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MC-21 from Russia Shows Why Russia is a Major Contender in Aviation

That is conventional wisdom from a decade or so ago.

Modern Russian engines are vastly different and are far more reliable. Once you read about it, you will realize.

Russians specialize in Titanium metallurgy (they have a large portion of global reserves) and have historically led with cutting edge engine fan blade manufacture e.g. making molded blades from softened Titanium in one rapid impact action, rather than machining a solid block as done in the West.

the problem with modern Russians engines is they use many western part , as soon as they build a version of the engine with complete Russians parts the efficiency will be reduced , it may not be a problem for military but when it come to civilian sector specially if you want to compete in international market , it will be a serious problem
Most Russians know their aerospace products (esp. regional jets) are for use in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Of course everyone can see that their products are second-rate by comparison, but that does not them from trying to "look good" by international sales attempts.
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