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‘Modi is a robot of the RSS, programmed to hate Muslims’

Rioting was unfortunate, but Modi shouldn't be blamed for that. It was ignited by the burning of the train in Godhra by a Muslim mob in which 60 Hindu pilgrims were burnt alive. Secondly it was not a "massacre". Both Hindus and Muslims died during the riots. More Muslims than Hindus, agreed, but many of those Hindus were killed by Police firing(so you can't say Modi didn't do anything to stop the riots).

just this biased explanation of what happened shows how much denial many of u have about the riots. or maybe u just dont care enough to look into it. theres a plethora of information abt the riots that ur country has tried to hide from u. THIS is propaganda my dear. i hope 1 day u will have the decency to look into it.

Many many more Muslims have been killed in Pakistan during sectarian riots, how come the violence in Gujarat takes precedence over the violence in your own country? Do you guys also do same sorta awareness(read propaganda)campaign for all the Shia massacres that has occurred in your country?

had the topic of discussion been sectarian violence in pak...thats what i wud be discussing. by shifting the attention towards pak's sectarian violence u have done NOTHING to support ur stance that modi-ler is a criminal mass murderer.
also very ironic that the "shia massacres" in pak r massacres whereas the gujarat massacres are...just exaggerated, propaganda, congress' construction. get out of ur bubble my dear, the world has woken up to this massacre and india is still in denial. even ur lovely babloo rahul gandhi knows the threat these rss criminals r to ur nation/muslims

We Indians are not as as soulless and as hateful towards our Muslim brothers as you think. If we see something wrong and unfair we are the first to condemn it.

i dont think all indians are hateful and soulless-coming from some1 who has more indian friends in real life than pak friends. but i guess the ones on this forum r of a different breed. all i've come across is idolizing and celebrating the perpetrator of a massacre. thats hardly an act of condemnation.while the "muslims responsible" for godra have already been sentenced. the man who admitted that he sloshed open a muslim pregnant womans womb to teach muslims a lesson is roaming free in mumbai with shiv sena. i guess he finds more joy in harassing affluent muslims like shahrukh khan. this same man admitted that modi-ler bailed him out and changed the judges who convicted him! but this revelation is blatantly ignored. wake up guys, hindus (read rss) can be terrorists too... not just muslims (as we now know with the Samjauta revelation)

For some reason all this "caring" for Indian Muslims coming out of Pakistan seems more like an attempt to unsettle the religious harmony in India.

lol i dont know if pak or any other country for that matter needs to do much to unsettle religious "harmony" in india. just this very statement made me LOL (religious harmony..:lol:)..
i think advani, modi, rss are great at settling religious harmony so even if someone from outside tries..these supermen will save the country (read sarcasm!) we saw '92, '02..waiting for '12 now. seems to be a pattern :cry:
but seriously speaking...maybe u bunked history class so i'll just explain to u.. a large percentage of pakistanis migrated from india in 1947. families were broken up as some stayed and some left. hence many of the indian muslims r BLOOD relatives of pakistanis. if someone hacked up ur family members u wudn't speak up rite?!? hence pak involvement! on top of that anyone who speaks up for muslim/minority rights in india is labelled anti-national. so who will support these victims?

Modi has been given a clean cheat by the Supreme court of India, ... many Indians want to give him the benefit of the doubt and give him a chance to redeem himself.

this is exactly wat disturbs the world community. including ur "friend" America who denied a visa to this modi-ler. for crying out loud even Germans raised concerns over this criminal (and we all know they have all too much experience with such personalities...ahem ahem)...and nice philosophy...the mass murderer needs to be given a chance to redeem himself :lol: what a forgiving people :cheesy:

just this biased explanation of what happened shows how much denial many of u have about the riots. or maybe u just dont care enough to look into it. theres a plethora of information abt the riots that ur country has tried to hide from u. THIS is propaganda my dear. i hope 1 day u will have the decency to look into it.

How is this a biased explanation? Are you saying that a Muslim mob didn't burn down the train in Godhra, where 60 Hindu pilgrims including women and children were burnt alive? That was the flashpoint which led to rioting in Gujarat. 11 people were sentenced to death and 20 sentenced to life in prison by the court, is that all propaganda for you?
BBC News - Eleven sentenced to death for India Godhra train blaze

Just like these scum bags got punished I want the Hindu rioters involved in killing punished too and they will be punished, I have faith in the Indian justice system.

31 get life sentence for massacre during Gujarat riots at Sardarpura

And many more will follow. I have the decency to look into it alright, but am not going to look into it emotionally. People who have committed crimes will be persecuted in the court and I respect the courts decision.

]had the topic of discussion been sectarian violence in pak...thats what i wud be discussing. by shifting the attention towards pak's sectarian violence u have done NOTHING to support ur stance that modi-ler is a criminal mass murderer.
also very ironic that the "shia massacres" in pak r massacres whereas the gujarat massacres are...just exaggerated, propaganda, congress' construction. get out of ur bubble my dear, the world has woken up to this massacre and india is still in denial. even ur lovely babloo rahul gandhi knows the threat these rss criminals r to ur nation/muslims

Its a massacre when only one side is taking all the beatings. The violence in Gujarat however was communal rioting since both Hindus and Muslims died. The reason i brought up sectarian violence is because Pakistanis love to portray India as the worst place for Muslims, which is not quite the case, as more Muslims have died as a result of religious violence in Muslim Pakistan than Secular India. Not quite sure why you lots do it though, maybe still trying to justify the two nation theory? :undecided:

]i dont think all indians are hateful and soulless-coming from some1 who has more indian friends in real life than pak friends. but i guess the ones on this forum r of a different breed. all i've come across is idolizing and celebrating the perpetrator of a massacre. thats hardly an act of condemnation.

Once again Modi has been given clean sheet by the Supreme court of India(Highest court in India, not a state court, so you can't say that ruling wasn't fair), and thats all the judging I care for. No sane Indian would idolize and celebrate Modi if he was convicted of the "crimes" he was accused of.

while the "muslims responsible" for godra have already been sentenced. the man who admitted that he sloshed open a muslim pregnant womans womb to teach muslims a lesson is roaming free in mumbai with shiv sena. i guess he finds more joy in harassing affluent muslims like shahrukh khan. this same man admitted that modi-ler bailed him out and changed the judges who convicted him! but this revelation is blatantly ignored. wake up guys, hindus (read rss) can be terrorists too... not just muslims (as we now know with the Samjauta revelation)

See the links posted above, both Muslims involved in Godhra train burning and Hindus involved in riotings have been sentenced. More cases against Hindu Mobs are pending in the court and more sentences will follow, us Indians will see to that.

Am not sure what guy you are talking about but I am guessing its this incident. And this is how propaganda is done :agree:

In April 2009, the Special Investigation Team (SIT) setup by the Supreme Court of India to investigate and expedite the Gujarat riot cases submitted before the Court that Teesta Setalvad had cooked up cases of violence to spice up the incidents. The SIT which is headed by former CBI director, R. K. Raghavan has said that false witnesses were tutored to give evidence about imaginary incidents by Setalvad and other NGOs.[146] The SIT charged her of “cooking up macabre tales of killings”.[147][148]

The report which was brought to the notice of the bench, consisting of Justices Arijit Pasayat, P Sathasivam and Aftab Alam, noted that the much publicised case of a pregnant Muslim woman Kausar Banu being gangraped by a mob and foetus being removed from sharp weapons, was also cooked up and false.

we saw '92, '02..waiting for '12 now. seems to be a pattern
but seriously speaking...maybe u bunked history class so i'll just explain to u.. a large percentage of pakistanis migrated from india in 1947. families were broken up as some stayed and some left. hence many of the indian muslims r BLOOD relatives of pakistanis. if someone hacked up ur family members u wudn't speak up rite?!? hence pak involvement! on top of that anyone who speaks up for muslim/minority rights in india is labelled anti-national. so who will support these victims?

For a multi religious and mutli ethnic country like India, its not that bad a track record, much better than a Homogenous Muslim country like Pakistan, and from what I have observed communal harmony in Indian society is improving. Education is the key here and with more and more people getting educated hopefully we can make these religious riots which has plagued the sub continent for centuries, a thing of past.

And btw the history that we are taught in India, doesn't include much detail about religious angle of the partition. However let me tell you that a large percentage of Pakistanis didn't migrate from India. Only about 20% Indian Muslims(most of them from Punjab) decided to migrate to Pakistan. Majority(80%) of the Indian Muslims decided to stay back in India.

I don't have an issue if the concern is genuine, but from what I have seen so for on the internet the Pakistani concern for Indian Muslims seem less than sincere and more to do with showing India in a bad light. Ask any one from Karachi how their relatives are doing in India and they ll tell you all about it.

this is exactly wat disturbs the world community. including ur "friend" America who denied a visa to this modi-ler. for crying out loud even Germans raised concerns over this criminal (and we all know they have all too much experience with such personalities...ahem ahem)...and nice philosophy...the mass murderer needs to be given a chance to redeem himself what a forgiving people

You are too naive and gullible. All America had to do was deny a visa to Modi and they scored brownie points from Muslims like you. Do you know how many Muslims America has killed over the years? How many of us would have the balls to reject a visa to an American politician for those crimes? How about denying visa to Hillary Clinton for the killing of of the Afghan family by that US soldier last week? Should we hold Obama or Clinton accountable for that crime? Would you call them mass murderers?

And the German delegation were members of Christian Democratic Union (CDU):lol: and they had the gall to criticize a democratically elected chief minister. This world is not as simple as you think, its not all black and white, everyone and everything has hidden agendas. Those members of Christian democratic union had supporters to pacify back in their "Christian" country, so they blabber out a statement.

Now that they have done their politics, scored brownie points from their target audience, its all back to business.:agree:

"No, there are no new developments on that. But, Gujarat remains a very important place for American investment."



German delegation led by Stuttgart Mayor Wolfgang Schuster keen to take part in Gujarat
Modi must be the most life like robot in the world! India should sell this technology, you will make alot of money!
Just like these scum bags got punished I want the Hindu rioters involved in killing punished too and they will be punished, I have faith in the Indian justice system.

You may have faith in this judiciary system cause its for u. but it is not for the muslim minority its against them. For Samjauta muslim boys all over ur country were blamed and convicted by the same court you hold in such high regard isn’t it? Perfect judiciary system eh! They will wait till the riot victims kids and kids have been born to give justice. Advani still roams free and so will Modi no matter what the mounting evidence suggests. Keep having faith.

Its a massacre when only one side is taking all the beatings. The violence in Gujarat however was communal rioting since both Hindus and Muslims died.

Funny that u mention that it wasn’t a massacre. And then provide an article named “31 get life sentence for MASSACRE during Gujarat riots at Sardarpura” to support this claim. :cheesy:LOL. Evidently, most of the reporting out there even from the Indian side state that it was a massacre, but you my friend are still in denial.

The reason i brought up sectarian violence is because Pakistanis love to portray India as the worst place for Muslims, which is not quite the case, as more Muslims have died as a result of religious violence in Muslim Pakistan than Secular India. Not quite sure why you lots do it though, maybe still trying to justify the two nation theory? :undecided:

Again u bring up Pakistan in a thread that’s about modi-ler. please make a new thread about pakistans sectarian violence since u seem very interested :tongue:
But now that we are here, allow me to clarify a few points. First u mention pak has HOMOGENEOUS muslim population then u mention it has SECTARIAN violence…contradiction in itself much??? :lol:

Anyways, if ur comparing Indo-Pak sectarian violence. Yes shias are muslims but aren’t dalits hindu too? Don’t they still face discrimination in India? Isn’t the caste system well and alive in India? Especially among the poor who make up majority of ur pop’n.
So couldn’t this caste system in hinduism be paralleled to sects in islam? Hence this kind of phenomenon occurs in both countries and its delusional to say that India has track record that’s “not that bad”

And btw the history that we are taught in India, doesn't include much detail about religious angle of the partition. However let me tell you that a large percentage of Pakistanis didn't migrate from India. Only about 20% Indian Muslims(most of them from Punjab) decided to migrate to Pakistan. Majority(80%) of the Indian Muslims decided to stay back in India.

I disagree that mostly punjabis migrated to pak. maybe to lahore...but in Karachi we have mostly non-punjabi migrants. many from maharastra (my own ancestors). Way too many from delhi, hyderbad, the list goes on. But yes you r right, many more muslims stayed back then the ones who migrated. And I can speak for most of the pak pple I know from my city karachi who have relatives in India… they aren’t as well off as their migrant counterparts in pak. Most are ghettoized, segregated, and not too well off financially… we send money to our relatives there monthly. I’m not trying to be condescending but this is a fact. Theres no dearth of info and research the muslim ques. Just for starters BBC NEWS | South Asia | Why do Indian Muslims lag behind? But nevertheless this discussion is not on poverty its about justice in the riots.

How about denying visa to Hillary Clinton for the killing of of the Afghan family by that US soldier last week? Should we hold Obama or Clinton accountable for that crime? Would you call them mass murderers?

:what:Hillary Clinton and Obama did not allow that soldier to go on a shooting spree. and nor did they ever order ethnic cleansing upon their own citizens. however Modi-ler did allow hindus too take out their anger on the muslims in his state. just for STARTERS: 2002 riots: Another police officer blames Modi - India News - IBNLive
But yes I wud label someone like Monkey face Bush-ler as a mass murderer

and they had the gall to criticize a democratically elected chief minister... This world is not as simple as you think, its not all black and white, everyone and everything has hidden agendas.

Hitler was also democratically elected. Sorry sir..i didn’t know we didn’t have the permission to criticize him....and yes sir the world is not all black n white ;) don't be so gullible ...practice wat u preach :disagree:

Ten years after ‘Gujarat,’ the man accused of sanctioning it is poised to become India’s PM - The Globe and Mail

lol wow i guess the Canadians r on board too. US, Germany, CAN..what will u do when AUS imposes sanctions on ur pm :confused:

Ten years after ‘Gujarat,’ the man accused of sanctioning it is poised to become India’s PM - The Globe and Mail

“Strong evidence,” says Human Rights Watch, ties the carnage to the Modi government which, having come to power five months before it began, has been “subverting justice, protecting perpetrators and intimidating those promoting accountability” ever since the killing ended.

The international watchdog group has found that not only did rioters have detailed lists of Muslim residents and businesses, they were incited by phone calls and door-to-door campaigns conducted by officials of Mr. Modi's Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BNJP) and right-wing organizations affiliated with it.
You know, its so funny.. I used to hate Modi's guts (lost a very dear friend in Gujrat riots). But spending sometime on this forum makes me think that if Pakistanis hate him so much, he must really be good for India.. ;)
“By international law standards, under the internationally recognized principle of command responsibility, Mr. Modi is completely guilty,” he says.

amazing judiciary DUDE!!!

You know, its so funny.. I used to hate Modi's guts (lost a very dear friend in Gujrat riots). But spending sometime on this forum makes me think that if Pakistanis hate him so much, he must really be good for India.. ;)

not just pakistanis. the whole world does.
Why Narendra Modi is India’s Most Loved and Loathed Politician


Narendra Modi is on the cover of TIME this week in South Asia. Modi is the most polarizing politician in India, rarely gives interviews and is a possible future prime minister, but it bears repeating that putting Modi on the cover is not an endorsement. Researching and eventually interviewing Modi was, however, fascinating, and yielded several surprises.

The road to his office in Gandhinagar, a smooth, featureless four-lane highway, held the first one: Modi ordered the demolition of about 120 small Hindu shrines to make room for it, despite vehement objections from his Hindu nationalist allies. Modi may be portrayed as an ideologue, but he is more complicated than that. “He’s the only leader in the country who would be able to destroy a temple and get away with it, and still be called acceptable in Hindu politics,” says Tridip Suhrud, a social scientist based in Ahmedabad.

Modi’s reaction to my questions about his childhood was also surprising. He didn’t romanticize Vadnagar, the town where he grew up. He had little to say about his “very average family,” whose entire house, he says, could fit into the chief minister’s office. He left home at 17 to join the RSS, so he doesn’t have the polish of those politicians educated in elite institutions, but his English was nearly flawless, and he clearly believes in the power of the individual to educate, improve and reinvent himself. “I have never gone to college,” Modi says. “But books were my best friends.”

Most of the story weighs the two sides of the central paradox of Modi’s rise: for some, he will always be the man who presided over the 2002 anti-Muslim violence, and there are millions who will never forgive him and hope that he will eventually face criminal charges. (Modi has always denied any wrongdoing, and said he did the best that he could to protect the people of his state.) For others, 2002 is a distant memory, and Modi is fully rehabilitated as a paragon of good governance and effective administration. Those may seem like two irreconcilable halves, but spend any time in Gujarat, and both are simultaneously visible.

I first met Virendra Mhaiskar, CEO of the road building company IRB, for example, while researching a story on infrastructure in India. “Mr. Modi is looked upon with different lenses in different parts of the world,” Mhaiskar told me. He recalled submitting a $42 million bid to complete a section of Ahmedabad’s excellent bus rapid-transit system. The entire bidding process was done online — no cups of tea with mid-level bureaucrats, no photo-ops with local politicians. “Even today, I don’t know who the mayor is,” he says.

It’s possible to find similar sentiments even among Muslims. “What happened in Gujarat 10 years back was the darkest phase in the history of Gujarat,” says Mohsin Sheikh, 56, an artist who lives in the Muslim enclave of Sarkhej in Ahmedabad. “I am hopeful that the victims will soon get justice. At the same time, I think that everyone should try to forget what happened a decade back and move on. Gujarat’s development is benefiting not just one community but all the people of Gujarat, irrespective of caste and religion.” That’s the argument that Modi will have to make if he ever wants to win national office: that economic development is more important than court verdicts or compensation, and that he can deliver growth and prosperity for everyone.

With the Congress Party-led coalition facing wide criticism for corruption and ineffectiveness, Modi’s chances look good. But he will also have to overcome opposition within his own party. During a decade as chief minister, he has earned quite a few enemies. “He believes that if you really want to do certain things, you cannot waste time in discussions and compromising,” says Ghanshyam Shah, a political scientist in Ahmedabad. Those who challenged him, including ministers in his own cabinet, were shut out, and Modi refused to allow them to stand for election on BJP tickets. One faction split off into a new party; another group defected to the opposition. By the end of 2006, Modi had effectively replaced the entire political leadership of the state with those loyal to him. “In Gujarat, the BJP became Modi – one voice,” says Shah. “Anyone who had a different voice had no place within the party.” That approach has left Modi alienated within his own party, but he’ll need the BJP machinery to actually run a national campaign. Even if he doesn’t become prime minister, Modi offers a glimpse of what India might be like if it became, as some of its critics wish, a little more like China. He represents a new kind of Indian politician — democratically elected but authoritarian in style and spirit. “The future belongs to him,” says Suhrud. “The future belongs to that kind of politics.”

—With reporting by Sagheer Mahdi/Ahmedabad

Read more: Why Narendra Modi is India’s Most Loved and Loathed Politician | Global Spin | TIME.com

A poorly written and poorly researched article, full of factual errors. For example,
The attack took place 140 kilometres from Gujarat's capital, Ahmedabad, and was blamed on a Muslim mob. Two government inquiries failed to confirm this allegation, and last year those accused of committing the atrocity were acquitted for lack of evidence.
Some of the perpetrators have already been sentenced. Some of those involved were Muslims connected with the Congress party.

lol wow i guess the Canadians r on board too. US, Germany, CAN..what will u do when AUS imposes sanctions on ur pm

Putting sanctions on India is like putting sanctions on yourself.
This is how terrorists are made - YouTube

anyone Indians have any responses on this vid? all fake right?? :lol:

ok there smart 1. if u read properly instead of approaching my posts with an agenda u wud know .. i was referring to modi not india. :rolleyes:

Hindu-Muslim riots have been part of our history....sometimes hindus are the initiators and sometimes muslims...but i am glad that these riots are history now...there have been very few or no such incidents...i guess it is time we indians accept that our real enemy is poverty..
Sorry to interrupt Pakistani and Chinese illusions on Mr. Modi of being him so and so.
In INDIA we have to follow certain rules and law defined in our country constitution which we have to obey ( its not like yours law that can be modified so easily depending on the govt of that time according to there need ). Following same laws we Indians have some regret and some happiness which we cant deny.
We all Indians know that AJMAL KASAB is a terrorist but until now we are unable to hang him to keep our blood cool because we are bounded by laws ( call it dirty politics or whatever ). Same goes to Mr. Modi, all the cases on him still not confirmed to throw him in jail or to hang him as our courts are based on proofs not on illusions or rumors.
When the case is confirmed of being him a convict, i will happily post the link in BOLD CAPITAL letters because i live in a so called secular country and want to be this way only.
I want Mr Modi to be next PM ( my personal choice ).
what happened in india was extremely pityfull. religious violence is the most pathetic violence. we should stop all this crap
interesting point

please Explain

It means that the laws of Indian constitution are not defined by Bhagwad Gita or Tripitaka or Kalchakra or Kalpasutra or Guru Granth Sahib.

There's civic laws common for all. And that is where "secularism" ends. This is what we can offer. Take it or leave it.

Hindu-Muslim riots have been part of our history....sometimes hindus are the initiators and sometimes muslims...but i am glad that these riots are history now...there have been very few or no such incidents...i guess it is time we indians accept that our real enemy is poverty..

If you're taking the neutral side, you're siding with the oppressor. I would kindly suggest you to check the stories of each of this riot instigations before you come to a conclusion.

“By international law standards, under the internationally recognized principle of command responsibility, Mr. Modi is completely guilty,” he says.

There are a lot of international nonsense that is said about you as well. HRC is the biggest terrorist group supporting all militancy in India. Do you really think we even bother? :P

not just pakistanis. the whole world does.

You just fear him coming to power because under him you won't get to send your non-state actors for training in our country. Accept it. :lol:
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