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Meet AJ Singh. New Pakistani Wagah Border Guard



so...... pakistan has a decent sized hindu, sikh and christain population there. sooner or later they will join the army. it shows that they stand with their country even if its a minority. even in the uk and the usa and all over the world, you will find muslim,hindu sikh etc solider's/engineers. even if the religion is a minority. even israel, they have muslim soliders

that image is interesting.... why does the indian guard have his trousers straped around his shoes?
and why is the pakistani guard wearing a green turban?
and why is the pakistani guard wearing a green turban?

Isn't wearing a turban part of Sikh religious duties? I think they should have made him wear a red turban, would make the whole uniform look better.
Isn't wearing a turban part of Sikh religious duties? I think they should have made him wear a red turban, would make the whole uniform look better.
if you compare what he is wearing as compared to his pakistani colleague there differant. now that i think of it he is kinda short too? i thought they have to be quiet tall to meet the requirements, is that true?
so...... pakistan has a decent sized hindu, sikh and christain population there. sooner or later they will join the army. it shows that they stand with their country even if its a minority. even in the uk and the usa and all over the world, you will find muslim,hindu sikh etc solider's/engineers. even if the religion is a minority. even israel, they have muslim soliders

that image is interesting.... why does the indian guard have his trousers straped around his shoes?
and why is the pakistani guard wearing a green turban?

We have decorated war heroes from non-Muslim Pakistani community.
is there any restriction on sikhs and others to get the top job in armed forces like restrictions to become PM or President of the country.
Whats the maximum rank they can reach.
is there any restriction on sikhs and others to get the top job in armed forces like restrictions to become PM or President of the country.
Whats the maximum rank they can reach.

The COAS. There is no ranking stop based on religion. I used to have a contact who was a Christian and an ex-Lt. General in the Pak Army. He actually commanded a brigade for years around Himalayas on high peaks against India and had been injured seriously a couple of times. There was the Chief Justice recently, who was a Hindu, just to give you a couple of examples. Military service is based on one's patriotism, religion literally has no place in it.
Pakistan is a very secular country by nature. Its the Taliban mess that had them down in the dirt with those fools and the entire nation looked bad. But that's over so a new image has started to emerge.

That's one of the reason why having a civilian government matters so much, the current government has established Pakistan's image and PR abroad, see their relationships fostering from the US to Russia, India to Sri Lanka and in many other places.
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so...... pakistan has a decent sized hindu, sikh and christain population there. sooner or later they will join the army

Actually, there are plenty of Christians already inside Pakistan's military and other institutions. Some of the prestigious schools and hospitals are actually Christian / Church owned (St. Mary's, St. Peters, UCH, etc). I've been to events there through these organizations a long time ago.

But generally speaking, more minorities should join the armed forced. Its their country. In fact, there should be a quota set by the government to recruit at the least 20-30% of minorities.
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