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Muslim students walk out during Australian national anthem

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If they didn't want to sing they should have maintained a respectful silence. That way you show appreciation and respect for the nation that takes care of you. Whose idea was it to have them walk out? Walking out in itself sends a message of defiance.
Such folks are their own worst enemy at times.
If they didn't want to sing they should have maintained a respectful silence. That way you show appreciation and respect for the nation that takes care of you. Whose idea was it to have them walk out? Walking out in itself sends a message of defiance.
Such folks are their own worst enemy at times.

they could have done worse yet they didn't, which is good. discrimination is big in Australia, even worse if you are a muslim. it's that typical "muslim news" for you. if a christian/hindu/buddhist student walks out during the national anthem you won't see the news.
I thought the free society allows there people to live a life like the want to,,, if someone don't want to listen to music or even an anthem wont it fall under the high flying banner of free will? Or is that only reserved for anti-Islam cartoons and speeches/books?
Valid point. Australians should allow anyone to walk out on their national anthem. Make that allowance loud and clear and before the music start, allot a few minutes for those who object to the national anthem to gather themselves and leave.
Why haven't they been kicked out of the school yet? You can't keep giving immigrants space and hoping they'll blend in at some point.

Drop the hammer on them, there is no excuse for such a behavior. You live in Australia, you better show respect to it.
That's cool, immigrate to the country that feeds you and gives you education, but dont respect it's values. I think there's like a country trying to be formed, that doesn't like music, dancing, history, or most of humanity, or really anything it seems in the Middle East. Maybe they should pack up and see how fun it's there.
Why haven't they been kicked out of the school yet? You can't keep giving immigrants space and hoping they'll blend in at some point.

Drop the hammer on them, there is no excuse for such a behavior. You live in Australia, you better show respect to it.
I disagree. The US government do nothing to citizens who burns and despoil the US flag. No need for the Australian government, federal or local, to do anything to anyone who chose not to respect Australian national symbols.

These people do not realize they are playing with a double-edged sword. They seems to think that public opinions will sway in their favor out of the idea of 'diversity'. Let them be.
I disagree. The US government do nothing to citizens who burns and despoil the US flag. No need for the Australian government, federal or local, to do anything to anyone who chose not to respect Australian national symbols.

These people do not realize they are playing with a double-edged sword. They seems to think that public opinions will sway in their favor out of the idea of 'diversity'. Let them be.
An act in anger shouldn't be compared with deliberate intent.
An act in anger shouldn't be compared with deliberate intent.
Am not making any comparison. Am saying that if we can withstand the burning of the US flag by our own citizens, Australians should be big enough to withstand anyone 'dissing' their national anthem. These Muslims have their opinions about Australia, so Australians are equally free to form their opinions about the Muslims. Like I said, this is a double-edged sword.

This is both funny and sad...lol but not surprising.
Disgusting if they want to live in our country they have to follow our rules and not some Muslim shit, deopt all people who do not agree with Australia they come here from disgusting shit holes like India, Pakistan the subcontinent in general and they think they can follow their disgusting laws.

Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School PHOTO: HERALD SUN

An Australian school has been criticised for allowing Muslim students to leave the assembly hall before the national anthem is sung, out of respect for Muharram.

WTF??? The Australian anthem has nothing anti-Islamic in it.....so why do this show of stupidity??? Second, if you live in a country where the system gives you rights and religious freedom, and protects you, you need to respect their anthem. If you are a citizen of that land, even more important. Otherwise.....leave from the Exit door to a "better world"!!! What's wrong with people these days!!
So whats the big deal here? School gave them a choice, they executed it. As for national anthems, trivial words that praise your supposed greatness. Yeah sure.

They are perfectly fare to mooch of the Australian welfare system, but can't show a little gratitude towards the nation.

Did I miss something here? How exactly you concluded those children belonged to families claiming welfare?

Kids walking out! Indoctrination at such young age.

The families should be deported asap.

The biggest indoctrination I see is the playing of National anthems, it won't magically turn one in to a patriot or some other thing. What a bunch of fools.

Truth hurts doesn't it? Should I quote the Quran? They might have not intended to be disrespectful, but others find it disrespectful.

Please do so.

Disgusting if they want to live in our country they have to follow our rules and not some Muslim shit, deopt all people who do not agree with Australia they come here from disgusting shit holes like India, Pakistan the subcontinent in general and they think they can follow their disgusting laws.

The only SHIT I see here is you. Freedoms of choice, now go suck on it.

Great way to avoid the truth and hide behind India or Hindu bashing. Great analysis tt

Incidents like these will only make things difficult for muslims. It does invite hard policies against a particular community, which might soon, happen.

Hindu Bashing.. where? It just showed a picture of Indians burning Aussie flag, how exactly it translated into Hindu bashing? The school gave them a a choice and they just exercised their right to execute it. Not a big deal, yes if they would have demanded they be allowed to excuse, some of the criticism can be debated. So get off your high horse, you aint any better.
I don't see how not staying for an anthem is disrespectful. I'm sure they would've done it on any other day. But since the Shia say ur not allowed to do anything that involves "joy" I guess than u shouldn't take it personally. Too many touchy people these days. Westerners are using any excuse to hate people these days. It's not healthy. White Kids in my High school would sit as the anthem is playing and no one would care...
Moharam , shawaram

Practicality there is a ashura happening every day , being stuck in time is useless focus on the dealth of Mulisms happening NOW!!!

In Palestine / Syria / Libya / world wide

Person's death should be remembered for few weeks and lessons should be learned , not the opposite that you celebrate the event like a Bollywood movie

And muslims in your back yard are dieing of hunger and poverty or oppression from hindu extremist or other elements

If one does not learns the basic message from the incident then its no point to do the weird matam bazi while Muslims are dieing all over the world and that is not important enough
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