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New provinces and provincial autonomy


Oct 3, 2005
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Jamali proposes to divide Punjab into three provinces

KARACHI: Former Prime Minister Mir Zaffarullah Khan Jamali proposed on Wednesday that the Punjab province should be divided into three provinces with a view to ensure balanced government system in the country.

“Siraiki, Pothohar and Central Punjab provinces should be carved out of the Punjab province for the balanced government system,” he said while talking to newsmen after meeting with spiritual leader of Hur Jamaat Pir Pagara, who is also PML (F) chief.

“The equilibrium is must for the success of federation,” he added.

He demanded that all the provinces should be given due representation in PML party elections being held before the upcoming general elections in the country.

In a reply to a question Jamali said that he would not support impeachment against the president General Pervez Musharraf.

Jamali stressed the need to resolve the Balochistan imbroglio through the dialogue.

Meanwhile, Pir Pagara in a meeting with Jamali termed the PML as the party of thugs and said only PML (F) was the true Muslim League.
Dividing Punjab alone would serve the purpose? The only non-problematic province of them all? We need to divide them all.
Neo said:
Meaning..?? :confused:
"Allah miyan ki gaye" is an expression used to denote, "soft" people. You know the nice ones, almost pushovers.
Asim Aquil said:
"Allah miyan ki gaye" is an expression used to denote, "soft" people. You know the nice ones, almost pushovers.
Thanks, i do need to polish my urdu I guess....:redface:

The breakup of the province should have been done a long time ago alongwith the rest of the provinces-------. Smaller sectors are easier to manage and maintain and create an atmosphere of healthy competition alongwith breaking up the linguistic partition of the nation. The ethnic identity which exists on the basis of language and provincial geography must be abolished.
Durrani moves bill for creating new provinces

Friday, June 26, 2009

ISLAMABAD: Former information minister Senator Muhammad Ali Durrani submitted a draft resolution with the Senate Secretariat on Thursday to amend the Constitution for facilitating the process of creating new provinces with a simple majority of parliament.

“My bill seeks to make the procedure of formation, creation of new provinces simple and reflective of wishes and wishes of the people of the country for faster development of the country. It is imperative to form new Provinces of a manageable size.

This will not only make the administration easy but the under-developed areas will be able to make rapid progress,” he told reporters while addressing a press conference at the Parliament House.

Senator Durrani said he had introduced the bill as there is a very difficult and lengthy procedure to form a new province, whereas, as compared to the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Constitution of other developed countries provide simple procedure for this purpose.

“This bill would facilitate the process and by making this bill a part of the Constitution, the respective province or Senate could pass a resolution with a simple majority for creation of new province. Later, parliament would also need a simple majority to pass the bill,” he added.
Can some one tell me how to post a new thread? I mean where can I go to post new thread. thanks
Durrani moves bill for creating new provinces

Friday, June 26, 2009

ISLAMABAD: Former information minister Senator Muhammad Ali Durrani submitted a draft resolution with the Senate Secretariat on Thursday to amend the Constitution for facilitating the process of creating new provinces with a simple majority of parliament.

“My bill seeks to make the procedure of formation, creation of new provinces simple and reflective of wishes and wishes of the people of the country for faster development of the country. It is imperative to form new Provinces of a manageable size.

This will not only make the administration easy but the under-developed areas will be able to make rapid progress,” he told reporters while addressing a press conference at the Parliament House.

Senator Durrani said he had introduced the bill as there is a very difficult and lengthy procedure to form a new province, whereas, as compared to the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Constitution of other developed countries provide simple procedure for this purpose.

“This bill would facilitate the process and by making this bill a part of the Constitution, the respective province or Senate could pass a resolution with a simple majority for creation of new province. Later, parliament would also need a simple majority to pass the bill,” he added.

I would liek to knwo why Mr. Durrani didn't submit this bill when PML-Q had majority in the Parliament.

This is how politicians harm Pakistan. This gentleman is trying to help the PPPP while gaining support for PPML-Q in the next elections.

1. PPPP will benefit as this issue will initiate a heated debate in Pakistan and focus of general public would shift from inflation, electric and water shortage to ethnicity and hate.

2. PML-Q will use this bill in next elections to gather support in areas like Bhawalpur, D.I. Khan, Multan, Gawadar etc.
Why not debate this matter on the basis of whether we really need new provinces on administrative grounds or not? I think, we need new provinces.
Do ppl feel the need to create more provinces in Pk ? This has its pro's & cons.
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