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Mesut Özil row: China's Arsenal fans burn shirts in anger at Xinjiang post

Attila the Hun

Aug 3, 2016
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Mesut Özil row: China's Arsenal fans burn shirts in anger at Xinjiang post

Player, who has 4 million followers on Chinese microblog Weibo, is called a ‘dirty ant’ for attacking China


Chinese football fans have burned Arsenal football shirts and called on the club to fire star player Mesut Özil after he publicly criticised China’s treatment of Muslims in Xinjiang.

On Friday, Özil, who is usually quiet on social media, posted a message on his Instagram profile describing Uighurs in the far north-western region of China as “warriors who resist persecution”.

Posting the words against the backdrop of the flag of the short-lived East Turkestan republic, an area that is now Chinese-controlled Xinjiang, he wrote: “[In China] Qurans are burned, mosques were closed down, Islamic theological schools, madrasas were banned, religious scholars were killed one by one. Despite all this, Muslims stay quiet.”

His comments have prompted a wave of anger in a country where Arsenal is hugely popular. Özil, who has more than 4 million followers on the Chinese microblog Weibo, is affectionately known as “272”, numbers that when pronounced sound like his name. China’s foreign ministry said on Monday that Özil had been “deceived by fake news.”

“Do you know how Arsenal fans in China have spent the last two days?” one former fan posted on his Instagram profile. “They are struggling to understand how the club and idol they once loved has turned out to be a rumourmonger. Of course, if you intend to attack China, you are as insignificant in our hearts as dirty ants.”

Another said: “As a Chinese football fan, I’m very disappointed. Why can’t you just focus on playing football? As a public figure, you should know what you can say, what you can do and be aware of the consequences.”

On Weibo, a fan posted a video of football shirts bearing Özil’s previous numbers lit on fire. Others said they too planned to burn their shirts, while some said they planned to trash theirs. Some posted photos of Arsenal shirts or Özil’s jersey and wrote: “How disappointing.”

Attempts over the weekend by Arsenal to distance itself from Özil’s comments failed to calm the situation, as fans said the midfielder should be fired. Several Chinese football fan sites have said they will stop posting news related to Özil, according to the Shanghai-based publication The Paper. A Chinese football simulation game said it would no longer produce Özil player roles or cards.

The footballer’s comments and use of the national flag of East Turkestan, now used by independence activists, have triggered condemnation from the Chinese state, underlining the possibility that the club or the Premier League could be punished in the same way the NBA and the Houston Rockets were over general manager Daryl Morey’s support of anti-government protests in Hong Kong.

Geng Shuang, a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry said the athlete should come to Xinjiang and “have a look”.

“As long as he has common sense, can make a clear distinction between right and wrong, and upholds the principles of objectivity and fairness, he will see a different Xinjiang,” Geng said at a regular press briefing on Monday afternoon.

Censors blurred out images of the flag in Özil’s post while the state broadcaster CCTV cancelled a broadcast on Sunday of Arsenal’s Premier League game against Manchester City. State media have criticised Özil’s comments as “disappointing”. The Chinese Football Association told local media it was “outraged and disappointed”.

In a comment that has since been deleted, the editor of the Global Times, Hu Xijin, accused the footballer of essentially calling for global jihad against China. Asking Özil to provide examples of his allegations, Hu wrote: “This man is full of nonsense. Does he just want to encourage global jihad, using Xinjiang as an excuse?”

he is an idiot who cant keep his mouth shut makes everyone angry
If it's rumors why don't they invite Ozil to visit the area by himself. When such a big celebrity visit area and say all news are fake then it should close these rumor factories. China must not miss this opportunity.
Mesut Özil row: China's Arsenal fans burn shirts in anger at Xinjiang post

Player, who has 4 million followers on Chinese microblog Weibo, is called a ‘dirty ant’ for attacking China

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Chinese football fans have burned Arsenal football shirts and called on the club to fire star player Mesut Özil after he publicly criticised China’s treatment of Muslims in Xinjiang.

On Friday, Özil, who is usually quiet on social media, posted a message on his Instagram profile describing Uighurs in the far north-western region of China as “warriors who resist persecution”.

Posting the words against the backdrop of the flag of the short-lived East Turkestan republic, an area that is now Chinese-controlled Xinjiang, he wrote: “[In China] Qurans are burned, mosques were closed down, Islamic theological schools, madrasas were banned, religious scholars were killed one by one. Despite all this, Muslims stay quiet.”

His comments have prompted a wave of anger in a country where Arsenal is hugely popular. Özil, who has more than 4 million followers on the Chinese microblog Weibo, is affectionately known as “272”, numbers that when pronounced sound like his name. China’s foreign ministry said on Monday that Özil had been “deceived by fake news.”

“Do you know how Arsenal fans in China have spent the last two days?” one former fan posted on his Instagram profile. “They are struggling to understand how the club and idol they once loved has turned out to be a rumourmonger. Of course, if you intend to attack China, you are as insignificant in our hearts as dirty ants.”

Another said: “As a Chinese football fan, I’m very disappointed. Why can’t you just focus on playing football? As a public figure, you should know what you can say, what you can do and be aware of the consequences.”

On Weibo, a fan posted a video of football shirts bearing Özil’s previous numbers lit on fire. Others said they too planned to burn their shirts, while some said they planned to trash theirs. Some posted photos of Arsenal shirts or Özil’s jersey and wrote: “How disappointing.”

Attempts over the weekend by Arsenal to distance itself from Özil’s comments failed to calm the situation, as fans said the midfielder should be fired. Several Chinese football fan sites have said they will stop posting news related to Özil, according to the Shanghai-based publication The Paper. A Chinese football simulation game said it would no longer produce Özil player roles or cards.

The footballer’s comments and use of the national flag of East Turkestan, now used by independence activists, have triggered condemnation from the Chinese state, underlining the possibility that the club or the Premier League could be punished in the same way the NBA and the Houston Rockets were over general manager Daryl Morey’s support of anti-government protests in Hong Kong.

Geng Shuang, a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry said the athlete should come to Xinjiang and “have a look”.

“As long as he has common sense, can make a clear distinction between right and wrong, and upholds the principles of objectivity and fairness, he will see a different Xinjiang,” Geng said at a regular press briefing on Monday afternoon.

Censors blurred out images of the flag in Özil’s post while the state broadcaster CCTV cancelled a broadcast on Sunday of Arsenal’s Premier League game against Manchester City. State media have criticised Özil’s comments as “disappointing”. The Chinese Football Association told local media it was “outraged and disappointed”.

In a comment that has since been deleted, the editor of the Global Times, Hu Xijin, accused the footballer of essentially calling for global jihad against China. Asking Özil to provide examples of his allegations, Hu wrote: “This man is full of nonsense. Does he just want to encourage global jihad, using Xinjiang as an excuse?”

He's f**ked, Tbh.

Thanks to him, arsenal is screwed as well.
Man, i am surprised.

Chinese are pretty insecure as a nation. One little comment from a footballer and they go crazy?

If China had nothing to hide then it wouldn't have cared at all.

We have a saying in Urdu - "chor ki darhi may tinka" meaning China is guilty that's why it got so defensive
Hes f**ked, bigtime.

Mesut Ozil is 31 and earns like 24$ million a year only from his contract with Arsenal. Who knows how much he makes from his sponsorship deals and all other investments he has.

Even if he quits football tomorrow he will have enough money to not even care about what Winnie The Pooh or all your colleagues from the 50 cent army think about him. :D
Mesut Ozil is one of the greatest playmaker attacking midfielde the game has ever seen. You need to not make him angry if I were you Chinese. :enjoy:

Meh. he's not getting capped anymore, and is finished at arsenal so definitely not one of the greatest
Man, i am surprised.

Chinese are pretty insecure as a nation. One little comment from a footballer and they go crazy?

If China had nothing to hide then it wouldn't have cared at all.

We have a saying in Urdu - "chor ki darhi may tinka" meaning China is guilty that's why it got so defensive
Ya n football clubs like arsenal r begging to be let into the market of this insecure nation, because they know they dont have other similar alternatives.

Mesut Ozil is 31 and earns like 24$ million a year only from his contract with Arsenal. Who knows how much he makes from his sponsorship deals and all other investments he has.

Even if he quits football tomorrow he will have enough money to not even care about what Winnie The Pooh or all your colleagues from the 50 cent army think about him. :D
When I say he's fucked, i meant to say his career with arsenal is over.

Haha your name calling insults serves to prove your helpless idiocracy with matters pertaining to the Chinese.

I can respond in kind n i HAVE done so in the past- complete with nice pictures, slogans n articles, but i think im past that.

Who cares about Arsenal... He will fit perfectly in Guanzhou Evergrande or something. He wants some honey too. :D

Mesut Ozil is one of the greatest playmaker attacking midfielde the game has ever seen. You need to not make him angry if I were you Chinese. :enjoy:
Greatest? Lol.. Then why arsenal is low in table? I heard arsenal are ready to sold him since he is useless in football pitch and is bad for their media. He can go turkey league there to rot himself. :enjoy:
Arsenal manager shitting his pants over Mesut Ozil <=== lolx


now in damage control mode.

Mesut Ozil: Arsene Wenger says Arsenal midfielder does not speak for club

Mesut Ozil has "a right to express his opinion" but does not speak for Arsenal in his criticism of China's treatment of Uighur Muslims, says Arsene Wenger.

Midfielder Ozil, who is a Muslim, called Uighurs "warriors who resist persecution" and criticised both China and the silence of Muslims in response.

Arsenal said the club is "apolitical" and China's foreign ministry claimed Ozil was "deceived by fake news".

"What he says is about himself and not Arsenal," said ex-Gunners boss Wenger.

"Mesut Ozil has freedom of speech like everyone else and he uses his notoriety to express his opinions, which are not necessarily shared by everybody.

"What's important is that Ozil has an individual responsibility. He doesn't have to carry the word of Arsenal Football Club. When you make a comment about your individual opinion you accept the consequences of it."

Rights groups say about a million people - mostly from the Muslim Uighur community - are thought to have been detained without trial in high-security prison camps.

China has consistently denied mistreating Uighur Muslims in the country and says they are being educated in "vocational training centres" to combat violent religious extremism.

Secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain Harun Khan said Ozil's actions were "hugely commendable" and described Arsenal's decision to distance themselves from the 31-year-old German's views as "regrettable".

'Human rights are important and Fifa is conscious of that'
Wenger, now world governing body Fifa's chief of global football development, was speaking in Doha, before the Club World Cup semi-final between Mexican side Monterrey and Liverpool.

Concerns have been expressed about Qatar hosting the event, as well as the 2022 World Cup, because of its stance on homosexuality and immigrant workers' rights, among other issues.

According to a report by the International Trades Union Confederation (ITUC) in 2013, more than 1,200 workers from Nepal and India had died on construction projects in the country linked to the World Cup, including non-football infrastructure schemes, in the previous three years.

The ITUC said at the time that if deaths continued at that rate then they could reach 4,000 - although it has now dropped its complaints against Qatar following improvements in workers' rights in the country.

Qatar has always disputed those figures, saying the deaths cannot be linked directly to the World Cup.

In February, Amnesty International said that although progress has been made, Qatar "must step up efforts to honour labour rights promises" before the tournament begins.

Wenger says the situation in the country "has improved tremendously" because of the World Cup, adding: "Human rights are important and Fifa is very conscious of that.

"There are two possible attitudes: keep out of it or use the power you have to improve things. That's what Fifa tried to do."

'Arteta has a great future'
Frenchman Wenger landed the role with Fifa - his first job in football since leaving Arsenal after a near 22-year reign in May 2018 - in November.

After he stepped down as Gunners boss, Unai Emery was at the helm for 18 months before being sacked and the club are now searching for a new manager, with Freddie Ljungberg in temporary charge.

Manchester City coach Mikel Arteta has spoken with senior Arsenal figures and Wenger thinks the Spaniard is a good choice - as long as he has the right support.

"He's intelligent, he has passion and knowledge - but so does Ljungberg," said Wenger, who managed both former midfielders at Arsenal. "Mikel Arteta has a great future. He learned a lot in his position as assistant coach.

"He will have to deal with the fact that he has no experience at that level. He will have to be surrounded by a good environment at the club."


Manchester City assistant manager Mikel Arteta has spoken with senior Arsenal figures about the Gunners job
'I would have jumped in front of the VAR monitor'
Wenger has not been away from the game for long, but there have been changes, with video assistant referees (VAR) introduced in the Premier League at the start of this season.

The new technology has caused controvers and fans have been frustrated by delays in play while decisions are made.

Wenger said he "would have jumped in front of the monitor" if VAR had been used when he was manager and admitted the system needed to be improved.

"You have to give us time to make it more efficient and quicker," he explained. "It cannot be perfect in the first year.

"The main target is to get more right decisions, and that is what is achieved. We'll work hard to get the system better with the referees."

yo fanboys, your opinion? @313ghazi @Attila the Hun

You don't know nothing about Arsenal. Arsenal Football Club is one of the most supported team in the entire world along with Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester United and Juventus. Top 4 in income too. How will they survive without Chinese sponsors? VERY EASILY . haha
Arsenal is watched in the world. if Chinese don't want their brands/companies associated with AFC they will simply have a queue of others that will.
Or you going to claim Arsenal will be doomed without China? You might have Chinese fooled with this nonsense but no one else in the real world. :lol:

£500 million over 3 years compared to;

Just the UK market, is worth 11 times the Chinese market to the premier league.

why is arsenal in hot soup if the chinese market aint important, like what u claim?

you hate them, yet u cant do without them. HAHA.


Arsenal manager shitting his pants over Mesut Ozil <=== lolx


now in damage control mode.

Mesut Ozil: Arsene Wenger says Arsenal midfielder does not speak for club

Mesut Ozil has "a right to express his opinion" but does not speak for Arsenal in his criticism of China's treatment of Uighur Muslims, says Arsene Wenger.

Midfielder Ozil, who is a Muslim, called Uighurs "warriors who resist persecution" and criticised both China and the silence of Muslims in response.

Arsenal said the club is "apolitical" and China's foreign ministry claimed Ozil was "deceived by fake news".

"What he says is about himself and not Arsenal," said ex-Gunners boss Wenger.

"Mesut Ozil has freedom of speech like everyone else and he uses his notoriety to express his opinions, which are not necessarily shared by everybody.

"What's important is that Ozil has an individual responsibility. He doesn't have to carry the word of Arsenal Football Club. When you make a comment about your individual opinion you accept the consequences of it."

Rights groups say about a million people - mostly from the Muslim Uighur community - are thought to have been detained without trial in high-security prison camps.

China has consistently denied mistreating Uighur Muslims in the country and says they are being educated in "vocational training centres" to combat violent religious extremism.

Secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain Harun Khan said Ozil's actions were "hugely commendable" and described Arsenal's decision to distance themselves from the 31-year-old German's views as "regrettable".

'Human rights are important and Fifa is conscious of that'
Wenger, now world governing body Fifa's chief of global football development, was speaking in Doha, before the Club World Cup semi-final between Mexican side Monterrey and Liverpool.

Concerns have been expressed about Qatar hosting the event, as well as the 2022 World Cup, because of its stance on homosexuality and immigrant workers' rights, among other issues.

According to a report by the International Trades Union Confederation (ITUC) in 2013, more than 1,200 workers from Nepal and India had died on construction projects in the country linked to the World Cup, including non-football infrastructure schemes, in the previous three years.

The ITUC said at the time that if deaths continued at that rate then they could reach 4,000 - although it has now dropped its complaints against Qatar following improvements in workers' rights in the country.

Qatar has always disputed those figures, saying the deaths cannot be linked directly to the World Cup.

In February, Amnesty International said that although progress has been made, Qatar "must step up efforts to honour labour rights promises" before the tournament begins.

Wenger says the situation in the country "has improved tremendously" because of the World Cup, adding: "Human rights are important and Fifa is very conscious of that.

"There are two possible attitudes: keep out of it or use the power you have to improve things. That's what Fifa tried to do."

'Arteta has a great future'
Frenchman Wenger landed the role with Fifa - his first job in football since leaving Arsenal after a near 22-year reign in May 2018 - in November.

After he stepped down as Gunners boss, Unai Emery was at the helm for 18 months before being sacked and the club are now searching for a new manager, with Freddie Ljungberg in temporary charge.

Manchester City coach Mikel Arteta has spoken with senior Arsenal figures and Wenger thinks the Spaniard is a good choice - as long as he has the right support.

"He's intelligent, he has passion and knowledge - but so does Ljungberg," said Wenger, who managed both former midfielders at Arsenal. "Mikel Arteta has a great future. He learned a lot in his position as assistant coach.

"He will have to deal with the fact that he has no experience at that level. He will have to be surrounded by a good environment at the club."


Manchester City assistant manager Mikel Arteta has spoken with senior Arsenal figures about the Gunners job
'I would have jumped in front of the VAR monitor'
Wenger has not been away from the game for long, but there have been changes, with video assistant referees (VAR) introduced in the Premier League at the start of this season.

The new technology has caused controvers and fans have been frustrated by delays in play while decisions are made.

Wenger said he "would have jumped in front of the monitor" if VAR had been used when he was manager and admitted the system needed to be improved.

"You have to give us time to make it more efficient and quicker," he explained. "It cannot be perfect in the first year.

"The main target is to get more right decisions, and that is what is achieved. We'll work hard to get the system better with the referees."

yo fanboys, your opinion? @313ghazi @Attila the Hun

why is arsenal in hot soup if the chinese market aint important, like what u claim?

you hate them, yet u cant do without them. HAHA.

Star soccer player Mesut Ozil removed from PES 2020 in China over tweets criticizing the government

Arsenal star Mesut Ozil caused a stir last week when he criticized the alleged ongoing human rights abuses and persecution of Uighur Muslims by the Chinese government, and the failure of Muslims globally to adequately respond. As translated by The Guardian, he wrote, "[In China] Qurans are burned, mosques were closed down, Islamic theological schools, madrasas were banned, religious scholars were killed one by one. Despite all this, Muslims stay quiet."

The tweet sparked a backlash among Chinese Arsenal fans, and Arsenal's predictable effort to distance itself from its player—"As a football club, Arsenal has always adhered to the principle of not involving itself in politics"—failed to calm the outrage. Angry comments were posted, jerseys were burned, and China's state broadcaster canceled a planned airing of a game between Arsenal and Manchester City.

PES 2020 in China. According to the BBC, publisher Netease has removed Ozil from all three editions of the game available in China, saying in a statement that his comments "hurt the feelings of Chinese fans and violated the sport's spirit of love and peace. We do not understand, accept or forgive this."

Mesut Özil




6:50 PM - Dec 13, 2019
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Earlier this year, 23 nations including the US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, and Japan issued a joint statement at the United Nations condemning the Chinese government's detention and mistreatment of Uighurs and other Muslims in camps in the Xinjiang province. Shortly after that, Belarus issued a statement on behalf of 54 nations, including Russia, Egypt, Bolivia, and Serbia, in support of China's "counter-terrorism" program, describing the detention camps as "vocational education and training centers."


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Secretary Pompeo


China’s Communist Party propaganda outlets can censor @MesutOzil1088 and @Arsenal’s games all season long, but the truth will prevail. The CCP can’t hide its gross #HumanRights violations perpetrated against Uighurs and other religious faiths from the world.


11:07 PM - Dec 17, 2019
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The reaction to Ozil's criticism reflects an increased willingness by China's game industry to flex its muscles in support of the government, as seen previously in response to expressions of support for Hong Kong from Hearthstone grandmaster Chung "blitzchung" Ng Wai and Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey.

In both cases, corporate interests moved quickly to mollify Chinese audiences—Blizzard suspended Blitzchung and two casters involved in the incident, while the NBA issued a de facto apology on Morey's behalf—and as grotesque as it is, it's not hard to understand why: As we said in October, the Chinese market is simply "too lucrative to piss off."

And while cutting a real person from a videogame because they were critical of the Chinese government feels like an escalation, it's not at all out of character: China actively censors videogames and other forms of entertainment media, and maintains policies that ensure foreign companies can do very little about it.

Somewhat oddly, given his apparent support for human rights, Ozil is also a known supporter of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has imposed an increasingly authoritarian regime on the nation since becoming president in 2014 and recently launched an ethnic cleansing campaign of his own against Kurds in Syria. Erdogan actually served as a witness at Ozil's wedding earlier this year; Helge Braun, chief of staff of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (Ozil is German), said Erdogan's presence as a witness "makes one sad."

A Konami rep declined to comment on Ozil's removal from PES 2020 in China. I've reached out to Netease for more information, and will update if I receive a reply. Resident Arsenal fan Tim Clark would also like to hear Ozil's thoughts on why the team's season currently resembles a slow motion shuttle crash, but alas we are out of time.

why anger your enemy if u're doing business with them? and you need them?

like i've said before:

pathologically-stupid people are incapable of seeing their own stupidity. there's a hard ceiling to their cognitive abilities to realise their own stupidity. this is why geuinely stupid people are always overconfident of themselves.

No one cares about what you genocidal atheistic extremists have to say
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