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Member Opinion: Politics on dead bodies of martyrs of helicopter crash

THIS. The didn't just up and get emotional over the crude and stupid remarks of some twitter twats, The saw some respite and a chance to swing the odds that have been against them for months and get some sympathy. If they really had ghairat, mayram bibi would be behind bars since long.
The army itself is involved in playing politics over dead bodies, long before it was "cool". We used to hear from uniformed men how regular casualties always favored the military's PR, keeping it in the mainstream media at all times. And even today, the ISPR took advantage of the crash and restarted posting (about commonwealth games, not Kashmir) thinking the deaths may have changed the public perception and the people may have grown more sympathetic.
It did create a change
Everyone prayed for soldiers of helicopter crash but instead of going for those millions of goodwill messages

They picked a tweet from random kid and tired to use it against PTI
And that is the root cause - assuming that everything else that is beyond the Fauji domain is menial and they can grasp it all is the achillees heel of the Fauj.

Well you cannot argue with that...I just got a manifestation of that psyche in this very thread!

Frankly, its also a Pakistani issue in general - “jugar laga ke kar lein gein”

Well - to be fair the USAF social media team also posts images of a F-18 and calls it a F-16 at times so there is a flipside to it.
You need a defense issues aware social media expert or user for ISPR…

The USAF excels in many other areas that we could give it a pass on a wrongly labeled FB post :P

Now where do you find one of those????

Maybe some good folk from PDF can volunteer! :D
Well you cannot argue with that...I just got a manifestation of that psyche in this very thread!

The USAF excels in many other areas that we could give it a pass on a wrongly labeled FB post :P

Maybe some good folk from PDF can volunteer! :D
To generalize would be a fault - I have met many open minded learners in the military but the system either weeds them out or they learn to keep quiet until they have authority.

Gen. K for all that his said about him was passionate about using technology to change the Army and would patiently listen and learn on it from anyone.
To generalize would be a fault - I have met many open minded learners in the military but the system either weeds them out or they learn to keep quiet until they have authority.

Gen. K for all that his said about him was passionate about using technology to change the Army and would patiently listen and learn on it from anyone.
This K ...

Gen. K for all that his said about him was passionate about using technology to change the Army and would patiently listen and learn on it from anyone.

That is his single biggest accomplishment IMO...and one with far reaching affects.
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