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muslims and jewish americans unite

I bare you no ill will but when you try to besmirch my country`s name and spit out rubbish about this and that that your "Jewish" friend told you tends to make me want to correct you.
I have a problem with you finding joy out of anything bad that might happen to Israelis.

And yes, we can all understand your hatred for Jews in the words you post here behind sarcastic remarks, no need to be shy.

Show me one thing just one bad thing I said about jews?? I took no joy in seeing Israel in (supposed) turmoil. I have said once and I will say it again I have no hatred towards jews what so ever. If anything I view them as a distant cousin even. I have a problem with Zionism no matter if the zionist is Jewish Christian or muslim.

Israel's secular middle class strikes back | Carlo Strenger | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

"In the beginning, Likud members of the Knesset dismissed the uprising as a "far-left conspiracy", but soon the Netanyahu government, generally quite impervious to the public's mood, became nervous. Binyamin Netanyahu, who tends to keep himself out of social issues, quickly began to make offers to the demonstrators, which, so far, they haven't accepted."
if this survey was done in Pakistan...people would have voted for no jews in middle east...they belong to germany and poland as says sir george galloway.
If jews want to live peacefuly then they can move to texas or poland...if not then that means they are surrounded by arabs from all sides....superoir airforce dosent means a thing...how many bombs will you drop or how many arabs will you kill?they are in hundreds of millions....Turkey is returning to ottoman model...thanks to mr sir Erdogan....no Gadaffi in libya would mean the new govt can blockade the mediteranean with turkey....lebanon is iran's block 2 in middle east....syrian bashar asad is very mad at israeli occupation cause it is funding unrest in his country....no mubari
if this survey was done in Pakistan...people would have voted for no jews in middle east...they belong to germany and poland as says sir george galloway.
If jews want to live peacefuly then they can move to texas or poland...if not then that means they are surrounded by arabs from all sides....superoir airforce dosent means a thing...how many bombs will you drop or how many arabs will you kill?they are in hundreds of millions....Turkey is returning to ottoman model...thanks to mr sir Erdogan....no Gadaffi in libya would mean the new govt can blockade the mediteranean with turkey....lebanon is iran's block 2 in middle east....syrian bashar asad is very mad at israeli occupation cause it is funding unrest in his country....no mubariq in egypt means muslim brotherhood dominating and more tunnels to Gaza to transfer humanitarian eatbles....i am sure mr sir erdogan is planning a flatilla escorted by turkish airforce and submarines after bringing in non secular chiefs of staffs who feel for their muslims brothers....thing look pretty gloomy for israeli occupation and somewhere down the road they will lose american supports too cause there is no gold in USA and ordinary citizen of USA want no more wars cause politicians dont send their children to war but children of other poor americans who dont have jobs
Yeah they're all 'people of the book' [people of Abrahmic religion] anyway. And this is the same reason why Christians are treated better than Hindus/Sikhs in Pakistan.
Muslim and jews united, lol never, I hate jews.

You do realize that most Jews of the world used to live in Islamic countries and fight with Islamic armies through out history only until recently right?

The reason Jews and Muslims don't see eye to eye these days is because of Israel not because they are "Jews".
Show me one thing just one bad thing I said about jews?? I took no joy in seeing Israel in (supposed) turmoil. I have said once and I will say it again I have no hatred towards jews what so ever. If anything I view them as a distant cousin even. I have a problem with Zionism no matter if the zionist is Jewish Christian or muslim.

Israel's secular middle class strikes back | Carlo Strenger | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

"In the beginning, Likud members of the Knesset dismissed the uprising as a "far-left conspiracy", but soon the Netanyahu government, generally quite impervious to the public's mood, became nervous. Binyamin Netanyahu, who tends to keep himself out of social issues, quickly began to make offers to the demonstrators, which, so far, they haven't accepted."

Most Jews of Israel are Zionists so you have a problem with most Jews of Israel.
"Arab-Left wing conspiracy to destroy the jewish state" were your words, it`s one thing to call it a far-left situation and another to call it Arab-left wing conspiracy to destroy the Jewish state.
These demonstrations are for cheaper house prices, free education and lower taxes, an uprising is what KSA squashed in Bahrain, can you notice the difference?
Don`t get me wrong, i supported KSA in what they did in Bahrain, but still that was an actual uprising(failed uprising).
You do realize that most Jews of the world used to live in Islamic countries and fight with Islamic armies through out history only until recently right?

The reason Jews and Muslims don't see eye to eye these days is because of Israel not because they are "Jews".
they didn't support our Prophet Muhammad(SAW) during his fight with the pegans, Jews are not good people and shouldn't be supported.
mr rat sir do you have any source or figures to backup your claim or you are just trolling?

LMAO! You're funny. :)

Btw here you go 'Cultural marginalization, discrimination, economic hardships and religious persecution have resulted in many Hindus converting to other religions (Islam, Christianity), and today Hindus constitute barely 1.8% of Pakistan's population. Because Hindus are not "People of the Book" like Christians, they have generally been given fewer rights informally (de facto) by the Muslim majority than the country's Christians (see Dhimmi), even if de jure Hindus have equal rights under the law.'

Hinduism in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Most Jews of Israel are Zionists so you have a problem with most Jews of Israel.
"Arab-Left wing conspiracy to destroy the jewish state" were your words, it`s one thing to call it a far-left situation and another to call it Arab-left wing conspiracy to destroy the Jewish state.
These demonstrations are for cheaper house prices, free education and lower taxes, an uprising is what KSA squashed in Bahrain, can you notice the difference?
Don`t get me wrong, i supported KSA in what they did in Bahrain, but still that was an actual uprising(failed uprising).

My Jewish friend said "Arab-left wing" I only researched until I found evidence that is all.
And you taking jabs at my country showed how you were cornered into using that card but no problem there I am neutral regarding the Bahraini uprising as in with neither side since I understand where both sides are coming from and both make a lot of sense.

And thank you. You just repeated exactly what I said earlier I have no problem with jews (As an ideology and religion and people) But I have only something against Zionists (As an Ideology) it is the same as being Anti-Extremists of all religions even Islam but that does not make me Anti-Islam now does it?
they didn't support our Prophet Muhammad(SAW) during his fight with the pegans, Jews are not good people and shouldn't be supported.

They may have betrayed the Prophet Muhammed(SAW) in more than one occasion (when the opened the southern gate to the pegans in Al-Ahzab battle note how they were also suppose to be guarding it meaning they were part of the army until defection) But some jews remained in Madinah for a long time even after Muhammed(SAW) which is prominent in the story of when two people came to Umar Ibn Al-Khattab in a dispute one Muslim and one Jew and Umar sided with the Jew in that case.
Love how bhartis always use wikipedia as a source for their facts. The whole page is corrupted and reeks curry. No references what so ever. And then when you go to the history, it's all bhartis that have edited the page.

Living in denial? :$

Okay so Indians can't use Wikipedia as a source but Pakistanis and Chinese can? lool Nice one mate. (Y) Keep up the good work. :)

And btw Wikipedia is more reliable than ANYONE on this forum. :)
My Jewish friend said "Arab-left wing" I only researched until I found evidence that is all.
And you taking jabs at my country showed how you were cornered into using that card but no problem there I am neutral regarding the Bahraini uprising as in with neither side since I understand where both sides are coming from and both make a lot of sense.

And thank you. You just repeated exactly what I said earlier I have no problem with jews (As an ideology and religion and people) But I have only something against Zionists (As an Ideology) it is the same as being Anti-Extremists of all religions even Islam but that does not make me Anti-Islam now does it?

I wasn`t taking jabs at your country, i was complimenting KSA for doing something right for once.

Perhaps you are unaware but Zionism is very definition of Israeli patriotism, you have a problem with patriotic Israelis, and who are the majority of Israeli citizens if not Jews?
I`m sure you can follow the logic. Stop blaming your Jewish friend for wanting to believe in the worst about Israel, i too had a Muslim friends once and blah blah blah.

One was a gay Muslim in Egypt who was called Mohammed, but he preferred to be called Momo, he was afraid to come out in open about his sexuality, though he seemed to be devoted to his religion.

But that is neither here nor there, point is that stop blaming your ill informed foolish friend into your "problems" with Zionist Jews which constitute a majority of Israel.
Living in denial? :$

Okay so Indians can't use Wikipedia as a source but Pakistanis and Chinese can? lool Nice one mate. (Y) Keep up the good work. :)

And btw Wikipedia is more reliable than ANYONE on this forum. :)

How is it denial when you can't back up your facts without reliable sources? I can edit a wikipedia page right now. And I haven't seen any Pakistani or Chinese use wikipedia as a source for their information.
And if you don't like this forum then gtfo and go to some indian defence forum. Stop being a waste of bandwidth.
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