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Muslim groups call for boycott of Hilton hotels over China mosque demolition


Aug 26, 2010
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Muslim groups call for boycott of Hilton hotels over China mosque demolition
5Pillars (RMS)
Hilton hotels. Editorial credit: Art_rich / Shutterstock.com

America’s largest Muslim civil rights organisation, as well as over 40 other U.S. and international groups, have called for a global boycott of Hilton hotels over plans to build a hotel on the former site of a Uyghur mosque demolished by the Chinese authorities in Xinjiang.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) are targeting Hilton Worldwide, the U.S. company that manages and franchises the Hilton portfolio of hotels and resorts, many of which are in the Muslim world.
Among the organisations which support the global boycott campaign are the World Uyghur Congress, the Uyghur Human Rights Project, the Muslim Council of Britain, the Belgium Uyghur Association, and the Justice and Liberties for All Committee, France.
Speaking outside the Capital Hilton in Washington announcing the boycott campaign, Nihad Awad, National Executive Director of CAIR, said: “Today, we are announcing a global boycott campaign against Hilton… We gave them (Hilton) enough time to reconsider their decision and to cancel and pull out from this project… we negotiated with them indirectly to no avail.
“You and I have the choice to choose where to go on your travel or to do business meetings or to hold events, weddings or banquets… We appeal to people who go on Hajj, who visit Madinah, Mecca, not to stay at the Hilton hotel… enough is enough,” he said.

According to CAIR, the coalition has appealed “to join the global boycott of all Hilton-owned hotels until the company cancels its plan to establish a hotel on the site of a bulldozed Uyghur mosque in China.”
Responding to the boycott call, a spokesperson for Hilton hotels said that “the company’s franchise model limits Hilton’s involvement in the development and management of properties. However, we can confirm that in 2019 an independent Chinese ownership group purchased a vacant lot through public auction, with plans for commercial development, including a hotel. Hilton was not involved in the site selection.”
The mosque where Hilton says it wants to construct Hampton Inn hotel was demolished in 2018 in the Hotan province.
In July, a bipartisan U.S. Congressional Commission called on Hilton to “halt construction and otherwise disassociate itself and its brand from the hotel project in Hotan.”
“Hilton should not allow its name to be used to perpetuate and promote the cultural erasure and repression of the millions of Uyghurs living in the XUAR,” the commission added.
Global rights groups have for years criticised China for its treatment of Uyghur Muslim population in the East Turkistan region. Beijing has been accused of cultural genocide, mass internment, separating children from families, and the desecration of religious and cultural locations.
According to a research by Australian Strategic Policy institute, between 2017 to 2020 some 16,000 mosques and half of the region’s other holy sites – such as shrines and graveyards – have been demolished or partially destroyed by the Chinese authorities.
China rejects the accusations as propaganda and says it is combatting terrorism and extremism.

Muslims bought by America turned a blind eye to the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Muslims by America
Hilton is usually my first preference among the most popular chain of 5 Star hotels but I am willing to boycott if that’s the case
This is Pompeo's lie.
Hotan City demolished the old mosque and built a larger new mosque. Then a Hilton Hotel was built on the basis of the old mosque.
Pompeio will only tell you to demolish the old mosque, not that the govt has built a larger Mosque at the same time.

You can use GPS to search this address and see the new mosque in Hotan city:
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I don't understand. After the mosque is built, can't it be moved for any reason? For example, replacing old mosques with new ones and smaller ones with bigger ones.
I have a question. Are all mosques untouchable? Cities need to widen its streets and redesign its layout. This is very common thing. If mosques are untouchable, we don't want to build any mosque in any city. Because it would be definitely a big headache for future.
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Hypocrisy they stay silent when Saudi demolishes houses of the sahaba and their graves to build hotels in Makkah and Madinah. Saudis been destroying masjids and houses of the sahaba to make hotels over them.

But pray for Uighur Muslims I don’t know the reality as it’s very very confusing to tell who’s right and who’s wrong. If Uighurs are actually getting oppressed than InShaAllah they get freedom and become victorious. May Allah make it easier for our Uighur brothers. But I have seen lots of propaganda against China saying lots of thing that didn’t happen in reality people behind this propaganda and ruining uighurs image ur they are actually oppressed. However we can’t trust the west of China both only care about their interest InShaAllah in he stories of uighur genocide are false if they are true than InShaAllah China will burn!
Hypocrisy they stay silent when Saudi demolishes houses of the sahaba and their graves to build hotels in Makkah and Madinah. Saudis been destroying masjids and houses of the sahaba to make hotels over them.

But pray for Uighur Muslims I don’t know the reality as it’s very very confusing to tell who’s right and who’s wrong. If Uighurs are actually getting oppressed than InShaAllah they get freedom and become victorious. May Allah make it easier for our Uighur brothers. But I have seen lots of propaganda against China saying lots of thing that didn’t happen in reality people behind this propaganda and ruining uighurs image ur they are actually oppressed. However we can’t trust the west of China both only care about their interest InShaAllah in he stories of uighur genocide are false if they are true than InShaAllah China will burn!

Its all western bullshit propaganda against China — take what western media says with a pinch of salt. A lot of these claims were refuted by simple Map checks, etc.
Disgusting. This looks like it, yes it's the RFA but are the pics fake, doubt it.

Well so we have capitalism v communism, I thought they hated each other? Evidently not so much, especially if there is money to be made.

Alot of mosque built in that region were built without government approval.
Here in US it takes years to get an approval to build a mosque and if built without gov approval then u can expect to pay heavy fines.
Certain things, buildings have a history for e.g you might not want your ancestral home to be taken away or demolished because there are attachments and then of course the religious sentiment.
This church is in Beijing. It was built in 1904. Not old enough in Beijing. Many buildings older than this one were demolished
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