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Mortar shells fired into Pakistani territory by Iranian border forces

I was suspicious of Indian army, because they are sitting across the border.
if they are not pulling the trigger they must have been given the targets!

Second suspicion is on Saudis.

But Iran is innocent... right? Smells like khomeni lover....
we have civilization ties mate, pakistan can try to do the same but they will be just another ****aspiring arab**** muslim country.
do you know that there are parsis in India who left Iran shores long time back?

What civilization? You're living in 21st century, everybody is a mix of something. Pakistan(is) always existed, they didn't come from outer space you imbecile. Why berate arabs or muslims? How many of you dot heads desperately line up to work in Dubai or Riyadh.

Majority of Pakistani language derive from Ancient Persian, lot of Pakistanis share same lineage with Iranis. Pakistan shares much more with iran than india(ns) ever will. Keep your fictional aryan fantasies to yourself
Pakistani response at LoC has always been pathetic in my view.
If there was Pervez Musharraf as CoAS, Bharti sena would piss in their pants, before thinking of shelling across the line of control.
On second part, try to shelling back Iran, and embrace Shia backlash.
Dude... it's easy said than done!

I don't care about Shia Sunni thing. If Iran shell, shell them back, if Saudi Arabia shell, shell them back too. Pakistan's security is everything. Pakistan is home to Sunni Muslims, Shia Muslims, Ahmadis, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, etc etc.
I think this would be a great testing ground for Thunder's newly equipped REK from GIDS. Take out Iranian MLRS, artillery, and infantry positions from stand-off range, get some target practice, and gather data on our own equipment to make it better. Use one enemy to sharpen our knives for the other enemy. And once the ASELSAN targeting pods are fully integrated, we need to test them out as well.
Iran has at least 5 times higher GDP tan Pakistan and this is the condition of Irani Sistan bordering Pakistani Balochisan. They don't even have drinking water.

Then Iran blames Pakistan for violence in this Province?

I think this would be a great testing ground for Thunder's newly equipped REK from GIDS. Take out Iranian MLRS, artillery, and infantry positions from stand-off range, get some target practice, and gather data on our own equipment to make it better. Use one enemy to sharpen our knives for the other enemy. And once the ASELSAN targeting pods are fully integrated, we need to test them out as well.

Dude this is real world not your CALL OF DUTY Fantasy. Lol the way you're saying. A Professional Soldier would laugh at you.
I wish we could have a serious rational discussion but seems like that can not happen here anymore. Internet is a nasty place after all.

Strategically (& politically) Iran needs (Saoodi fueled or not) hostility from pakistan for at least next 3-4 years. Fruits for Iran led block in ME (and afghanistan) will be large if Iranian relations with Pakistan become worse.

Rationally speaking, these two countries will never ever fight with each other directly but pakistani hostile demeanor towards Iran will help Iran led block in future.

Pakistan and Iran share a 900-kilometre-long porous border. Both the two countries had decided in 2014 to boost intelligence coordination to wipe out terrorists from the border region.

we have civilization ties mate, pakistan can try to do the same but they will be just another ****aspiring arab**** muslim country.
do you know that there are parsis in India who left Iran shores long time back?
Parsis are also in Pakistan


There are more iranians on this forum than bharat ratsh*t forums
Iran's diplomatic abilities are seriously lacking, and without wishing to insult them, perhaps actions like these also show some lack of common sense and vision beyond whatever provokes such action on the ground.

Iran for a long time now has been isolated by the US, by Israel, the Saudis and their GCC allies. Europe also cut ties with them, and in the immediate neighbourhood, they have no friends at all. Almost every Muslim nation with any power is already against them due to the KSA's influence.

The only exception was Pakistan, the relations with Pakistan if not very friendly, were at least neutral. What could possibly possess them to keep shelling and other needless provocations? In rather silly ways too I might add, a few mortar stray shells at a time, achieving absolutely nothing besides annoying Pakistanis who are already under pressure from the US, from the GCC and from KSA + supporters to side with them against Iran.

Pakistan amazingly even remained neutral in the Yemen conflict. Iran's actions defy all logic in my opinion, they ought to reassess.
A single phone call from p.m , a visit of a capable and sensible foreign minister, contacts between dgmo's and problem could be solved forever. They can easily be convinced to avoid conflict.
If only we have good diplomatic channels. Did nawaz sheriff destroy our diplomacy on purpose? How was his foreign ministry in his previous terms?
This matter can be solved in a jiffy only need good communication.
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LMAO and here we witness a pin drop silence in this thread from iranian asss licking pakistanis.

I wonder what makes you believe that Saudi bootlickers and Shia haters like yourself are any better than those Pakistanis you are laughing at

Characters like Ali Zaidi are right hand of JEW party.

GEO/Jang journalist propaganda ?
A single phone call from p.m , a visit of a capable and sensible foreign minister, contacts between dgmo's and solution would be solved forever. They can easily be convinced to avoid conflict.
If only we have good diplomatic channels. Did nawaz sheriff destroy our diplomacy on purpose? How was his foreign ministry in his previous terms?
This matter can be solved in a jiffy only need good communication.

We won't do this. We may go to Harami Afghan land who kill our Soldiers. Intrude into our Land and conduct Bomb Blasts. We can have Military Drills with them. Send High Level Military Delegations. Because Uncle Sam says so. But we can't even send a proper Foreign Minister to Iran, Have a Military Drill ever. Instead we got their AF Cadets slaughtered, Got their Cultural Center torched. Theres a whole long history of shit we did. Later our presence into so-called Military Alliance which openly declared its Rivalry with the Iranians.
Easy way is to not let your land be used by the smugglers/terrorists in the first place.fairing back is not the answer.imagine India,Iran , Afghanistan fire together and you reply all of us .you will be bankrupt 3 times faster.work with Iran and eliminate the people who are using your land for activities in Iran.
Oh thanks for your suggestion,and how much you charge for international affairs consultancy services.
I wonder what makes you believe that Saudi bootlickers and Shia haters like yourself are any better than those Pakistanis you are laughing at
Where did i support saudia? and where did i post anti shia posts?
I have very strong disgust for arab sheikhs because i know how they suck up to goras and treat other muslims, in gcc they keep introducing new rules to take wealth out of expats pockets , and use that sum to pay hefty salaries to their locals and gora skinned workers whose jobs are hardly as laborious as non arab workers. They are doing so much zulm that i have seen people i know from gcc cursing them for their twisted rules.

I had mentioned iranian asss lickers. How it equals with shias?
From page 1 some posters were making anti shia posts but i refrained and here he had to pick on my post which was not even directed on any sect.

Frankly , i have seen your other posts , talking with authentic facts and figures never seem to be your forte but on the top of all that you even twist quranic ayats to suit your own interpretations, such person is not upto my level of debate.

And yes do not expect anymore responses from me.
In what sense? Culture, faith language, race, you share none of these with them.
Let them claim cultural ties with iranians, why should we be bothered when iranian soil gives refuge to jadevs

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