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Most Americans see Afghan war as failure

100 of consulates weren't there for free trade with Afghanistan they were there for spreading terrorism in Pakistan. Every time pakistani air force or americans drones took out terrorist in FATA area I am sure India lost millions it spent on training these terrorist.
Haha thats just your assumption with no proofs whatsoever.

Last time I checked, Pakistan government was waiting for some "right time" to provide proof against India. Now its been more than 2 years. But still you guys are waiting for the right time. :omghaha:

And it doesn't need a genius to realize that India dont need terrorists to destroy Pakistan. Pakistanis are well capable to destroy Pakistan.:lol:
100 of consulates weren't there for free trade with Afghanistan they were there for spreading terrorism in Pakistan. Every time pakistani air force or americans drones took out terrorist in FATA area I am sure India lost millions it spent on training these terrorist.

Did 100 consulated came up in your nightmares ?? There are only 4 consulates . So when are you providing proofs ??

Why would India need to invest in distablising Pakistan, when you guys yourself have likes of Munnawar , Disel and Imran .
The Americans have show unexpected realism this time, I am impressed
Why your ally kill your women and children and 24 soldiers? This sound like an ally? Then what is an enemy?
accident. If you dont want our aid, fine. but you need America.
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