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Need of A Submarine Launched Intercontinental Ballistic Missile for India?

@king of pop - OMG,where did u get this one from ? @Rest - Guys this article/blog was written by me some 3 years back...I know it was poorly written..I am not aware how OP got this one..since my Blog page was deleted long back
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@king of pop - OMG,where did u get this one from ? @Rest - Guys this article/blog was written by me some 3 years back...I know it was poorly written..I am not aware how OP got this one..since my Blog page was deleted long back

he is ur double id.....or you suffer from multiple personality disorder.......
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You made enemies with the penguins? Nuke Antarctica?
What else should I do! He sports my nation's flag and is running about creating threads about how IN can buy a Korean destroyer while jumping about the P-15A being christened the Bengaluru class.

Now he moots the idea that we should perhaps aim to buy Ohio SSBNs and Trident-2 SLBMs, matha sanak gaya hai vele ka. How hard will any serious poster laugh when he/she reads something like this. While we are at it- lets also buy the new Gerald R Ford class super carrier- hell if they'll sell us an Ohio then they'll sell us that too.

i want give some thing for this matha sanak gaya hai
vele ka and gift is u are f*** and gift *** + ******* like???
i want give some thing for this matha sanak gaya hai
vele ka and gift is u are f*** and gift *** + ******* like???

Get your facts right, if your posts are factually incorrect then someone or the other will shoot you down. If you have to resort to invective and scatological language then you've further degraded the quality of your post.

You are suggesting the purchase of an Ohio class SSBN and Trident-2 SLBMs, only some one lacking even an iota of intelligence would suggest something like that. You have a shopping list of your own, feel free to fantasize about it, do not create a thread out of it. Such infantile posts are frankly offensive. Let other members who have better knowledge and a better capability to collate information lead the way.

Every time you post something as moronically absent of intellect as this thread and your posts within it- I'll be there to shoot it down till you settle down and learn some things- come back here when you've got some hard knowledge and a modicum of common sense.

Mind you- a senior member @Nirvana has claimed ownership of what you posted- he did not feel the need to post it here- and if he had he would have surely qualified it better than you instead of turning it into a wish list.
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