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Muzaffarnagar riots: Muslims scared of returning home, says leader

This guy and Arun shourie are legends,serious legends.

ek kaam aur sbka bhala.

arun sauri. such a intelligent guy but wastes his intelligence on anti muslim crap..... same with swamy... what is the point of education...
arun sauri. such a intelligent guy but wastes his intelligence on anti muslim crap..... same with swamy... what is the point of education...

That is because they are intellectuals- with an ability to see beyond their noses, and beyond the present. Unlike an ordinary person who is embroiled with his immediate needs and has neither the time, nor the intelligence to think of long term existential threats.

And also because they are patriots, who feel it is their duty to raise Hindus from the slumber which has been induced in them by their own disunity and the monotonous sonority of secular discourse.

That is the whole point of education - not just immigrating to greener pastures, earning a fat paycheck, and ridiculing persons who carry out unselfish action.
arun sauri. such a intelligent guy but wastes his intelligence on anti muslim crap..... same with swamy... what is the point of education...

maybe there is a reason and u r dumb enough to not get it and they have used their intelligence and achieved enough things,much more than many dream of.
This guy and Arun shourie are legends,serious legends.

ek kaam aur sbka bhala.

Thanx for posting this VDO . We need many more such antidotes to the colonial poison which is coursing through us for last 200 years.
“It will be wrong to call what happened in Muzaffarnagar as a Hindu-Muslim riot. Only Jats were involved and, that too, those aligned to the BJP,”

Its better to call it Hindu-Sunni Riot...

Muzaffarnagar is mini Pakistan, Hindus are scared while passing thru mini Pakistan. Like Babur and Aurangjeb the Sunni attack women-girl of Kaffirs and want to make them Muslim (By raping or luring)..

One such incident was retaliated by brother of an innocent girl, The Sunni Jihadis killed that brother. The Khalifa of UP Akhiluddin Tughlak protected Jihadis..

When Kaffirs were coming from Panchayat, the Jihadis attack and killed many, Still Khalifa Akhiluddin was silent.. Begum Sonia Bukhari, Rahul Khan , Manmohanuudin sidduqui went to ****** village, but they didn't went to suffering Minority (Kaffirs)..

Jihadis are spreading propaganda, The original suffering community of UP are Kaffirs, The Momins are doing propaganda..
Nairs are not a homogenous cult and the Thiyyans are also Kalari Warriors.

Kalari is a product of ancient tamil kingdom and that includes chera/choza/pandya kingdom.

He is Jaat and i find them the most hardcore amongst everyone.

Kalari is a product of Ancient India, not tamil kingdom. Plz correct yourself. Kalari survived in Kerala, but like sanskrit it was used by most Kshatriyas all over India. The form just did not survive anywhere else. All stories point Kalari to Parasuram and Agasthya.

Kerala being the south-most part of India and protected by Mountains was lucky to survive the Muslim invasion to a large extend and its freedom gave it certain immunity from the British as well. Which is why Hinduism also survived in Kerala and help revive it in the rest of India via the Adi Shankaracharya.
Pakistani Hindus deserve that ... why the hell they did not come to India during partition...Ab bhugato !

Seriously I did not give a damn if you burn them alive in a broadday light in Pakistan.
They are Pakistan nationals to us.

It does not matter why pakistani Hindus did not come to India earlier. What matters now is that Indian govt. protect them and work to ensure safe passage for them to India or to US or Europe as political and religious refugees.

If Hindus will not care for other Hindus, who else will ?
Bas kar rulayega kya !.....:D

Kuch nahi bhai daroo thoda jyada chad gayi thi :laughcry:

Yeah mostly Hindu Punjabi & Sikhs...
They were biggest a** kissers of British :)

70% of Indians are more interested in finding food for tomorrow, rather than fighting a threat is non-existant.

Keep your Indian unity in your piehole... India has 32+ seperatist movements.

yet we remain as a country while you lost EAST PAKISTAN and re bound to lose baluchistan soon, the balkanization of pakistan is a reality, worry about your home first.:rofl::flame:
The Araiee equivalent of India are Sainis and DNA samples prove you guys to be the same as the Sainis,

The Sainis grow veggies like the Araiee and the Jatts whatever they want,:-)))

That's the the most retarded **** I've ever heard.
We are monsters and you are angel....!!!!!!

is being delusional favourite past time of you people?

Well now you guys are acting as psychiatrists. Amazing deductions. Cant take a bitter pill, then coming to insults. Nice way for the argument to turn. Now I am sure worthless arguments from you guys will make it pointless to continue here.

Kalari is a product of Ancient India, not tamil kingdom. Plz correct yourself. Kalari survived in Kerala, but like sanskrit it was used by most Kshatriyas all over India. The form just did not survive anywhere else. All stories point Kalari to Parasuram and Agasthya.

Kerala being the south-most part of India and protected by Mountains was lucky to survive the Muslim invasion to a large extend and its freedom gave it certain immunity from the British as well. Which is why Hinduism also survived in Kerala and help revive it in the rest of India via the Adi Shankaracharya.

A Significant bit of Kerala culture is common with the West coast of India(Konkan) and surprisingly similar to Tulunadu(Mangalore-Udupi).

However, Tamils are fed that Kerala was a part of Tamilnadu and every cultural forms and traditions in Kerala is actually Tamil! they cannot digest facts.
I know enough about Kerala and TN.

The Goa connection maybe amongst christians,and there is connect with tulus but thats skin deep,connect with TN is much stronger.
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