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Muslim Indians Should Demand A Seperate Nation:--

Finally you admit publically what we both have always known.

A Hindu majority state and a Muslim majority Ste (now states).

Choose where you would choose to live in if not Muslim.

In Bangladesh. That is without prejudice to my answer to the previous two lines.
Can Any one post possible new Muslim independent nation map. @MastanKhan
Baluchistan has a lot of free land and resources..ideal solution would be to free Baluchistan and send the muslims there.
Pakistan has been trying to do that for the last 70 years. The only thing that got broken up was your own country. So please keep trying maybe we will see the birth of Baluchistan soon.
Try to be realistic for a while brother, you see its the fanatic hindus in India who are creating hatred in your society not Pakistan. I don't know why are you mentioning Baluchistan in your comments while you are unaware of the facts and situation here.
Seeing the fate of Pakistan( a lab to nurture the Islam ) no sane Muslim or ( half Muslim /full Muslim/ lately kafirs) would join to create another graveyard of umaah/chuma cause....

you mean seeing the fate of Pakistan from the eyes of Indian Media. Yet every Pakistan wakes up with thanking God for waking up in a country thats not India.
Seeing the fate of Pakistan( a lab to nurture the Islam ) no sane Muslim or ( half Muslim /full Muslim/ lately kafirs) would join to create another graveyard of umaah/chuma cause....

The way India is headig now many muslims will have no choice but too. That is the whole point of this thread
The way India is headig now many muslims will have no choice but too. That is the whole point of this thread

What ever you say. We have more than 20 million muslims who have crossed the border to Migrate to India from BD. We have not heard opposite happening here. They live more peacefully here than the Muzahirs lives in Pakistan. Even after 7 decades, they are still Muhazirs.
If strawman arguments reflects the real face of a nation on this forum, then it won't reflect too well on Pakistan either, would it?
Ironically Pakistanis and Bangladeshis have ethnically cleansed their minorities and they are preaching us about tolerance
@MastanKhan Probably we should learn from Pakistan and Bangladesh how to destroy its minority
This Bangladesh religious demographic

and this is Pakistans

and this is Indias

I agree with you. pls visit spain and portugal and see it for urself how violent it is.
You mean to say Catolonian movement can't turn violent like it did in Ukraine in the future ?
you see , slaughter is all you can think.
we live in present. pre historic time was barbaric.. it took a long time for humans to be civilized and peaceful. lets not get back where we came from. peace


The muslims were very civilized in spain----and you were the barbaric one at tat time----so the jews faced the inquisition and what happened to the muslims---none survived to tell the tales---.

What did the world do when Syrian civil war started or during the Yemen civil war did you Pakistanis go to the help of your beloved Umma.
You and @MastanKhan very well know if such a demand is ever made it will lead to partition 2.0 and this time there will be no Pakistan and Bangladesh to run to. There are more chances of Balochistan and Sindh break up than India breaking up so better put your own house in order before worrying about others.


Your boy Altaf Bhai has been neutralized in sindh and the ones in Baluchistan have seen the daylight as well.
Every now & then one reads such posts .

I wonder if it has anything to do Global warming, Changing weather patterns or change of season ?

How else can one explain such thoughts from people of a nations that a) Got what they wanted in 47. b) Goofed it by mishandling & lost a part of it to their own countrymen and c) Thereafter systematically di - Islamised sections within what was left of their nation.

Now they want to create another like themselves !!

It gives me great pride to start this thread----. A lot of changes have occurred in the indian sub-continent in the last year or two.

Let payback those who wanted our separation and breakage----. This is the time---this is the place---let us start a movement---let us forget our differences for a while----gentlemen and ladies---let us do this for Pakistan.

Lets forget our differences !!

For a start why dont you agree when the moon is sighted !!

India is too big and too diverse a country to be allowed to stay as one while oppressing millions of minorities, I am all for breaking up india in to smaller units and create independent states for all major minorities like Sikhs' Christians, Muslims, Nexals, Communists, Tamils, Dalits, Bengalis and whoever else is being suppressed by extremist majority hindus

Allowed to stay ??

Who will ' allow'.

What has your nation done all along for the last 6+ decades and all that you have to show for it is a dismembered & suicide bombed nation ?
Ironically Pakistanis and Bangladeshis have ethnically cleansed their minorities and they are preaching us about tolerance
@MastanKhan Probably we should learn from Pakistan and Bangladesh how to destroy its minority
This Bangladesh religious demographic

and this is Pakistans

and this is Indias

You mean to say Catolonian movement can't turn violent like it did in Ukraine in the future ?

Darul islam. This is what they do to their minority when they are in Majority. We have Muslim population increased 6 times in 7 decades. These people who enjoy their so called independence are dreaming of an another failed state created on the bases of religion.

Our country became weak and broke because we Hindus became weak. Now we are getting strong so people will come back to their forefathers' fold and small countries shall reunite with India.
Not impossible just let them elect Modi type head of state for further 15/20 years the map of India change easily.
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