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Nearly 80 killed as Pakistan bombs madrassa


Jul 8, 2006
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Nearly 80 killed as Pakistan bombs madrassa
Khar, Pakistan

Pakistani helicopter gunships on Monday destroyed an Islamic school used as an al-Qaeda-linked training camp near the Afghan border, killing nearly 80 militants, officials and witnesses said.

The strike targeting a madrassa near Khar, the main town in Bajaur tribal agency, was the biggest for months in the restive frontier region where many al-Qaeda and Taliban insurgents have sought sanctuary since 2001.

The bodies of 20 people wrapped in sheets were laid on the ground for funeral prayers near the site and locals were still pulling corpses from the rubble and putting them in sacks, an Agence France-Presse (AFP) correspondent said.

"The information that we are getting from the area is that the death toll is close to 80, a senior Pakistani security official told AFP on condition of anonymity.

A local Taliban commander known as Maulvi Liaqat, who ran the madrassa and was wanted by the authorities for sheltering insurgents, was among the dead, the official said.

Chief military spokesperson Major General Shaukat Sultan would not confirm the death toll but said up to 80 militants, including some foreigners, were inside the compound when the attack happened at around 5am local time.

"We had information about the presence of 70 to 80 miscreants who were engaging in militant training in this madrassa and we carried out an operation using gunship helicopters and precision weapons," Sultan said.

"Most of the compound was destroyed."

The madrassa was far from any civilian areas and no women or children were inside at the time of the attack.

Witnesses said at least three army helicopters swooped on the madrassa and then they heard a huge explosion before the choppers flew off. Most of the occupants were asleep while some had awoken for pre-dawn prayers, they said.

An Islamist legislator who attended the prayer service, Haroon Rashid, said afterwards that 83 people had been killed. Witnesses also said Maulvi Liaqat was killed.

Three injured people had arrived at a hospital in Khar after the attack, a doctor said. An official earlier said eight had been brought in.

The attack came two days after thousands of pro-militant tribesmen gathered in Bajaur agency and chanted their support for al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Omar, security sources said.
The tribesmen also said they would continue "jihad" or holy war to enforce Islamic law.

Sultan said the attack was not linked to the meeting and was based on prior intelligence.

Al-Qaeda's Egyptian deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was said to have escaped a United States missile attack in Bajaur agency in January and it has been a suspected militant hot-spot ever since.

Pakistan's lawless northwestern tribal areas became a sanctuary for al-Qaeda and Taliban militants who fled Afghanistan after US-led forces ousted the ultra-Islamic Taliban regime in late 2001.

Pakistani forces have since launched a series of military operations throughout the tribal zones in which more than 1 000 militants and 600 soldiers are said to have died.

Monday's gunship raid also came on the first full day of a visit to Pakistan by Britain's Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, during which he is due to meet Musharraf.

Charles is also scheduled to visit a madrassa during his five-day visit as part of an focus on "interfaith harmony". - Sapa-AFP

I might be off by a long shot, but he doesn't like Musharraf so I think he might feel that Musharraf just killed 80 innocent people for sport.
Dear all most of those killed are childern and this time im also not supporting this killing. its just like US kills 100 saying suspected militant.

its realt heart renching.
i had seen the pics of teenage and small childern students who were killed in thsi attack.

its realy not good not good not good
:angry: this is totally wrong musharraf has no rights to kill his fellow citizens and muslim,s this is realy disgracefull i am totally disheartend
The most bad and hurting thing is the bombardment was carried out by US airplanes while Pakistan Army is being made sacapgoat. this realy sickining.


this also very stupid on part of government to accept that as just yesterday i put a news in my newspaper that there was a decision going to be taken in a jirga today (tuesday) where they had vowed to fight against all terrorist elements and look what happend they attacked them.
The stupid Americans are realy doing damage to us.
The Pakistan Correspondent on Asia Times (atimes.com) says it was the NATO choppers that attacked (e cites local on the ground sources) and that Pakistan is covering it up by claiming their choppies did the attack.

Whoever did it, I am sure the "peace deal" is now surely off.
i suppose there will not be candle bearing people in the western countries to mourn the slaughter of these innocent children and youths. but then again nowadays the biggest crime is being a muslim. so no candles !

Furthermore no priest is gonna come out and dissociate his/her religion from this christian bestiality ( american's attacked this madrassa not Pak helicopters...the truth will out ).
Pakistani army attacked its own people, Mushy's government is CIA's puppet.
I didn't liked musharraf, now I am against the military dictatorship even more.
I have a question.

What does Musharraf himself have anything to do with this attack?

Was he in the AH-1?
I have a question.

What does Musharraf himself have anything to do with this attack?

Was he in the AH-1?

But he ordered those AH-1's and if true that it was US that attacked, then mushy was the one that gave the grren light. Either way he is responible, he attacked his own people. As for "taliben" there, well out of 80, 30 of them were KIDS under 15 . Were they too terrorists?? Also there is absoulty no evindence that the people killed were actully terroritsts. They were suspects. You don't go and bomb suspects. And even IF they were terrorists, then it was wrong timing cause the elections are very very near. People are certianly going to remember this at the polls
I hope mushy is over thrown, this is very disgracefully u don't go around kiling ur own country men, they are also people who helped us fight the 65 war and and 48 war, they always supported us is what i mean, and now were turning our backs on them. Mushy has it comming god protects his butt, but it's sure to get blown soon! And if it was US army or NATO pak airforce should have reposnded what do we pay taxes for ?
As thunder said u don't go kiling suspects unless u really know or go and capture them, and I hope sultan gets blown to..talking like a american puppet no stop !
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