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MI-35 Deal could be clinched within two months

Requirement was for 20 Mi-35s. 4 already ordered. 16 were supposed to be ordered later.

Looks like the deal being mentioned is for further Mi-35s besides the already ordered 4. These will be for counter insurgency role and SSG use.

The AW-139s are for VIP transport and SAR. Russian Mi-17s might be very rugged but for high profile VIP transport PA/PAF needs something more high tech like the AW-139. They will likely not be used for any armed role as we don't need that.

For dedicated gunship role PA is covered by the Z-10s, 5 already inducted and more will probably be en route but not revealed at the time,
You can evacuate 30-40 people in one mission !!!

Or you can modify with twin Machine guns (heavy) and cause some Major damage on ground
or you can transport 40 troops to hot zone !!! to hills , emergency areas Terrorist hot zones

as we are getting very limited numbers of Mi 35 without the support infra structure this machine will be used according to typical pakistani mentality and not in "hot zones" . a machine far more sacred then human lives. so most likely use of this bird in pak military will be for only visits of high ranking military officials to operational area. evacuating casualties and stuff like that. just forget it.
the only positive outcome from this deal is that it indicates regarding slight russian tilt towards pakistan.
Rana Tanveer also said, i was watching news, that Pakistan now able to overhaul completely cobra helicopters.
Any details about that guys, also Question is if Pakistan can Overhaul them completely then why not product own choppers.....???
hope we get tot of mi 35 b/c we desperately need our own helicopter manufacturer facility
Would be a reasonable addition to Aviation Corps but remains to be seen how many Units will be bought.

However if we can't get the deal donesome italian choppers are also great machines that could have a airborne machine gun (Gunship role)

AugustaWestland HH-101A


The only draw back is that it does not have the "Missiles/ Rockets" to take on Tanks

Hopefully with local innovation Locally made rockets / missiles can be integrated on platform as Add-on

Just a beautiful machine

Just great multi platform potential in this helicopter

Since I have seen the machine feel it is just a great option to consider just to start with at least transport and gunship role may be later enhance it to Heavy Weaponry like Missiles

Just beautiful

Big & Long enough to carry some special goodies


  • 26 troops (38 passengers) or 5 tonnes of payload or 4 stretchers
  • 30 seated troops or 45 standing fully equipped combat troop

Gunship Role:
  • Can be retrofitted with a Machine gun locally made
  • Can be modified to carry some rockets
  • May be drop some units with Baktar shiken at distance from Tank fleet
This is nothing compared to Mi-35 in THAT particular role.

The Mi-35 will be perfect for SSG assaults. Get in there quickly, inert troops, provide air support, extraction!! Perfect and probable the only option in what they do or are meant to do!
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