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Musharraf Ka Mahaaz

He did what he could to put Pak on the right track, he did commit few grave mistakes along the way as well . Having said that no body can question his credibility and loyalty to Pakistan. He had no option but join US war on terror, however terms of cooperation could have been bargained. Most imp thing he did was saving Pak's nuclear arsenal when dr Qadir confessed regrading selling technology to North Korea and Iran. He improved economy, gave license to new media houses, thats the reason today Pak is able to respond propaganda effectively.

The summary is he did well, but unfortunately he is history now. No role for him in politics ever again. There are better people to replace him. Pakistan is full of talented and hardworking people. This notion that " I am the last hope" is baseless. Be it Musharaf , zardari or IK.
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