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Musharraf: a Soldier or a Midas


Sep 23, 2006
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Pakistan has been ruled by dictators since long. If democracy ever came in the real sense during elected governments, it was removed and terminated for one or another reason before completing its term.

Generals like Musharraf had almost destroyed Pakistan in 1971 by cutting off a big and important chunk, East Pakistan, from our beloved country. then in 1977, another general overthrew a democratic and popular elected govt. The generals destroyed a democratic state by decimation of judiciary, deprived the right of the people to vote, seized wrongfully the fundamental rights of people, tortured and hanged innocent people, and created the curse of ethnicity and sectarianism. Policies of the generals also brought and flourished drug and klashnkov culture and exploited the name of Islam to such an extent that the groups that were designed, developed and fed in that era, today are called Taliban and Al Qaida, and Pakistan brought into strong alliance with USA in war against terrorism or Al Qaida by Musharraf.

The greed of the generals comes before us sometimes in the form of General Yahya, some times in the form of Gen. Ziaul Haq and now Pervaz Musharraf, who are always working to keep the big power in their hands at the cost of innocent citizens of Pakistan.

The present regime talked loud about devolution of powers, fighting corruption, extremism and terrorism, breaking the bureaucracy—which was the backbone of the country. In the process, it destroyed the image of Islam and Muslims in the eyes of the West. This game is still being played to make the army stronger, particularly to fill the greed of General Musharraf and make him the strongest man in the country. The whole game was designed to make democracy weaker to the extent that even if civilians try to bring a democratic elected government, it will be no more than a puppet with no authority to even protect the basic rights of it citizens.

Now when elections are expected, Musharraf is too busy in roaming around the country, trying to make fools of innocent citizens by bringing new ideas to surface. If these ideas succeed, it will bring another puppet government in power that will be democratic in name only and the persons who will get all benefits will be no other then the intolerable army officers or its supporters, who are doing all this for their own personal benefit.

General Musharraf, on the one hand doesn’t want to leave the position of the chief of armed forces. For that he is getting full support from PML. On the other hand, he doesn’t want to quit the powerful chair on which he is sitting.

In addressing a public gathering in Gilgit on July 5, 2006, he said he will quit office the day people withdraw their support from him and if people wanted his leadership, they should caste vote in favor of his supporters in next general elections. Here it will be good to mention that who wants to support a fellow who under the name of terrorism harmed Islam and Muslims; who under the statement of poverty alleviation made the public more poorer and rich more rich; who under devolution of powers broke bureaucracy to make democracy weak; who under the Rozgaar scheme (employment) Pakistan made Pakistanis berozgaar (job-less).

The situation of fear and helplessness has gone to the extent that even if a common man wants to set up a madrassa for little children to learn the Holy Qur’an and become Hafiz, nobody is willing to give support because everyone is scared of government officials, who harass people and spread the feeling that maddaris breed terrorists.

Under poverty alleviation, price of sugar has been artificially increased to such an extent that it is difficult for a common man to drink sweet tea. The sugar price hike made people diabetic simply because of thinking how to keep a family in low incomes with high inflation rate.

The devolution of powers and development at grass root level did nothing but, gave an opportunity to more hungry people to snatch away the remaining of resources left on the land of Pakistan. Almost everyday, there are news about nazims, councilors and ministers stealing funds that are meant for the development of country.

Now the new slogan of Rozgaar Pakistan is to follow its predecessor Khushal for fooling people who want to be fooled. The Khushhal Pakistan Program is designed to improve infrastructure, provide electricity, gas and clean drinking water to the people, along with health and education services, while the Rozgar Scheme would provide loan for self-employment.

Can Mr. Musharraf tell the people of Pakistan how many poor Pakistanis got happy under the Khushal Pakistan Scheme by getting clean drinking water and electricity, it is visible from the daily destructive demonstrations in Karachi over power-load shedding and dried out water pipelines. By the same measure, will the General let us know how many poor Pakistanis will be become berozgaar under the new scheme of Rozgaar Pakistan.

It is said that freedom of expression and thought is a provision in our Constitution and yet when people like journalist Haytullah want to report the truth, they are kidnapped and shot to death after few months. In the case of Hayatullah, the regime is showing full concerns for his death and claims that the culprits will be caught and taken to trial. However, the results of such boasting are well known.

It is obvious from the instable economy, the tortuous road to the up coming elections and the critical situations on Pakistan borders and in the tribal belt that poor citizens of Pakistan are going down the slippery road to more despair and despondence without any ray of hope.

By Nuzhet Sardar Ibrahim

Dado Kaley, Tangi,

Charsadda, NWFP
Pakistan has been ruled by dictators since long. If democracy ever came in the real sense during elected governments, it was removed and terminated for one or another reason before completing its term.

there was NEVER any democracy in our country so lets start by accepting that, if you call BB or NS goverments as being democratic than we are on different thoughts of mind altogether

Generals like Musharraf had almost destroyed Pakistan in 1971 by cutting off a big and important chunk, East Pakistan, from our beloved country.

With all due respect, its an open fact that it was due to ZAF, so called "democratic" goverment ( according to the definition given above )

Policies of the generals also brought and flourished drug and klashnkov culture and exploited the name of Islam to such an extent that the groups that were designed, developed and fed in that era, today are called Taliban and Al Qaida, and Pakistan brought into strong alliance with USA in war against terrorism or Al Qaida by Musharraf.

If we had not acted at that time we would be under Indian or Soviet rule i presume, what gains did soviets had by coming to afghanistan? none if you ask me, the real target was pakistan and its coastal area, with soviets in afghanistan and india right next to us do you seriously blame us for doing what ever happened, we paid yes but we managed to defeat soviets and thats a crude fact, now when a general again takes steps against the same "seeds of evil" you guys again have problem? talk about being hypocrates ....

The greed of the generals comes before us sometimes in the form of General Yahya, some times in the form of Gen. Ziaul Haq and now Pervaz Musharraf, who are always working to keep the big power in their hands at the cost of innocent citizens of Pakistan.

i agree with Yahya, as far as Zia is concerned he conducted his goverment because to him that was the only way of servival to be extremist

The present regime talked loud about devolution of powers, fighting corruption, extremism and terrorism, breaking the bureaucracy—which was the backbone of the country.

Goverments before have talked horse crap too and managed to do nothing, go down the history say 20 years back and compare the development and economic growth, until and unless you have personal grudge against a person and are biased you will have to admit that apart from all the faults this is the best time for Pakistan

In the process, it destroyed the image of Islam and Muslims in the eyes of the West.

Wow!!! and how we managed to do that ?

General Musharraf, on the one hand doesn’t want to leave the position of the chief of armed forces. For that he is getting full support from PML. On the other hand, he doesn’t want to quit the powerful chair on which he is sitting.

heck if our country keeps progressing in the right direction i dont even frickin care if he sits on a frickin sofa for crying out loud

The situation of fear and helplessness has gone to the extent that even if a common man wants to set up a madrassa for little children to learn the Holy Qur’an and become Hafiz, nobody is willing to give support because everyone is scared of government officials, who harass people and spread the feeling that maddaris breed terrorists.

Extremly wrong, madrasa's now have to register themselves and thats about it, this precaution is taken to keep an eye on extremists

i could go on and on ... but i know there are few people around who would simply fail to debate with logic ... to them mushy is bad end of story ....
Mr Salahudin,

Sir, what is up with this paste and post of other peoples articles on this board. All your post seem to have that. Do you have your own say or are you just going to dump all kind of s--t on this board.
To Baqia;

All people who had been in the corridors of power at the time of 1971 have responsibility for pakistan break up...even Z A Bhutto...but the lionshare of this responsibility goes to the generals of Pak Army which held ultimum power from 1958-71...the period in which succession seeds were laid;

Ayub Khan ( Field Marshal ) and his Army buddies rigged the elections to defeat...non other than the sister of Quid-i-Azam and the person who has the title madre-millat...i.e. Fatima Jinnah. She was the only person left who had widespread following in east pakistan ( bangladesh) as well as west pakistan (current day pakistan)....quite frankly the last hope in terms of keeping pakistan united.

whatabout after widespread floods in 1970 in east pakistan......no one from west pakistan high elites and certainly not Yahya Khan visited east pakistan to check on brothers and sisters there....how they had faired from this natural catastrophe.....is it any surprise that mujib who toured east pakistan extensively in the aftermaths of floods would storm to 100% sweep of the polls merely a year later in east pakistan. Army was in Power then not Bhutto.

Last by not least.....the laying down of arms and surrendering to the indian army in East Pakistan...did Bhutto engineer that???Pakistan Army had ammunition to fight on for atleast 2 weeks instead of surrendering the way General Niazi did as per Hamood-ur-Rehman report.
I would take PAK ARMY as the Biggest Anemy within, since its actions over the years has seriuosly jeoperdized the country.
The army is answerable to no one. There's a Bunch of Individuals calling themselves the Generals and the Defenders of the Nation, who sit down in Corps Commander conferences and decide whatever they want to, without being questioned about their actions.
Look at East Pakistan's separation, the result of a sitting General's refusal to transfer power to an elected party.
Look at the Kargil Tragedy. Has anyone asked who was responsible for this tragedy?? Any General put on Trial?? NOPE THESE GENERALS ARE ANGELS, YOU CANT QUESTION THEIR LOYALTY TO PAKISTAN.
Look at the Kashmir Struggle , started and terminated by the pak army. Who got killed in the Middle? Innocent people on the both sides.
Does anyone Remember Sikh Movement in the 80's?? Who activley supported our Pak Army's ISI. Who was killed in the movement?? Poor innocent Sikhs. Who decided to terminite it, Pak Army. Was there any accountability??
Who actively trained and supported Taliban?? ISI. Who abaindoned them?? Pak Army. Was there any accountability of these Generals??
Look at the Results of these Disastours???
Bangla Deshi's Hate Pakistanis.
Kashmiris are now starting to Hate Pakistan.
Pakistan Embassy has been burnt time and again in Kabul during karzai's Govt who is activley supported by MUSHI. You Afghani's Hate Pak Army too. All the good will generated by pakistans support during soviet invasion has been ruined by these genrals by taking sides, promoting their own flawed agendas.
Look at the Nuclear Mess. When Pak Army needed Civilains in the form of scientists, everyting was good. They had unaccountable powers to research and spend. AQ KHAN was free to move around the World , including North Korea trying to secure Deals for the Missiles in return for the Nuclear Transfer . But when Heat turned on the Generals, they cried innocence. EVERYTHING'S THE FAULT OF SCIENTISTS ( CIVILIANS).
For once let us ask these generals and dictators

What is the so called supreme national interest which acts as a key for them to take over civilian governments?
A century of colonialist meddling-either through direct occupation or by the imposition of foreign entities- has resulted in bloodshed for the people of the Ummah .
The solution for the current turmoil and conflict is the return of the Islamic Khilafah [Caliphate] state. It will not be aligned to any other powers-politically or financially- hence, removing the need for outside interference or dependency. Israel?s dependence on external financial and military assistance has rendered the region ripe for western powers to exert their influence-to the detriment of Muslims, Jews and Christians.

The Khilafah will be an independent, non-sectarian state. The Khilafah will uphold the fundamental rights of justice and will not break its treaties, torture and abuse prisoners, imprison people without charge, oppress minorities and spy on its citizens. These fundamental rights are enshrined within statutory Islamic Law (shariah) and cannot be reversed by legal precedent or the whims of any government.

Non-Muslims in the Khilafah will have established channels to air any grievances or denial of their rights. All citizens will be empowered with the right to speak out where necessary. Non-Muslims will enjoy an elevated status with respect and tolerance shown to their beliefs and places of worships. The Khilafah will look after the needs and protect the rights of all its citizens-Muslim, Jews and Christians.
Mr Salahudin,

Sir, what is up with this paste and post of other peoples articles on this board. All your post seem to have that. Do you have your own say or are you just going to dump all kind of s--t on this board.

agree with you Mastan this guy is just doing the same cut past.
Even this time he dint spare posting letters to editor by other people here.
Look at all his post.
the mods are in deep slumber .
Lahori pa jee,

Why don't we ask this question to your beloved politicians Nawaz and Benazir, who won't go away even after doing two stints each and then forcibly being removed each time. What part of NO they didnot understand? And secondly this question needs to be asked of the political opposition who visit the army house under dire circumstances.

Isn't this Nawaz Sharif the person who put a freeze on foreign withdrawls from accounts after the nuclear explosions and sent his 300 million dollars out of the country.

Ultimately, the millitary is going to be an integral part of the governing body alongwith the electorate.
I believe Pakistan needs a system, not democracy per say. Because you'll just have the next P.M. arrested and exiled if you force democracy without a system that can handle it.

Look at India, 90% of our democraticaly elected leaders are idiots. They are uneducated fools who win because of ethnicity, caste, race, religion etc.

If these elected leaders were solely inchage, our country would be dead long long ago. Thankfully our leaders @ 47 realized this, and they made a constitution which created a system with checks and balances.

In the past 10 years, we've had Leftist Alliance (Communist Parties), Right
Wing Alliance (NDA, BJP) and we've had the moderates (Congress, UPA) in power. However despite all these huge ideological shifts in the ruling govt's, the policy of India as a whole has remained steady.

That's because the legislature doesn't make all the policy, they hve their checks and balances. The Beurocracy counters them and even shepherds them (like in the famous BBC series "Yes Prime Minister").

Similarly the Beurocracy has its own checks and balances. Ditto with the Armed Forces and Judiciary.

Bottom Line: no one group is allowed to run away with absolute power.

Even in the United States, the President is answerable to the Congress. And the Congress and Senate pass bills etc. If Bush was a run away President, 2000 - Iraq war, 2001 - Iran War, 2002 - Syria War, 2003 - North Korea War.

Luckily there are checks and balances, and above all he is answerable to his people.


So Pakistan doesn't need an elected President or P.M. per say. It needs a system that can sustain it.
Exactly my point as well. The politicians and the millitary need to come to an agreement where they they share mutual respect and integrity of the nation and the elected PM must not act as a dictator the moment he / she takes oath of the premiership.

We are not india, U S A or Britain. Our form of democracy is going to be different. The only thing is that when are the politicians going to realize that!
MastanKhan said:
Isn't this Nawaz Sharif the person who put a freeze on foreign withdrawls from accounts after the nuclear explosions and sent his 300 million dollars out of the country.

Ok then please suggest what could have been the best possible option to counter the panic money withdrawl post nulear tests.

MastanKhan said:
Ultimately, the millitary is going to be an integral part of the governing body alongwith the electorate.

That has always been Pak Armies dream and i have pointed this out from time to time. New GHQ in Islamabad is a part of this same plan. As the army thinks only they can save the country, that they are more patriotic and that they only know what is the supreme national interest of Pakistan
Many of you who are in favour of unrestrained and continued milatary rule over pakistan....consider this;

do you think a person hired as security guard to protect your house ( as many people in islamabad have guards etc ) or bank has the right to rule over the house or the bank...as if it was his baap ki jagir???? tell me?
Many of you who are in favour of unrestrained and continued milatary rule over pakistan....consider this;

do you think a person hired as security guard to protect your house ( as many people in islamabad have guards etc ) or bank has the right to rule over the house or the bank...as if it was his baap ki jagir???? tell me?

Well said Skeptic :flag:

This feeling of being lead by military with danda has crept into our masses. Majority is of those individuals who never vote and never let their opinion heard when the time comes. Rather they can only criticise politicians.

Kehtay hain na laaton key bhoot baaton say nahi mantey.
Well said Skeptic :flag:

This feeling of being lead by military with danda has crept into our masses. Majority is of those individuals who never vote and never let their opinion heard when the time comes. Rather they can only criticise politicians.

Kehtay hain na laaton key bhoot baaton say nahi mantey.

Lets see if anyone of the pro-milatary....milatary rule pakistan for life...people come up with any arguments to challenge what i said.:tup:

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