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Manned Indian space mission by 2022


Apr 24, 2007
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India to launch first manned space mission by 2022
Reuters Staff

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India will launch its first manned space mission by 2022, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Wednesday, which could make it the fourth nation to do so after the United States, Russia and China.

FILE PHOTO - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks during the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, July 26, 2018. REUTERS/Themba Hadebe/Pool via REUTERS
In his last Independence Day speech before a general election early next year, Modi also said the government would launch a medical insurance scheme for the poor from Sept. 25.

“It is high time we ensure that the poor of India get access to good quality and affordable healthcare,” Modi said in an address from the ramparts of the Mughal-era Red Fort in Delhi in India’s 72nd year of independence.

Reporting by Krishna N. Das and Promit Mukherjee; Editing by Clarence Fernandez
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India to launch first manned space mission by 2022
Reuters Staff

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India will launch its first manned space mission by 2022, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Wednesday, which could make it the fourth nation to do so after the United States, Russia and China.

FILE PHOTO - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks during the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, July 26, 2018. REUTERS/Themba Hadebe/Pool via REUTERS
In his last Independence Day speech before a general election early next year, Modi also said the government would launch a medical insurance scheme for the poor from Sept. 25.

“It is high time we ensure that the poor of India get access to good quality and affordable healthcare,” Modi said in an address from the ramparts of the Mughal-era Red Fort in Delhi in India’s 72nd year of independence.

Reporting by Krishna N. Das and Promit Mukherjee; Editing by Clarence Fernandez

Congrats to India. Another prediction like Supa Powa status by 2012.

Here is a thread backin 2011 about India will send an austronaut to space by 2016. Now the year is 2018 and the prediction is for year 2022. If the pattern holds, than India will announce of sending a man to space in year 2024 for year 2027. Am I correct?

Except we are a supa dupa powa. and we already made it to space Next.

Did India achieved Supa Powa status ? I haven’t seen a Bollywood movie celebrating India achieved Supa Powa status.

More like cow jumped over the moon.

If India really send a man to space, India will proclaim that it’s ahead of US in manned space flight.
While with Chadrayan we were able to put our flag on the moon . . while some sore losers are happy with moon on their flags.

Reaching for the moon without toilets , when you look down to India all you see is crap. Pakistan has done astonishingly well and has reached remarkable milestones in its very short history.
Reaching for the moon without toilets , when you look down to India all you see is crap. Pakistan has done astonishingly well and has reached remarkable milestones in its very short history.

We dump our waste in Indus, Chenab, Jhelum to be used as main source of drinking water by our padosis.

We dont need toilets when we have our padosis to consume our waste directly.
Reaching for the moon without toilets , when you look down to India all you see is crap. Pakistan has done astonishingly well and has reached remarkable milestones in its very short history.

Why are you people so obsessed with toilets? We could invent a cure to cancer and you'll ask why that money was not spent on toilets. I guess people who think shit will only see shit. Just a humble request, maybe you should worry about giving your own people toilets before worrying about us? Thank you

Why are you people so obsessed with toilets? We could invent a cure to cancer and you'll ask why that money was not spent on toilets. I guess people who think shit will only see shit. Just a humble request, maybe you should worry about giving your own people toilets before worrying about us? Thank you


We dump our waste in Indus, Chenab, Jhelum to be used as main source of drinking water by our padosis.

We dont need toilets when we have our padosis to consume our waste directly.

Not only do you dump waste, you dump dead bodies into your rivers and drink the water from them:-

"Many Hindus who cannot afford the high cost of firewood for cremation throw unburned bodies into the Ganga river. Many of these float down and get eaten by vultures and crows. Over one hundred of them backed up into this canal of the Ganges river, unburned and putrifying. This water is then drunk by millions down stream. Is this the dignity we give to the dead? When will India learn to respect its water resources just that little bit (and its dead)? Hundreds of dead bodies were found in the river Ganga in Uttar Pradesh, India. Dogs, crows and vultures dug into bodies as they had reached the bank. More than 100 corpses, many of them children, have been found washed up in a shallow tributary of the River Ganges. Officials do not suspect a crime, and instead believe the dead were given water burials. It is Indian custom not to cremate unwed girls, and many poor people cannot afford cremation. But their discovery has sparked renewed concerns about the health of the Ganges, a sacred river where millions of Hindus cremate their dead. Television footage showed dogs and birds feeding on the bloated and decaying bodies floating in the stream, whose waters are thought to have receded recently. Police inspector general Satish Ganesh said they were probably given river burials upstream at a cremation area known as Pariyar Ghat before becoming stranded in shallow water. Millions of Hindus practice open-air cremation, with the ashes of loves ones scattered in the revered but heavily polluted Ganges. But poor families who cannot afford enough wood and other materials for the burning ceremony sometimes place the bodies in the water, while others are not cremated entirely. While it is illegal to dispose of the dead in rivers, some practicing Hindus also believe that giving an unwed girl a water burial will ensure she is born again into the family. The bodies of some holy men are also placed in the river instead of being cremated, in accordance with tradition. The Hindu nationalist government of Narendra Modi has vowed to clean up the Ganges. But the discovery of so many bodies in one place has intensified environmental and health concerns. Hindus bathe in the Ganges as an act of ritual purification, but the 1,600-mile river flowing from the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal is full of sewage and industrial waste and increasingly suffers from water shortages. Source" :- www.dailymail.co.uk

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Why are you people so obsessed with toilets? We could invent a cure to cancer and you'll ask why that money was not spent on toilets. I guess people who think shit will only see shit. Just a humble request, maybe you should worry about giving your own people toilets before worrying about us? Thank you

India to launch first manned space mission by 2022
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India will launch its first manned space mission by 2022, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Wednesday, which could make it the fourth nation to do so after the United States, Russia and China.

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