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NATO Attacks Pakistani Check-post

Asim Bhai
I still remember this presidential debate in which a question is asked to Obama about Pakistans soverignity. Everything becomes crystal clear as he said that we will expand our non military aid to Pakistan so that they have more at stake working with us and we will use this aid to force them to go after militants and he was clearly showing the signs that he has not made his mind to allow Pakistan to make peace treaties.Watch the interesting reply from senator McCain.When I was watching that debate back then I knew that if Obama was elected he will eventually make that mistake that will eventually allow the people of Pakistan to rise against them and no wonder that is exactly happening today.

When Imran Khan called about discussion with the Taliban, they called him Taliban Khan. Today Obama is not even doing indirect talks, but direct talks with the Taliban.
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Great word, there.

I say "Wow" probably 20X a day every time I log into this site when I see the absolutely outrageous claims.

- Wow. Do they really believe we caused their flooding with HAARP?

- Wow. Someone actually believes the guy killed in Abottobad was a bin Laden CLONE.

- Wow. A Pakistani journalist possibly believes the moon landings were faked.

I could go on and on with infinite 'wows' of the mind blowing mental gymnastics exhibited daily. But I don't, I generally try to stay civil and debate logically, rather than fly off in a lather and screeching "We're gonna kill your a$$" over a blue on blue accidental firing over a porous and ill-defined border.

Wow is right... :undecided:
Great word, there.

I say "Wow" probably 20X a day every time I log into this site when I see the absolutely outrageous claims.

- Wow. Do they really believe we caused their flooding with HAARP?

- Wow. Someone actually believes the guy killed in Abottobad was a bin Laden CLONE.

- Wow. A Pakistani journalist possibly believes the moon landings were faked.

I could go on and on with infinite 'wows' of the mind blowing mental gymnastics exhibited daily. But I don't, I generally try to stay civil and debate logically, rather than fly off in a lather and screeching "We're gonna kill your a$$" over a blue on blue accidental firing over a porous and ill-defined border.

Wow is right... :undecided:

Of course you would, you are the nation that hails the Patriot act. All acts of dissent are automatically clubbed as disloyalty for your own citizens. With us or against us is what the new America believes in. Don't mind the concept of PROVING a claim, questioning something automatically assumes we're with the terrorists. You have forgotten to champion the cause of democracy, freedom and the right to protest at home, of course you'll see us in an even worse light. You term your own countrymen questioning the war as traitors. Let alone the fact that America was once a country founded by people who were traitors to their nation.

Isn't asking questions, doubting the official versions and asking for proof before believing the center of power a part of American civil liberties? Be it HAARP, Bin Laden and Moon landing - a convenient excuse exists in AMerica "Oh they will not believe us anyway". What an incredible Sheep act by your nation.

Civil liberties, you're tapping phones, you can pull up personal details at will, detain anyone at will... You grant your own citizens some absolute horrendous ones yourself. I wonder why people are surprised that America created Guantanamo. Who else? After 9/11 your congress bumbled over each other to sign the Patriot Act. Ask your local congressman they still haven't probably read it. I have never seen legislated regression on a much larger scale anywhere.

Of course you arrest people throw them in jail without trial. Of course you torture them and this is not torture against known criminals, its not an exception to the norm, now America tortures people as part of an SOP. You arrest someone, first torture them.

Civil liberties? They are not American
Geneva Convention - This takes the cake they are not POW, they are enemy combatants.

Torture by Jargon - The American way. Yes. Wow.

Of course you see us as enemies, we're just full of nonsense that you don't allow your own countrymen any more and the people you fight with you reduce them into nothingness, heck you are irked at the very fact our PM called the Chinese Pakistan's Best Friends.

No kidding, is it a shock we didn't pick America? When we say stop bombing us, you react like we have just asked you to sacrifice all your first borns! It cannot be accepted any more and you would most likely see this act of protest, this dissent, this defiance as an act of betrayal (or in the terms your US senators understand - an act of de-Best Friending), which will be your mental problem not ours and we just cannot bow down any more.

Freedom, that notion that you have forgotten, is something that is becoming dearer and dearer to us now.
Americans are a strange people: Distrust their govt. over domestic policies. But when it comes to foreign affairs, most are like people anywhere else in the world: Sheeples!
To this day, there is not ONE proof of 'Pakistani' complicity in the OBL hiding. But for two+ weeks Pakistani image in the world was tarnished relentlessly.

We will not forgive and forget that, especially after so many sacrifices were made by Pakistan.
Is it our fault your rulers are corrupt to the bone, and none of the $$ seems to make it to those who need it? Why isn't the hostility aimed at them? Or the terrorists that exist on your soil?

this is good that you recognize your fault, now put pressure on your government to stop wasting tax payers money and cut off the aid to Pakistan- We don't need your aid.
I'm still here, but koi weird sa attack Defence.pk pe ho raha hai ke only I can't access it from my most common locations :)

This thing that you have said is not complete but even this no leader in the military or civilian leadership has been able to say.

The COAS should not just blow wind by saying "We will not allow another attack on Pakistan" only to face an attack the same or at most the next day, he should properly voice out this concern, he should lay it out that "Ok I'm going to shoot down the drones, are you, the nation behind me on this action? Are you the government behind me on this action? Who opposes the defending Pakistan, please come out and say so. Who supports the gutting of Pakistani soldiers at the hands of Nato, please come out and say so.

History has it, whenever the COAS has risen a battle cry in Pakistan, millions have stood behind him and they will still do so. I hardly have any fighting capabilities living a comfortable life in Dubai and can choose to ignore Pakistan, but even I will join in to fight for Pakistan in a justified fight for survival, for democracy and most of all, for Azaadi.

We have hit that stage, where we either fight for Pakistan or we perish. We either fight with our leaders, or we fight them. We are there. This is it. A true make or break point for all of us. All 160 million are about to perish into nothingness and that has got to have us all bothered, it just has to.

So step up Kayani sahab and see for yourself kaum saath deti hai ke nahi. I have previously been a big fan of Kayani, his performance in the fight against terror was amazing, Musharraf had lost Swat. But Swat leke Pakistan nahi gawana maine and I am a mixture of disappointment and pareshani to the recent behavior of Pakistani leaders.

Shoot down that drone already.

Yeah, I remember the comfortable life in Dubai where you would take long cruises just to get a nice cup of tea. On a private note, where have you been? I have called you a few times but never got a call back.

As for the above I totally agree with you.
Battle areas such as this one are horribly confused. There is no nice, clear, straight line on the ground.

Do you guys think there is a light in the Apache cockpit that illuminates and says "You are in Pakistan"? When taking fire, you shoot back. I'd expect nothing less from ANY soldiers, anywhere.

What we know now...

1) ISAF/NATO forces are taking fire, apparently from the Pakistan side of the border, from militants.

2) Helicopter goes to investigate.

3) Pakistani soldiers fire on the helicopter.

4) Helicopter returns fire.

Has anyone considered that militants or terrorists might execute this sort of thing (fire from INSIDE Pakistan) knowing full well it will likely expand into an international incident involving Pakistani and ISAF forces?

I'm glad no one was killed, and I hope the injuries are minor, and a full recovery ensues. I'd chalk this sad episode to fog of war, chaos, confusion. It's not like Apaches are cruising the border intentionally looking for Pakistani guards to light up.

I have reservations about point number 3.....what give ISAF the right to invade Pakistani Airspace? Any investigation should have been reported to PA!
Great word, there.

I say "Wow" probably 20X a day every time I log into this site when I see the absolutely outrageous claims.

- Wow. Do they really believe we caused their flooding with HAARP?

- Wow. Someone actually believes the guy killed in Abottobad was a bin Laden CLONE.

- Wow. A Pakistani journalist possibly believes the moon landings were faked.

I could go on and on with infinite 'wows' of the mind blowing mental gymnastics exhibited daily. But I don't, I generally try to stay civil and debate logically, rather than fly off in a lather and screeching "We're gonna kill your a$$" over a blue on blue accidental firing over a porous and ill-defined border.

Wow is right... :undecided:

yea wow is da word....
"WOW some americans believe osama was behind 9/11,and it was not an inside job...WOW"!
"WOW some americans believe iraq had WMD...SIMPLY A BIG WOW"!!!
"WOW some americans believed obama when he said he'll pull out troops from afghanistan if ellected..WOW"!!!!!
list goes on n on....
WOW some americans believe iraq had WMD...SIMPLY A BIG WOW

These Iraqi Kurds probably did not say WOW when Saddam gassed them.
I said WOW !! when the US talked of freedom and liberty.
Forcing unwanted and unnecessary freedoms on nations is the new "in" thing ;)

But on a serious note, the US changed the objective in Iraq once it realized that WMD reports were incorrect and that they had already attacked it.
Talking of Kurds doesn't matter. No WMDs were ever found and its oil is still being looted.
this is good that you recognize your fault, now put pressure on your government to stop wasting tax payers money and cut off the aid to Pakistan- We don't need your aid.
So tell us of your plan to collect taxes from Pakistanis once U.S. aid is cut off.
its oil is still being looted.

The truth can be painful.

"Iraq will award contracts to 41 foreign oil firms in a bid to boost production that could give multinationals a potentially lucrative foothold in huge but underdeveloped oil fields, an official said on Sunday.
"We chose 35 companies of international standard, according to their finances, environment and experience, and we granted them permission to extract oil," oil ministry spokesman Asim Jihad told AFP.

Six other state-owned oil firms from Algeria, Angola, Pakistan, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam will also be awarded extraction deals, Jihad said."

Iraq oil fields: European, Asian firms win first contracts
The development of two huge Iraq oil fields will significantly increase production and help the country recover from war.

U.S. Companies Shut Out as Iraq Auctions Its Oil Fields

Those who claim that the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 to get control of the country's giant oil reserves will be left scratching their heads by the results of last weekend's auction of Iraqi oil contracts: Not a single U.S. company secured a deal in the auction of contracts that will shape the Iraqi oil industry for the next couple of decades. Two of the most lucrative of the multi-billion-dollar oil contracts went to two countries which bitterly opposed the U.S. invasion — Russia and China — while even Total Oil of France, which led the charge to deny international approval for the war at the U.N. Security Council in 2003, won a bigger stake than the Americans in the most recent auction.
When Imran Khan called about discussion with the Taliban, they called him Taliban Khan. Today Obama is not even doing indirect talks, but direct talks with the Taliban.

I have a feeling Obama will become ever more erratic in the coming months as the election season kicks in and he has to show something for his first term. The OBL raid will certainly help, but will it be enough to make up for his complete failure on the domestic front?

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