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Nawaz Sharif ran away !

All PTI/APML/MQM/PPP/PMLQ supporters on this thread just tells me one thing...than we will decides who is running from the show..... Nawaz Sharif or Imran Khan??

Is thier any candidate of PTI for the upcoming by election in Bhawalpur PP 275??.
Sheduled to be for polling in November , 2011?????????

As usual....Its no one....just no one...Imran is a proven Bhigorda...plain and simple!!!:cheers:
I have never seen such a dumb politician like him. Shahbaz sharif is faaar better than him. But still the leadership of pmln was and will remain within persons having "sharif" at the end of their names.

Now coming to his prime quality "dumb", i dont what makes him get out if his mind as he takes unnecessary panga with establishment. Now he has been screwed by zardari and co. cant you see that? He had a very good chance after getting heavy mandate but since he is dumb so lost the chance. He could not spent time in jail, can you imagine he used to cry in jail with tears, so ran away to saudi arabia with suitcases after doing a deal with mush.

Now dont tell me that those suit cases did not contain the qarz utaro mulk sawaro money.

Apart from the fact i dont like the way IK is planning for elections, but he is million times better than sharif bros. get a life mate.

You have to be some1 who is very little informed about things around you..In the political history of pakistan he was n still is the most popular leader of all time He won elections with 2 3rd majority he is the 1st one to active that in the history of Pakistan.In recent time he's still the most favorite n the most popular leader according to Gallup survey!if i were to say you ur the only 1 "Dump" who thinks he is "dump"because rest of 170 million people still thing he's the great n smart leader for them then i guess u need to change ur line of thinking.....

When u say Musharraf said Nawaz singed a deal the statement loses it's worth Musharraf was the biggest coward in the history of pakistan.His pants got wet when U.S called him after 9/11 n he agreed to do everything to safe his dirty self since he removed the seating prime Minister who had heavy mandate !!! when u talk about in favor of Establishment only anti pakistani would have said that or some1 who has no knowledge whatsoever!!!!!!!!!It is totally our establishment responsibility why pakistan is suffering today over the years they have stick their legs into politics.. they have taken decisions against the will of people of pakistan they are the main culprits of all the wrong things n brought pakistan on the stage where perhaps no way out if we don't do anything about it !!!!!!

I don't like to comment on IK all i would he would have been better doing something for cricket n collecting money anyways good luck to him!! but he is playing in the hands of the same culprits who are the responsible of alot of wrong things over the years.
how much taxes did NS pay for fiscal 2010.

i wonder. . .

how much do any of these people calling themselves "representatives" of the country (or sections of the country) pay?

i wonder more

Maybe if you rephrase the question to "how much tax have nawaz sharifs companies paid" you would get a more proper answer.
One of my friend was working on his case during the musharaff govt and he told me that after checkin NS accounts over and over again they found no corruption.......the only thing close to corruptionn was that he had used his postion to obtain loans which he should have not been abel to get but he paid them off.
As far as i can see the only crime he has committed is that he has a good accountant.
Nawaz Sharif should just retire. Nawaz and BB taking turns ruling the country in the 90's was the worst thing that happened to Pakistan. In 1999, the country was bankrupt. He did a horrible job ruling the country.
he's not even eligible for elections!!!!

Who wants to win election to rule country ...
If you are president of party and your party wins election .. you become president of as country simple .....
sadly enough you're right......he shouldnt be berating Zardarism when he's guilty of a similar ploy

I hope Pakistanis realize this, how many more lessons are required
He has gone for a new Hair Transplant procedure, because the last one was not turning out too well.

he spends too much time on mobile phones; the cellular waves are causing disturbances

Well at the moment :) Imran Khan is running away from all bye elections.

Such a Bhagora he is (lawl)

What could be the reason ? is he tired of losing ?

PTI status:
Born: 16 years ago
Performance: 1 seat won.
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