar desire.

Even as news spread, Birbhum's CMOH Sunil Kumar Bhowmik firmly said, "No such incident happened. Your information is baseless. I have just talked to the hospital superintendent." When TOI asked him about a baby being found near a village pond with a hospital tag, the CMOH said, "I don't know where they got the baby from."

Just 12 hours later (on Thursday morning), the CMOH had a different version. "I came to know about the incident this morning. It is true. On orders from the state directorate of health services, we have formed a three-member probe committee comprising deputy CMOHs I, II & III. The committee has started work." Asked why he had repeatedly denied the incident till Wednesday night, he said, "The hospital super did not inform me. The super himself had no information till yesterday night." Bhowmik said the committee would probe whether the woman herself left the hospital without permission or whether she was taken away by somebody. The CMOH said the woman's address has to be verified.

Birbhum SP Lakshmi Narayan Meena said, "So far, no information about the woman was found at the address she mentioned at the time of admission to the hospital."

Source: Mother, baby vanish from Birbhum hospital - Kolkata - Cities - The Times of India
Man strangles wife to death

PATNA: The police on Thursday recovered the body of a woman packed in a gunny bag from a garage of a house on G D Mishra Road under Patliputra
police station.

The body was identified as that of Kanchan Devi (45), wife of Manoj Das, a cobbler by profession.

The couple, staying in the garage along with their three sons for the past 15 days, used to quarrel quite often, the police said.

The sources said Das strangled his wife on Wednesday night and packed the body in a gunny bag but could not dispose of the body as the children got up and started crying after not seeing their mother.

Soon the locals gathered and informed the police who found the body. Das, however, managed to flee.

The body was sent for post-mortem.

Source: Man strangles wife to death - Patna - Cities - The Times of India
Minor girl saved from becoming Balika Badhu'

IDAR (Sabarkantha): Timely action by police saved a 14-year old girl from being married off in Veerawada village of Himmatnagar district on
Thursday morning. In a dramatic save, officials reached the venue in the nick of time, just when the minor was about to be brought into the mandap'.

According to officials of Jadar police station, the incident occurred at Rama Vankar's house in Mangadh village. Vankar was getting his orphaned 14-year old niece married to 24-year old Bharat Vankar from the village. LK Pujara, mamlatdar of Idar said, "I received a tip off about the child's marriage and sent the police team."

"When the police sub inspector from Jadar police station inquired about the age of the bride, Vankar was left with no option but to tell her age," a police official said. Vankar told police that the girl was his late elder brother Kanti's daughter. Her parents died when she was a child and she was raised by the community and him. Vankar told police that the girl's marriage had been fixed with consent of community members.

However, no action was taken against the girl's relatives. All local leaders and guardians of the girl were called in by the police and a promise was taken from them that she would be married only after she is a major. As per the Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929, parents or guardians who get their child married before the age of 18 can be fined up to Rs one lakh and could be jailed for a year. Even people who attend the wedding are liable for punishment.

"The menace of child marriage still exists in the area. We are trying to do our best to deal it," Pujara said.

Source: Minor girl saved from becoming Balika Badhu' - Rajkot - Cities - The Times of India
IAS officer caught with his pants down in office

IAS officer caught with his pants down in office

Bhopal: The Madhya Pradesh government has suspended an IAS officer who was caught in a state of undress in his office with a man, who accuses him of sexual harassment.

CEO of a Bhopal district panchayat, Gyaneshwar Patil, was on Thursday allegedly caught by a group of mediapersons when he was with a panchayat employee in the office washroom.

"Patil has been sexually harassing me for a long time but I could not complain for I feared losing my job," the man told mediapersons.

Patil rejected the allegation. "It is a conspiracy against me," he said.

When asked by mediapersons as to what he was doing with his pants down, he said that he was in the washroom at the time the media barged in.

He insisted that he was being framed.

Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan announced Patil’s suspension on Friday and has ordered a probe.

"The IAS officer has been suspended and further investigations are on and suitable action would be taken," Chouhan said.

Patil is a 2003 batch IAS officer. The man who has accused him is a Panchayat Secretary in Beraisa, and used to directly report to Patil.

Both the accused and the victim have approached the police and investigations are on.

here is the video.
IAS officer caught with his pants down in office: IBNLive.com > Videos

well i have doubts on the intentions of thread starter but i kinda like this thread.:D
Gujarat Hospital puts sticker to mark patient as HIV+

New Delhi: In a case of discrimination, humiliation and insensitive treatment to an HIV positive patient in Gujarat's Jamnagar a woman who tested positive for HIV has been branded in public.

The government hospital in Jamnagar singled out the 27-year-old pregnant woman by pasting a sticker on her head declaring her HIV+ status.

"I was in the hospital on Wednesday for a routine check up during my pregnancy when the staff here pasted a sticker with HIV+ written on my forehead. I don't know why have they done this?" said the woman.

When she approached a local NGO they came to support her and took up the issue with the hospital.

The hospital owned up but said it was a policy.

"All types of patients come here. The strip has been placed on the forehead of the patient for easy identification. It helps the nurse to identify the special case and it is a policy of the hospital to place a strip on the forehead of the patient. I am willing to apologise in writing on behalf of anyone who has done this but these people are not willing to listen to anything," said Gynaecology Department head at Jamnagar government hospital Dr Nandini Anand.

But the big questions are:


Is the government aware of the fact that HIV+ positive patients are being labelled with stickers in its hospitals?


How can the government allow its hospitals to label and discriminate against HIV+ patients?


How many other hospitals in India are practicing such a policy?


Who is responsible for the humiliation that this woman and others like her had to face?

Gujarat Hospital puts sticker to mark patient as HIV+
Probe ordered after hospital labels woman HIV+

Jamnagar (Hujarat): The Gujarat government has suspended the staff of a hospital and ordered a probe after a pregnant woman was singled out by the hospital by sticking a tape on her forehead and branding her HIV positive.

The 27-year-old woman now wants those responsible for humiliating her to be punished.

“I am illiterate so I did not know what was written on my forehead but people started staring at me. They have insulted me and they should be suspended,” says the woman.

A nurse, medical officer and head of the Gynecology Department Dr Nalini Ahmed have been asked to proceed on leave till the enquiry is completed.

“Both the doctors and the nurse involved have been asked to go on leave. Enquiry committee will submit report within three days. The action required will be taken to avoid recurring of such incidents,” says Gujarat health minister Jay Narayan Vyas.


Gujarat Hospital puts sticker to mark patient as HIV+

But volunteers of a local NGO which works with HIV positive people are running out of patience.

“We have given them time of two days. If those responsible are not suspended or transferred out of Jamnagar, we will sit on a fast at the hospital premises,” says NGO’s vice president, Devendra Bhanushali.

The onus is now on the government to make sure its hospitals don't carry out insensitive discriminatory practices and to bring those guilty of humiliating this woman to task.

(With inputs from Sairam Sanath Kumar for CNN IBN)

Probe ordered after hospital labels woman HIV+
This actually can keep a record of all things in India. We can give our own estimate of crime rate in India. Keep it hot. We dont want to miss anything.

Youth walks into school, strips before Class X girls

17 Jun 2009, 0340 hrs IST, TNN
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KOLKATA: A youngster walked into an all-girls school in central Kolkata unchallenged on Monday morning, stripped naked and made indecent gestures
at students in a classroom, and escaped without any of the staff attempting to stop him. Many girls fainted and others are still traumatized.

The authorities did not even bother to lodge a complaint with police. The incident has put the scanner on security in Kolkata’s schools.

Sources said it was around noon, just when the class bell was supposed to go off that the youth entered the English-medium school near Hedua. Security guards could not recall when he walked in or what excuse he gave for entering a girls’ school.

He walked through the corridors unchallenged until he found his target — the Class X room on the second floor. In front of the horrified teacher and students, he took off his clothes unhurriedly, stripped completely nude and made indecent gestures at the girls. Some girls apparently passed out while a few vomited.

Not many outside the classroom were even aware of the girls’ plight. Before anyone could raise an alarm, the youth grabbed his clothes, put on his trousers and ran.

The girls returned home and complained to their parents. Some are still complaining of dizziness. A group of parents turned up at the school on Tuesday and demanded an explanation from principal Rita Chatterjee. An apologetic Chatterjee told them that she would tighten security.

A security guard who was on duty on Monday maintained the youth had merely taken off his shirt. “It is not possible to keep tabs on everybody entering the school. We weren’t even aware that something like this had happened till the girls started screaming. Not even teachers were aware of the incident.”

While school authorities try to pass it off as the act of a deranged man, psychologists and social scientists believe it was an act of perversion by an exhibitionist. Some believe that the man may have entered into a bet with his friends.

“A mentally deranged person will not take off his clothes after entering a classroom. This is a clear case of exhibitionism by a pervert. Such people normally don’t have a partner. Such acts are outbursts of increasing frustration and stress,” said psychologist Paromita Mitra Bhowmick.
Read visitor comments in the link.
I should create a poll on this article.
THe question is:
WHo should be held responsible for this?

War hero dies in penury, bravery counts for nothing

Bhopal: Radhe Shyam Tiwari fought three wars for India, winning seven bravery awards, but died in poverty with his family scrounging around and appealing to friends for money to perform the last rites of the 75-year-old war hero.

Tiwari received seven bravery awards including the Mention-in-Dispatch award from the President of India died in Madya Pradesh's Mandsour on Friday.

All the bravery and service to the nation, however, failed to get him any dignity, not even in death.

He could be cremated only after friends, relatives and well wishers donated money.

Post his retirement, Tiwari lived, and died in penury.

By the time he retired, he had fought three wars for India, sustained injuries in the 1971 war against Pakistan and was decorated with seven bravery awards.

"He fought for the country but was given nothing in return, People usurped his land and he was left to fend for himself. No one came to his rescue when he needed help against those who had occupied the land given by the government," a relative BL Tiwari.

Tiwary was given 12 bigha land by the government, but most of it was illegally occupied even before it was allocated to him.

In his last years, cancer killed his wife, before turning to Tiwari himself. But this was one war the veteran couldn't win.

"My father was a fighter. He fought for the country; he never got the land that he was allocated, mother died from cancer. The medals that he got ultimately were of no use," his son Ajay Tiwary said.

The Indian state by conferring a Mention-in-Dispatch Award in 1974 ensured that his name was mentioned in a gazette notification but could do little else.

Neither his medals, nor the government helped him in his battle for survival. Even his last journey was made on borrowed money.

War hero dies in penury, bravery counts for nothing
Mob fury after Delhi woman alleges rape by cops

New Delhi: A woman has alleged she was gang raped by five policemen, including an officer, inside a police station in southwest Delhi but the cops refused to register a complaint. This prompted an irate mob to pelt the police station with stones on Tuesday.

The woman, who resides in a slum cluster nearby, alleged that the station house officer (SHO) of Inderpuri along with four other policemen raped her inside the police station on Monday. The SHO has been temporarily relieved of his duty, police said.

According to the woman, a police team came to her Inderpuri residence on Monday night looking for her husband, claiming he was involved in the betting business.

"My husband was not at home and the cops asked me to come with them to the police station for questioning. They raped me by turns and later threatened me with dire consequences if I revealed the incident to anyone," she told a news channel.

The woman then informed her husband of the incident following which he took her to the Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) hospital.

"She was inconsolable and told me about the whole incident. I along with other family members took her to the hospital where doctors are treating her. I informed the police but they did not register any complaint," said the woman's husband.

Angered over the incident, a nearly 200-strong mob threw stones at the Inderpuri police station demanding that the complaint be registered. The security outside the police station was increased and extra police force was deployed to handle the angry mob.

K Jagdishan, the deputy commissioner of police (southwest), said: "The case has been handed over to Delhi Police Crime Branch and the SHO has been relieved of his post and transferred to the Police Lines for the time being.

"There was a PCR call that a woman alleged rape by cops in the police station. The woman's initial medical reports do not confirm any harassment and for further confirmation we have sent her clothes to the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL), Rohini," he said.

"We have not detained anyone in the matter and a police team will be questioning the woman. She has spoken to the media and has not lodged an official complaint at the police station," he added.

S K Sharma, chief medical officer at RML, said, "The preliminary medical report of the woman does not confirm rape and her clothes were sent to FSL for further confirmation."

Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit said though the matter was related to the Delhi Police, she ordered an inquiry into the incident by the Delhi Commission for Women.

Mob fury after Delhi woman alleges rape by cops
2nd gangrape: Woman accuses husband's friend of rape

New Delhi: In the second incident of gangrape reported in the capital in as many days, a 22-year-old woman has alleged that she was assaulted by three men in her east Delhi home, police said on Wednesday.

According to the woman, three men, including her husband's friend, raped her when she was alone at her Bholanath Nagar residence in east Delhi Tuesday evening.

"I was alone when they entered into the house on the pretext of meeting my husband. They raped and threatened of dire consequences if I said anything about it," the woman said in her police complaint.

"I came back at night from work and found her crying on the terrace. She told me about the incident after which I called the police," her husband added.

"We received a call at 10 p.m. about the incident and have registered a case. The woman has identified the three men and we are trying to nab them," a police officer said.


Mob fury after Delhi woman alleges rape by cops

Rape case registered against Delhi SHO

The medical report of the victim has confirmed rape.

On Monday, a woman had alleged that she was raped by five policemen, including an officer, in the premises of Inderpuri police station in southwest Delhi.

2nd gangrape: Woman accuses husband's friend of rape
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