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Muslim protesters brand war heroes 'murderers' as homecoming parade turns violent.


Feb 25, 2009
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United States
Muslim protesters brand war heroes 'murderers' as homecoming parade turns violent
A group of extremist Muslims prompted violent clashes at a homecoming parade for British troops today after they heckled soldiers and called them 'murderers.'
Members of the Muslim Against the Crusade group clashed with far right protesters as they shouted 'murderers, murderers, murderers' and 'British troops go to hell' as members of the 1st Battalion the Royal Anglian Regiment paraded down the streets of Barking, Essex.

The chants were drowned out by a large mob on the opposite side of the street who retaliated with jeers of 'Traitors' to the Muslim protesters.

The hour-long parade had been delayed due to growing tensions between the two sides, with anti-Mac protestors singing God Save the Queen and drinkers at a nearby pub hurling frozen pork sausages at the Muslims.

Moments after the soldiers passed through tensions reached boiling point and the anti-Mac campaigners broke through the barricades, charged across the road and traded punches with the Muslim throng.

Police quickly separated the mob, with one man wrestled to the ground, handcuffed and led away while the police made a ring surrounding the Muslim group.

They then had to hold back the anti-Muslim group as the Mac protesters made their way to a tube station.

Two men were arrested after the violence, for public order offences.
Local woman Dee McEvoy, 50, stood in front of the Muslims protesters, waving her two union Jack flags as the soldiers passed.

She said: 'I'm here for the army and the British forces. The protesters are entitled to their opinion but they are taking it out on the wrong people. They should be taking it out on the Government.'This is not the reception these boys and girls deserve. But it is democracy in action.' Earlier the Muslim group was attacked by a barrage of eggs.

One member of the Mac group used a megaphone to shout: 'This is a protest against parading in a Muslim area. We love death the way you love life.' He branded British soldiers as 'butchers' and 'despots'.

The Muslim protesters chanted 'Democracy' as they had an uneasy stand-off against a mob, some waving St George's Crosses, Union flags and an English Defence League flag.

Anti-Mac protesters sang 'I'll be English 'till my dying day,' and jeered 'We pay your benefits'.

Further down the street onlookers, who had arrived simply to pay their respects to the soldiers, were disgusted by the scenes. The girlfriend of a Royal Anglian soldier killed in Afghanistan said the extremists should have been banned from attending the parade. Lance Corporal Scott Hardy, 26, from Chelmsford in Essex, was killed in an explosion near Musa Qala on Tuesday March 16, just weeks before he was due to return home.

Read more: Muslim protesters brand war heroes 'murderers' as homecoming parade turns violent | Mail Online

Scumbags! I wonder where loyalty really lies. To faith or to a nation which protects one's basic human rights and tolerates one's despicable manners?

Clashes: Police hold back Muslim protesters as they trade insults with English Defence League members while soldiers take part in a homecoming parade in Barking, Essex


The Muslim protesters shouted 'murderers' as troops from the Royal Anglian Regiment paraded through Barking


Police lead away the protesters from the Muslim Against the Crusade Group as they face jeers from English Defence League members


The homecoming ceremony was delayed by an hour after far right protesters hurled frozen sausages at the Muslim group


Two men were arrested after police intervened during the violent clashes
deport these fu*****. Make them live up in the north and let em protest there in the racist areas. let see if they have the balls. I respect anyone who isnt racist. I hate far right and these type of people. :mad:
They should be kicked out of the country, they are not even loyal to the country which has given then all the freedom which they can never even think of in the so-called Islamic countries.

MOD EDIT: words
What a bunch of nitwits

Sitting lazy on their butt all day only going out to spread hate while enjoying thousand of pounds in welfare and all the other sweet fruits of 1st wold civilization.. and then they insult the troops defending their very freedoms.

Shameful, hypocritical, exploitative weaklings..
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Very sad indeed, im sure their actions would have hurt the emotions of many soldiers.
Unfortunately, I would have to agree with those who say that these Muslims aren't doing any favor to the Muslims in Britain. Islam says to respect the laws of the country you reside in. If you feel that its laws are in direct conflict with Islamic laws which you want to follow, then get the hell out of there. Otherwise STFU. This is exactly what the media would portray as "typical" Muslims acting according to their "religion".

To be truthful none of the Muslim countries are truly Islamic anyway.
because of these kind of retards ..a normal "minding their own business" immigrants have to face the racial brunts..
After this kind of demonstrations still some people think why are muslims looked on with suspicion and why there are more CCTV cameras in Muslim dominated areas of Britian.

They are a disgrance to such a tolerant and welcoming country like the United Kingdom.
it is only to the british tolerance,their laws and their policies,this people r able to do protests there,and tomorrow they will cry why muslims r targeted
disagreements on one side but this was not an appropriate forum for expressing such concerns. they should have done it outside the parliament or PM's house/street.

furthermore they should also take into account that they are a minority in a non muslim country and hence they should respect the point of view and feeling of society in general.
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