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New PAF at War Simulation

Baba ji nice work boss lol really good i think so u took part from a earlier video but did a great job closing it up keep it up when i shall see the next one i will tell u wat i think !!
Not bad just remember a few things which are important.
1/ Fighters on CAP or going for a mission have Ammo so they fly next to each other never behind each other or in a formation they are always broken and a formation is not kept. Just incase the wingman makes a mistake or some accident triggers a missfire.
Rest good work again the first clip you took has a fault the f-16 flys directly into the front fighters jetwash that would be the last act you do in the living world. By the time you have taken control of the plane its to late either you are in heaven/hell or your leader is because he needed your help and you had your own problems.
Hey, Nice work mate! =)

Keep it up! :bounce:

Which simulator is this? And how did you manage to get a JF-17 in there? :|
I like it :enjoy:

Hi I am circuitboy from youtube I made this new video... I think all PAF fans will love it:enjoy:

Plz reply with Suggestions

good work,
just need to go into more details, like if u concentrate that Mirage 2000 started flying, and from PAF perspective, F-16's started flying, and how both the air craft tackle each other. i think that will give more beauty to your video.

Keep it up bro.
Have to hand to the guy for mashing up videos from an old 3D animation by a guy , different video games.. and then calling it a simulation.

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