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Military exercises and missile tests - 28/8 to 30/9

Pak CAA has issued a new notification

(A0831/19 NOTAMR A0830/19
B)1908280850 C)1909301600
D)FM 28 AUG TO 30 SEP 2019
BTN 0300-0900 AND 1400-1600

252216N 0663847E
251030N 0664524E
251011N 0664355E
252039N 0663242E
F)GND G)FL260)

It basically says that from 28/8 to 30/9 between 3am to 9am and 2pm to 4pm PST, aircrafts in the given coordinates near Sonmiani (aka missile test range) cannot descend below 26,000ft.

@Knuckles ?
Interesting NOTAM. Could be various things. 26k ceiling could also be that a live strafing and air-to-ground join-ups might be happening. I am unaware of that particular range and procedures.

Personally I would wish it was a satellite launch by SUPARCO.

Cheers !!!
Interesting NOTAM. Could be various things. 26k ceiling could also be that a live strafing and air-to-ground join-ups might be happening. I am unaware of that particular range and procedures.

Personally I would wish it was a satellite launch by SUPARCO.

Cheers !!!
I'm a novice at reading NOTAM's hence wanted confirmation, that I had read it right. But as always, thank you for your input.
Interesting NOTAM. Could be various things. 26k ceiling could also be that a live strafing and air-to-ground join-ups might be happening. I am unaware of that particular range and procedures.

Personally I would wish it was a satellite launch by SUPARCO.

Cheers !!!
no bro SUPARCO is the worst org .... I know.... with first hand experience

may be nothing will happen ....no test ....due to extreme weather conditions in the area...
Please elaborate what is worst there
no bro SUPARCO is the worst org .... I know.... with first hand experience

may be nothing will happen ....no test ....due to extreme weather conditions in the area...
complex? india has occupied territory we claim and now all we are doing is acting like keyboard warrior!
We occupy territory that India claims. A country many times larger and stronger than us yet they are unable to wrest it from us.
Why do people try to do down their own country instead of trying to understand the limitations and constraints it has to operate under. These are the real keyboard warriors.
We occupy territory that India claims. A country many times larger and stronger than us yet they are unable to wrest it from us.
Why do people try to do down their own country instead of trying to understand the limitations and constraints it has to operate under. These are the real keyboard warriors.
No most of them have a political agenda meeyan Sab first Pakistan second some are genuinely angry due to Kashmir situation but cannot grasp the gravity of the situations some like me are angry but knows what is at stake so
Guys, what use is a multi warhead cruise missile? The whole purpose of a cruise missile is to have a low profile and fly low towards the target. Multi warheads is just a waste because u dont use cruise missiles to blow bunkers but for taking out strategic targets...

Cruise missiles are used mostly for conventional targets. How US used cruise missiles in Afghanistan and iraq. They can be very much used in a conventional war to take out air strips, air defenses and parked assets. A multi war head would reduce chance for air defenses to take them out.
No most of them have a political agenda meeyan Sab first Pakistan second some are genuinely angry due to Kashmir situation but cannot grasp the gravity of the situations some like me are angry but knows what is at stake so
fk the politicians be it mian zardari or Ik!

kashmiris are getting massacred and we are wasting time begging hypocrite international community!
They are trying to engage us with india so they can go ahead with the demolition of Masjid Al Aqsa, and onto their plan of expansion.
The discord between us and Arabs is already sown and none of us realize it yet.
When fitnahs start dropping over Najd, I dont know where will we be standing then...
I am thinking the same since this Kashmir problem started by India now, This is only to engage Pakistan so they can do something in middle east.
fk the politicians be it mian zardari or Ik!

kashmiris are getting massacred and we are wasting time begging hypocrite international community!
We are not begging but can't you see no one is standing with us we are all alone outnumbered by 10:1
What did our prophet S.A.W do when he was alone and outnumbered in the battle of khandaq his allies abandoned him one by one and joined the enemy.
What happened before the battle of uhud
Prophet S.A.W was against facing enemy
In the open but fire eaters like you did not listen please don't get me wrong sir i mean no disrespect sir you are simply angry and i can understand.
I can give you some more examples from our history

the time and situation warrants level headed planning for future we can't leave kashmiris alone but we can't destroy Pakistan and that too without achieving anything it will be foolishness won't it be

I am thinking the same since this Kashmir problem started by India now, This is only to engage Pakistan so they can do something in middle east.
It's possible

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