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Middle East Terrorist Problem


Oct 26, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
This thread is specifically for terrorist supporters.

Africa , Middle East , Central Asia , South Asia.

There are 100 groups with 1000 different logics to do terrorism but they all collaborate each other. And there purpose is almost always same.
"Destroy the Local National Army and National Infrastructure"

Libyan Rebels distroyed Libya why? because Qazaffi was opressing locals? this was the reason because there was no Sharia issue because qazaffi was not a secular.

And Syria? Bashar is a Opressing locals again? and add additional salt by propegating shia Rafizi and a Dictator opressing sunnis?
Then why was Qazaffi oppressing local sunnis? he was not a shia rafazi?

Ok lets come to Iraq. A brutal sunni Dictator Saddam was ok no jihad against him(no qazaffi logic there) Now its a democratic Govt. No Dictator No Oppression. Now whats the reason? Jihad against Shia Rafzi Prime Minister?

Ok leave even that aside. Lets talk about Pakistan. Here no Opression No Shia Rafizis no Dictatorship. No excuse to eage jihad. Now what? Here comes a fresh reason Implementation of sharia. great implementation of sharia in an already Islamic state with Islam as state religion

And China? Another hot reason. Seperate state.

And the list goes on. every group have a seperate reason to KILL.

can we safely suppose that all of these groups are simply lying? they just come up with a reason for this killing whatever suits the situation.

And please dont give any history lessons. I know all history. Its only for those who wholeheartedly support these terrorists and what is there mindset
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