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Muslim protesters brand war heroes 'murderers' as homecoming parade turns violent.

they are not showing good taste by shouting at those soldiers....its better to protest in civilized manner rather than heckle. But then again, there is 'freedom of speech' right?

It is strange Sir, that you easily quote "freedom of speech" on the hinds of the reactions paticularly in Pakistan to the "draw Muhammed day" last month.

I hope that you hold on to those thoughts with a little consistency the next time someone else exercises the "freedom of speech". What say you Sir?

While a nation gives the migrants a lot of amenities and rights, there are also duties to hold allegiance to its flags and its institutions. That is part of the oath that a citizen swears by when they are conferred the citizenship of a nation. Criticism makes us all introspect, however, there is a time and place for criticism. Or may be these protestors are in overdrive probably because most of them come from countries where people go missing after they have spoken against the army and the government.
everyone has a right to protest, but there is a method of protesting as well. How would u find it if people protest against India during our parades and insult our soldiers?

These British soldiers are risking their lives to do what they are ordered to. They didnt ask to be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. If the protestors wanted change, they should protest to the policy makers.

Also, look at the nature of the protest. Anti-war protestors dont link war to religion. I doubt these same protestors would have been on the streets had Britain been waging a war in South America. It is evident that their sentiments are not anti-war, but anti-British. If they dont like how things work in Britain, they should just get the hell out of there! In fact they should consider themselves lucky they are in Britain, and not in Saddam's Iraq or Taliban's Afghanistan, where they would be lynched if they protest.

And if for some reason they think their protest will help muslims, they are very sadly mistaken. It just creates more anti-islamism and belief that Muslims are traitors. So in a way, these guys really ensured that muslims will be further discriminated against!

Since when is protest governed by rules ? Since when are certain segments of any democratic institution exempted from becoming the recipients of protest action, including and especially the military? If our soldiers in India are returning from active combat in an area which is the subject of anger to certain groups in India, and if those groups want to vent their feelings by way of peaceful protest at a parade then what stops them from doing so ? Not any Indian law from my knowledge of Indian law. In the USA many protest groups shouted anger and hurled insults at soldiers during parades after those soldiers returned from active duty in Vietnam. The protestors were not labelled "traitors" or "extremists' or unfit to be called Americans. In fact those protestors were one of the main reasons that the US government pulled out of Vietnam.

I must differ from your point that the protestors are "anti-British". They are anti -British policy when it comes to the war in Iraq and Afganistan.They admirably are making their views known in a democratic manner and in a civilised way. It could be possible that they are hardcore British citizens in all other aspects of British life. I would rather have them protest like the way they do than have them plant bombs in a mall to expose their anger at this aspect of British policy. Isn't that what democracy is all about?

Finally, I may not agree with their views on the Iraq and Afghan wars but as a democrat I always believe in the motto that it is my duty to defend their rights to express their view in a peaceful and non violent manner
Since when is protest governed by rules ? Since when are certain segments of any democratic institution exempted from becoming the recipients of protest action, including and especially the military? If our soldiers in India are returning from active combat in an area which is the subject of anger to certain groups in India, and if those groups want to vent their feelings by way of peaceful protest at a parade then what stops them from doing so ? Not any Indian law from my knowledge of Indian law. In the USA many protest groups shouted anger and hurled insults at soldiers during parades after those soldiers returned from active duty in Vietnam. The protestors were not labelled "traitors" or "extremists' or unfit to be called Americans. In fact those protestors were one of the main reasons that the US government pulled out of Vietnam.

I must differ from your point that the protestors are "anti-British". They are anti -British policy when it comes to the war in Iraq and Afganistan.They admirably are making their views known in a democratic manner and in a civilised way. It could be possible that they are hardcore British citizens in all other aspects of British life. I would rather have them protest like the way they do than have them plant bombs in a mall to expose their anger at this aspect of British policy. Isn't that what democracy is all about?

Finally, I may not agree with their views on the Iraq and Afghan wars but as a democrat I always believe in the motto that it is my duty to defend their rights to express their view in a peaceful and non violent manner

Your thougths are appreciable my friend. In fact, I found something interesting earlier today on this. It seems that the free speech was only being met with free speech :D

Freedom of Speech and Expression
In Indian Constitution Freedom of speech and expression that is enriched in article 19 which is the lifeblood of any democracy. To debate and vote, to assemble and protest, to worship, to ensure justice for all, these all rely upon the unrestricted flow of speech and information. "Democracy is communication: people talking to one another about their common problems and forging a common destiny. Before people can govern themselves, they must be free to express themselves."

Democracy depends upon a literate, knowledgeable citizenry whose access to the broadest possible range of information enables them to participate as fully as possible in the public life of their society. Ignorance breeds apathy. Democracy thrives upon the energy of citizens who are sustained by the unimpeded flow of ideas, data, opinions, and speculation.

But what should the government do in cases where the news media or other organizations abuse freedom of speech with information that, in the opinion of the majority, is false, repugnant, irresponsible, or simply in bad taste? The answer, by and large, is nothing. It is simply not the business of government to judge such matters. In general, the cure for free speech is more free speech. It may seem a paradox, but in the name of free speech, a democracy must sometimes defend the rights of individuals and groups who themselves advocate such non-democratic policies as repressing free speech. Citizens in a democratic society defend this right out of the conviction that, in the end, open debate will lead to greater truth and wiser public actions than if speech and dissent are stifled.

The corollary to freedom of speech is the right of the people to assemble and peacefully demand that the government hears their grievances. Without this right to gather and be heard, freedom of speech would be devalued. For this reason, freedom of speech is considered closely linked to, if not inseparable from, the right to gather, protests, and demand change. Democratic governments can legitimately regulate the time and place of political rallies and marches to maintain the peace, but they cannot use that authority to suppress protest or to prevent dissident groups from making their voices heard.

So, the ones who want to exercise free speech should also be ready for listening to the free speeches and not ban facebook or burn the Danish embassy etc.....
You should question the Brit govt for sending them rather throwing them into US war.

Soldiers have no say in this

My cousin is an American soldier, but nationality doesn't matter since everyone wants to stop the terror emanating from those places.

Britain isnt the only country that is helping the us.

United States
United Kingdom
Other NATO countries

Czech Republic
Just to elaborate, yes they are exercising their freedom of speech, but they are doing it to insult the soldiers that defend those freedoms. That's why I, also exercised my freedom of speech and called them hypocritical as*holes.

Yeah, Remember that Draw Muhammad Day when Non-Muslims like you were exercising your freedom of speech, but you where insulting our Prophet, so what do you call them??
If these guys were terrorists, they would be blowing themselves instead of protesting. Don't make foolish assumptions.

And yes, I also believe that they should have protested in front of Policy makers not the soldiers.

The issue is of ideology, not of methods or means.
My cousin just came back from the Afghan war, you people are sick to insult some one who risked their lives like that.

Seriously just die.

If your cousine is sent to Pakistan just like afghanistan to kill innocent Pakistani's. Then who will you support?
I know the answer
Remove this Pakistani flag from your avatar.
I call them the Leeches of Society who live and feed on good governments.
If your cousine is sent to Pakistan just like afghanistan to kill innocent Pakistani's. Then who will you support?
I know the answer
Remove this Pakistani flag from your avatar.

9/11 was an inside job too right?
Zaid Hamid is cool, too right?

My cousin doesn't kill innocent people. Period.
I call them the Leeches of Society who live and feed on good governments.

Call them what ever you want.. they are entitled to free speech as much as you are.
Live with it.
9/11 was an inside job too right?
Zaid Hamid is cool, too right?

My cousin doesn't kill innocent people. Period.

People celebrating Marriage ceremony are not innocent haan just because your cousin doesn't kill innocent...
They are protected by their Freedom of Speech. Nobody should have the right to touch them.

Call them what ever you want.. they are entitled to free speech as much as you are.
Live with it.

Yes. I wonder why such people dont reciprocate the same attitude towards others in the very countries where they practice this freedom of speech? If you havent noticed, the cops were actually protecting those douches.

And oh btw, if you haven't read the article clearly, these ppl were protesting the fact that the army marched through "muslim areas" of the city as if it is their own personal promised fiefdom! Can you believe THAT?

MOD EDIT: words
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