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Mumbai-based diamond export company rejects man's job application for being Muslim


Apr 28, 2011
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Mumbai: In a blatant case of religious discrimination, a Mumbai-based diamond export company rejected a man's job application for being a Muslim. MBA graduate Zeshan Ali Khan mailed his resume to Hari Krishna Exports and in reply, they said they hire only non-Muslim candidates.

Zeshan shared his experience on his Facebook page, which immediately raised outrage.


Zeshan said, "The Prime Minister talks about inclusive growth, but companies are dealing like this. If I was not qualified enough, I should've been told accordingly."
#diamond #hari krishna exports #mumbai #Muslim
Zeshan said, "Prime Minister Narendra Modi talks about inclusive growth, but companies are dealing like this. If I was not qualified enough, I should have been told accordingly."

When the company was contacted, it said the E-mail was sent erroneously by a new employee who was still training. The company said it does not discriminate against candidates based on religion.

Mumbai-based diamond export company rejects man's job application for being Muslim - IBNLive
@nair @SpArK @doppelganger @Horus @Gufi @Jazzbot @Leader @AUz @OrionHunter
Look at the labor statistics and you can clearly see Muslims getting the lowest pay and the worst jobs. A deliberate marginalization. I wonder how many years this will go on until Muslim population starts revolting.
So, you're making a huge propaganda issue on PDF on this one-off incident? Do you even know what's happening in your own country where there is rampant discrimination against the minorities? People in glass houses throwing stones at others is rather silly. Here take a look at this....

Members of the Hindu minority in Pakistan fear persistent harassment and complain that there is little official protection accorded to them. Hindu activists argue that ‘secret files are kept on them and their integrity is always in question.

They are not allowed into the armed forces, the judiciary or responsible positions in the civil service'. These allegations are substantiated by the facts, which reflect an almost negligible Hindu presence in the higher echelons of the administration, bureaucracy and armed forces. Discrimination and prejudice against the Hindus is reinforced by the religious orthodoxy, within educational institutions as well as by the state-controlled media.

Minority Rights Group International : Pakistan : Hindus

So one guy out of 1.3 billion doesn't get employment for some reason and you guys go berserk as though the whole Muslim Community consisting of almost 200 million in India is being persecuted!
And isnt it the Indian Media which is highlighting it..So Pakistani's poster shove off..India is a democracy, if one department does something wrong, the other highlights it with full force...Since it is now highlighted, necessary action will be taken..so chill and protect minorities in your home first.
Look at the labor statistics and you can clearly see Muslims getting the lowest pay and the worst jobs. A deliberate marginalization. I wonder how many years this will go on until Muslim population starts revolting.

And then they also keep repeating the mantra: "Muslims are the least developed people, least educated, and underachievers in india".

Of course they will be so, if you refuse them jobs or put hurdles all the way to their personal development.
Mumbai: In a blatant case of religious discrimination, a Mumbai-based diamond export company rejected a man's job application for being a Muslim. MBA graduate Zeshan Ali Khan mailed his resume to Hari Krishna Exports and in reply, they said they hire only non-Muslim candidates.

Zeshan shared his experience on his Facebook page, which immediately raised outrage.


Zeshan said, "The Prime Minister talks about inclusive growth, but companies are dealing like this. If I was not qualified enough, I should've been told accordingly."
#diamond #hari krishna exports #mumbai #Muslim
Zeshan said, "Prime Minister Narendra Modi talks about inclusive growth, but companies are dealing like this. If I was not qualified enough, I should have been told accordingly."

When the company was contacted, it said the E-mail was sent erroneously by a new employee who was still training. The company said it does not discriminate against candidates based on religion.

Mumbai-based diamond export company rejects man's job application for being Muslim - IBNLive
@nair @SpArK @doppelganger @Horus @Gufi @Jazzbot @Leader @AUz @OrionHunter

Its a stupid thing to do - writing back and putting into words what happens across the country in some form or the other. Some people don't take Muslims. Some don't take Hindus. Some don't take behenjis (or behenji turned mods). Some require a certain chest size and hem length. Some don't take women at all (production facilities, night shifts, change rooms, distractions, pregnancies with benefits, etc.). Some don't take vernaculars. Some don't take uglies. Some don't take oldies.

This is the real world @Zarvan. I am not going to be apologetic about it. Nor can I force a private enterprise to hire someone it does not want to hire.
So, you're making a huge propaganda issue on PDF on this one-off incident? Do you even know what's happening in your own country where there is rampant discrimination against the minorities? People in glass houses throwing stones at others is rather silly. Here take a look at this....

Members of the Hindu minority in Pakistan fear persistent harassment and complain that there is little official protection accorded to them. Hindu activists argue that ‘secret files are kept on them and their integrity is always in question.

They are not allowed into the armed forces, the judiciary or responsible positions in the civil service'. These allegations are substantiated by the facts, which reflect an almost negligible Hindu presence in the higher echelons of the administration, bureaucracy and armed forces. Discrimination and prejudice against the Hindus is reinforced by the religious orthodoxy, within educational institutions as well as by the state-controlled media.

Minority Rights Group International : Pakistan : Hindus

So one guy out of 1.3 billion doesn't get employment for some reason and you guys go berserk as though the whole Muslim Community consisting of almost 200 million in India is being persecuted!

Look .. it happens in Pakistan; not as much of a problem because it is supposed to be a ideologically shaped Muslims country.

It happens in Hindu-stan; then it is a problem because it is supposedly a secular state and the world's democracy of democracies.

Get the irony !
So, you're making a huge propaganda issue on PDF on this one-off incident? Do you even know what's happening in your own country where there is rampant discrimination against the minorities? People in glass houses throwing stones at others is rather silly. Here take a look at this....

So all you are saying is that, you Indians have all of those evils that you accuse everyday us Pakistanis of having and even more.

So then what is so special about india? It is the same third world country and has the same problems as other third world countries have.

If only you guys would not jump up and down on daily basis about how great supapowa "shining india" is doing in all the human rights and democracy, no one would give a shyt about that.

And BTW, would you like to meet our honorable acting Chief Justice Rana Bhagwandas (retired a year or so ago)? :-)
Its true that companies in India prefer not to recruit muslims. But this is true all over the world. Hindus get good jobs in west, but muslims are discriminated. So the problem is with muslims. They have to see why they are being ignored globally. Everyone knows the reasons.
Dear Pakistanis,

You dont have to be desperate every second to prove the world and most important ur own self that creation of Pakistan was not a mistake. Its OK. U got Pakistan. Be happy with it.

Our country is a hetrogenious society. You Pakistanis will obviously not know that the diamond business is only run by Marwaris and Gujaratis including both Bohra Muslims and Hindus. They are strict family run businesses and hence have an option to select as per their qualification and demography.

Similarly, Germany is the most humanitarian country but u wont get jobs here if u dont know German. Call it discrimination? Well May be may be not. Its the requirement of the firms and they have good logic behind it. Same goes here.

But taking example of Diamond Industry to extrapolate to whole country dynamic is typical loser attitude which people here mostly exhibit just to satisfy their failed ego of creation of their country. Dont worry, no matter how less the discrimination against muslims be in India and no matter how much u guys try to show it as 100% to fulfill ur agenda, CREATION OF PAKISTAN will never be justified. STAY WITH IT.
And BTW, would you like to meet our honorable acting Chief Justice Rana Bhagwandas (retired a year or so ago)? :-)

The one Hindu name every Pakistani likes to hold up as a trophy. If I got one rupee for every time a Pakistani did it on PDF, I'd have been able to buy myself a decent road bike (Bianchi Via Nirone) by now.
Mumbai: In a blatant case of religious discrimination, a Mumbai-based diamond export company rejected a man's job application for being a Muslim. MBA graduate Zeshan Ali Khan mailed his resume to Hari Krishna Exports and in reply, they said they hire only non-Muslim candidates.

Zeshan shared his experience on his Facebook page, which immediately raised outrage.


Zeshan said, "The Prime Minister talks about inclusive growth, but companies are dealing like this. If I was not qualified enough, I should've been told accordingly."
#diamond #hari krishna exports #mumbai #Muslim
Zeshan said, "Prime Minister Narendra Modi talks about inclusive growth, but companies are dealing like this. If I was not qualified enough, I should have been told accordingly."

When the company was contacted, it said the E-mail was sent erroneously by a new employee who was still training. The company said it does not discriminate against candidates based on religion.

Mumbai-based diamond export company rejects man's job application for being Muslim - IBNLive
@nair @SpArK @doppelganger @Horus @Gufi @Jazzbot @Leader @AUz @OrionHunter
Propogana news originally reported by Hindu news paper. Proved fake as this person has accepted that he written letter all by himself.
The one Hindu name every Pakistani likes to hold up as a trophy. If I got one rupee for every time a Pakistani did it on PDF, I'd have been able to buy myself a decent road bike (Bianchi Via Nirone) by now.

Because that negates your propaganda that Hindus are not allowed in judiciary

Each time one of you brings up that point, naturally Bhagwandas name will pop-up, :-)

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