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Namak Haram !!!

I mean we did the same thing, its just that our strategies always backfire in the end
Yeah somewhat

But you'd rather take a calculated decision than do nothing

Right now Pakistan is being bullied, no other word to describe it, the bully feels more and more confident because it has seen you won't do anything back
Who knows?

Maybe internal lobbies within the Pakistan establishment are subverting a proper retaliation, due to Afghan/Islamist sympathy

Maybe they believe they can still negotiate with the Afghan Taliban (sounds naive to me)

Maybe they believe a lot of their own population would instead side with Afghanis, especially since the PTI debacle

It means we are fucked up. for now have only limited options like drone and intelligence based operations. We will have to bury many soldiers and civilians for the next decade too.
Afghans have always been extremist mullahs, it's nothing new.

Tajik farsiwan culture that initially represented Afghanistan is not a true representation of it, just like if I go to some whore house in Lahore that's not the vast majority of even 90% of the country

Why dont u read some history, if they were mullahs then why turn to communism? They were forced to mullahism by CIA, saudi and Pakistan. Jihad was declared and even mujahideen leaders like jalal udin haqqani met US president. Islam and jihad was used to help the US by thekedars of Islam and western puppets saudi and Pakistan. This is a well known fact and not just stories, reputable people have written about this. Its those same medrassas that now haunt Pakistan as well.
taliban only threatened pak bt with iran they were quiet as mouse.
Can anyone translate? @Khan_patriot @Mirzali Khan

@R2D2 Why are all your opinion sources being posted from liberal seculars and communist munafiqs while you claim to be an Islamist?

Something doesn't add up
He is basically saying he will not let the Pakistani regime commit injustices to the Pukhtun refugees, confiscate their personal belongings and they are willing to take the issue up at international forums and that the Pakistani regime should only bite off how much it can chew.
Why dont u read some history, if they were mullahs then why turn to communism? They were forced to mullahism by CIA, saudi and Pakistan. Jihad was declared and even mujahideen leaders like jalal udin haqqani met US president. Islam and jihad was used to help the US by thekedars of Islam and western puppets saudi and Pakistan. This is a well known fact and not just stories, reputable people have written about this. Its those same medrassas that now haunt Pakistan as well.
Insecure farsi speakers were the ones that became communists, the small part of the population. Rural and tribalists were "mullahs" as you'd like to describe it.

taliban only threatened pak bt with iran they were quiet as mouse.
Iran has balls, Pakis act like cowards.
At present Pashtuns are sharing the resources to a lesser degree than the Punjabis through participation in bureaucracy and the army. However, this step will alienate most of them. Intelligence based operations should be done against the miscreants. Collective punishment is not the solution. It was favoured by Stalin by doing mass deportations. But these days every body has a mobile phone and every call is being recorded so there is no need for strong arm solutions.

The real problem is separate. I have learnt that Hafiz sahab is not getting enough sleep so that is why he is taking extreme measures. Soon, these tactics will backfire as all the affectees will unite on a one point agenda to oust Hafiz.

It is said that Hajaj Bin Yusuf asked a saint to give him advice. The saint replied that sleep in the afternoon. The moral of the story was that as long as he slept, the people would be safe from him.
Why should afghan refugees make demands on the resources of the country over and above the citizens?I don't understand.

Also, if this population requires intelligence monitoring then that is already a drain on the security services, if they are not there the burden is not there....

The other sides argument is that it's a lesser pain to have them on the Pak side of the line where you can have more oversight,control and influence instead of in Taliban land where they are open enemies.

Ideally you would think they could be cultivated as pro Pak assets over time,I actually think Pakistanis at one point have been very open to this, not anymore it seems, this feels like a last resort.
Why should afghan refugees make demands on the resources of the country over and above the citizens?I don't understand.

Also, if this population requires intelligence monitoring then that is already a drain on the security services, if they are not there the burden is not there....

The other sides argument is that it's a lesser pain to have them on the Pak side of the line where you can have more oversight,control and influence instead of in Taliban land where they are open enemies.

Ideally you would think they could be cultivated as pro Pak assets over time,I actually think Pakistanis at one point have been very open to this, not anymore it seems, this feels like a last resort.
I wouldn't waste your time with him, he's living in a completely different delusional reality and it becomes obvious when he as a supposed Islamist has to gain his talking points from literal kaffir liberals and communists of Pakistan

He wishes for some kind of Islamic alliance but its just impossible given the hatred between the communities and how it would essentially be a burden on one sides resources to monitor the other not turning out to be a traitor.
Pakistan will become a 1st world developed secular country in due time and there will be many bars and night life in the city centres and beach resorts.

All the Afghans need to be removed in prepartation because these haters will try to attack.

I just hope Pakistan starts making money and becomes wealthy so it can afford a proper border and keep these wierdos from spoiling the peace.

With all the Afghans gone then can get to work to deradicalize KPK and Baluchistan, wean them off tribalism, make them more pragmatic, forward looking and bring them in line with the rest of the country.

So. Killing civilions by bomb attacks is border issue for you?

Jaish e Mohammad (which is banned in Pak) attacked your forces in Pulwama, then why it was bad? they were even forces, not civilions.

Same, Mumbai attacker killed politicians, not common people, it was bad.

Killing people, especially civillions is border issue, lol

I am talking about the incidents before Soviet war, and you are talking after Soviet War/911.

OK. Why should not Pakistan fought with Soviets (indirectly) when he sovereignty at stake?
Soviet wanted to capture Pakistan and then block Europe/US trade route.
Same, 9/11 was drama, US came to fight with China.
If Pakistan did not gave them air base and NATO supply, they might attack Pakistan.
Soviet lost war with them who have more than 6000 nukes. Can Pakistan stand against them openly, who is economically and military wise weak than Soviet?

! !!!
OK. Why should not Pakistan fought with Soviets (indirectly) when he sovereignty at stake?
Soviet wanted to capture Pakistan and then block Europe/US trade route.
Same, 9/11 was drama, US came to fight with China.
If Pakistan did not gave them air base and NATO supply, they might attack Pakistan.
Soviet lost war with them who have more than 6000 nukes. Can Pakistan stand against them openly, who is economically and military wise weak than Soviet

Seriously still you believe on this?
Azeri, Iranian interactions are nearly identical to previous Pro Soveit,Indian governments in Kabul visa vis PK down to the insults at a societal level (I swear you can copy some of them and you woundnt know if its a PK vs Afgh argument or Iran vs Azerbaijan)

Same with Morocco and Algeria along Somalia and Ethiopia.

I think every country and region has these ape fights its just older gen were oblivious because for one Pakistan wasn't formed on the basis of ethnicity and most of the ethnic animosity in the past has been muted with an emphasis on how we're all Muslims.

Now with the internet everyone is exposed to it.
Why dont u read some history, if they were mullahs then why turn to communism? They were forced to mullahism by CIA, saudi and Pakistan. Jihad was declared and even mujahideen leaders like jalal udin haqqani met US president. Islam and jihad was used to help the US by thekedars of Islam and western puppets saudi and Pakistan. This is a well known fact and not just stories, reputable people have written about this. Its those same medrassas that now haunt Pakistan as well.
why afghans are anti polio vaccine and shoot vaccine workers? is that Pakistans fault too?

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