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NATO copter downed; Navy SEALs among the 30 U.S. dead

''some kind of channel'' has to be a US paid informant acting as a double agent.

That is one of the biggest problems the US hasn't been able to get a handle on. They don't have anyone in the population that they can trust. It makes their intelligence unreliable and thus many of their operations counter-productive.

Or may be their own soldiers are becoming taliban sympathizers and being radicalized ;)
Or just the Taliban like their food and don't want to share it with the Americans?
but until now Afghanistan has shown great resistance against attackers. it is only possible if you suit there people are with you. and in most of the cases it has not been the case. any aggressor has not won a war without afghan people support. and it may be relevant today.
I don't recall a PA heli being downed by AA guns. Please elaborate...

And US will be thanking God that Taliban no more got those Stingers, else it did be bull's eye hits & many...

A PA heli was damaged by small arms fire, it was a cobra, the pics you see of a cobra dangling from an Mi-17, the only case i can remember where a heli was sufficiently damaged to be rendered unflyable. The crew was well though. But no heli has been brought down, resulting in loss of life thus far AFAIK.
The funny thing is how Taliban insurgents are more than how many they were back to 2000.
with the Rules of Engagement (ROEs) they have to deal with, its impossible

to ''tame'' Afghanistan to their favour would require nothing short of what Webster comtemporary dictionary (and the ICJ) would label as ''genocide''

Well what the Mongols did in Russia is the penultimate counter-insurgency strategy. Kill anything that moves = no insurgents.
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